
one true evolutionary path - The one true myth breaker ( dropped )

evolution, survival, devour. niece were the only thoughts that passed humanity's mind when they were at their weakest One things known as calamities came to the world appearing 2023 as a time not even nuclear weapons could take down mid-tiers however suddenly on humanity lost all hope. The evolution tree showed itself. The evolution 3 seems like a status window which could devour monsters after being defeated gaining their traits and abilities through this humanity easily defeated the calamities and regained balance however there was one person who seemingly broke this. everyone no matter who you were were supposed to have a certain job or class which also deciphered their evolutionary paths as a human however for this certain person known as Kai he only had one evolutionary path no matter what he devoured. | - Myth breaker - | | - become the breaker of myths and create your own reality your own legend where you rule everything - | however secretly this evolutionary path would lead him to defeat even supreme beings which could destroy whole entire dimensions and things which even the highest tears of calamities could it even make go 1% on that's how powerful they were but he grew stronger all because of a single evolutionary path which was never ever recorded no matter where you looked and every planet universe multiverse and all of existence the... myth breaker ___ ( - I got the cover from Google - ) ( - all hail negative grammar because I use text to speech - ) ( - action - Omega verse - evolution - weak to strong - #Noharem - multiverse - planet travel - all hail evolution - multi power system - ) -- "Dropped!?" said Cosmic-Tear as he looked at his phone... before screaming enjoy as he looked at the summary. "dropped no more! revitalized and considerably better version is being created right now by your favorite author!"

genisis_gaia_boss · Video Games
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22 Chs

| - chapter 7 - | - subtitle - Dominion of an emperor - |

I was currently walking in fields of grass after all the entire party in the D-rank labyrinth was moving Whatever happened to Kai who went to go get Astrea it was a pretty quick conversation.


"hey Astre-....."

*ice cream covered face*

"I have an explanation....!"


( A/N - You thought I was going to satisfy your shipping needs never.....NEVER!!! - )

'now that I think about it she loves ice cream but where did she even get it?'

'anyways I need to check on my status window.'


| - Kai shingami - |

| - physique - heavenly myth breaker - |

| - traits - |


| - strength - 50 - superhuman - (||) - |

| - agility - 38 - fast - (||) - |

| - endurance - 18 - casual - (||) - |

| - intelligence - 119 - normal - (||) - |

| - ether limit - 500 - big - (||) - |


| - skills - true reality - developing legend - sovereign's Creation - / - planetary forge - false territory - .... |

| - order - CF - Myth - / - legend - |

| - tier 2 - |

| - evolutionary path - celestial myth breaker - |

| - online type - undecided - |

| - class - void maker - |

| - level 1 - (||) - |


'My stats have gotten way bigger but I have yet to devour the body of Gentiles which I gained rights to own after all I was one of the main reasons they won against it.'

'My stats are way better than before though definitely because I reached tier 2 therefore any of the normal stats I would have had when I was a tier 1 are actually way more than what they seem'

"anyways listen up people that are going to be extremely dangerous today after all today is the day we are going to die or complete this labyrinth by defeating the celestial calamity!"


( - | is one a person is continuing a speech - )

"therefore we need to survive today so make sure that any goblin you see gets killed since we really need the EXP to take on the general and the celestial calamity."

'after the next goblin battle I should definitely absorb the body of Gentiles which I couldn't with Garuba but that's a time for another hour today.'

"therefore for the next few hours we will simply be grinding not going to the next floor but does anyone have any objections?"

"Sir why were we going to walk all the way out here if we were just going to stay on this floor?"

"That's a reasonable question well the thing is I have a sensing straight which allows me to detect one monsters are nearby and there are a large amount of goblins coming to this area."

after that no one questioned and everyone just dispersed going to kill a few goblins and level up on the other hand some people were devouring bodies of high quality monsters specifically goblins, which was what Kai was doing.

there was a text screen above the goblin which said.

| - would the user like to devour (Gentiles) - |

| - | - (Y/N) - | - |


| - The CF order inside of Gentiles is being devoured - due to the heavenly myth breaker physique's heavenly nature Gentiles body is being turned into fuel for the celestial side of the current myth breaker - The skilled CF manipulation has been obtained - the skill ??? unreadable due to intervention of the heavenly myth breaker physique - The goblin nature of Gentiles essence is being destroyed - true reality is devouring the remaining essence of Gentiles - the world with the name of Gentiles has been born - the world has been utilized to stabilize the artificial sun that keeps up Fantasia (Astrea) - The artificial sun is now being maintained with CF - skill will of the emperor has been obtained - |

"so many benefits but I will never expect to get an unreadable skill from a goblin."


"it makes me wonder more about the myth breakers how they came into existence and what this heavenly myth breaker physique is I don't even remember having it before I became a myth breaker?"

of course in some sort of shape or way a person would wonder about something that's been just given to them and it was the same for Kai as in this case he was wondering about the heavenly myth breaker physique and what the Myth breakers were.

"well I want to check out this will of the emperor skill that sounds cool."


| - will of the emperor - |

| - You have obtained the will of the emperor which can make other submit to you and create a domain where you have absolute control. through this conquer everything making a true reality where you are the ruler - |

| - effect 1 - a domain for about 20 m is created where you have enhanced parameters and your skills take less ether to utilize - |

| - effect 2 - any sort of calamity as long as they're weaker than you can be submitted to you as a loyal servants which can live in true reality also growing stronger beside you or under you - |


'why are all the status windows for the classes and skills so... edgy?'