
One trickster

a young man who had his End untimely for a stray bullet, received the chance to Reincarnate as the Loki of the reality known as Supernatural

aruero_Arturo · TV
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5 Chs

summon a demon

"If you're a god, why didn't you ever do anything about monsters? about the innocent deaths that happen to monsters?" John yelled aggressively getting up to face Loki

Loki in turn pushed John back onto the bed with his hand on the man's chest and looked at him coldly making the man shiver

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else, John!" Loki replied with a cold look and then let out a chuckle, "I'm a god, but not your god."

"the gods, shouldn't they protect mankind?" John still indignant asked

"Of course, the gods protect their faithful!" Loki pointed at John "You are not faithful to my religion, so I have no duty to protect you"

Loki didn't know if he would gain the power of faith equal to the deities of the supernatural, he has divinity and the body of an Asgardian, and if he is as powerful as Loki from the comics he would be equivalent to an Archangel in power

If he's not like Loki from the HQ, he'd just be the physically strongest being in this universe and not the most powerful.

Against monsters in general, being the physically strongest being is great, but against beings that use energy like Archangels, he would be screwed.

So if he gets the ability to absorb the power of faith, he better creates a religion to increase his power.

"So if I join your religion, you help me kill the yellow-eyed demon," John asked looking directly into Loki's eyes

Loki thought about the proposal, yes it would be a great idea, and sure, John would try to kill him later, but even so, it would be a test for Loki

"I can help you" Loki replied coldly "But I won't kill the demon, I'll just help you locate him"

"Are you afraid of the Yellow-eyed demon?" John took a good look at Loki and got a funny look from Loki

"no! Actually, this demon keeps some more annoying things away" Loki shrugged and joked

"annoying things?" John thought for a few seconds and then widened his eyes "Monsters, Gods, demons, this demon can scare the gods!"

"If he doesn't scare you, you must be one of the most powerful gods or just a madman among the gods" John completed his reasoning realizing the situation he was in "From the beginning, it was your plan, wasn't it? You want to use me to take your opponent out of the way!"

"Something like that" Loki joked " My name is Loki Laufeyson, pray for me every night and I will lead you to the devil eventually"

When Loki spoke his name lightning fell from the sky and the thunder that followed was so powerful that it shook even the building.

Leaving John scared "What is that?"

"a thunder!"

John's reasoning was all wrong, Loki would indeed kill Azazel eventually, but in the distant future, and didn't intend to use John for that.

Of course, using John's boys would be a case plan, this Azazel can was not the same as the series, but the religion that Loki heard in his past life

Azazel was a fallen archangel who rebelled with or even before Lucifer! so facing him now wasn't the best idea if he was an Archangel

" a deal" John replied pulling Loki out of his thoughts

For John now it was important to find a way to kill the yellow-eyed demon, then he would kill Loki

That was his plan

"Very well! Let's start by summoning a demon"


The circle was ready, John set the trap for the demon and then he started chanting a spell, Loki watched everything with a smile

It didn't take long for a tall blonde woman to appear, exactly beautiful, the shell was beautiful, but the real face despite being feminine was horrible

Nothing that couldn't be ignored by turning off the divinity in the eyes

"John Winchester, you are famous" The woman showed with a wild smile with her completely black eyes looking at John and then turning her attention to Loki

"You! I don't recognize" The demon watched him but didn't recognize the man in front of her.

"You're pretty hot" Loki winked at her and John made a disgusted face

"Thanks, do you want to get me out of here so we can have some fun?" The demon blinked back at Loki

"I would love!" Loki winked back at her with a mischievous grin.

"Loki" John yelled


Thunder made the building shudder again and the Demon looked around in alarm.

"What was this?" The demon asked scared for a second with the explosion "This energy cannot be"

"A thunder" Loki shrugged raising his eyebrow, every time his name was spoken thunder fell, Thor's symbol of power, was it an irony of the world?

"Loki the trickster?" The demon raised an eyebrow, "Why is someone like you here?"


"Oh, you know me!" Loki asked with a roguish smile "See John, I'm famous"

"I saw"