
He'll Find Nothing

"Ge, is anything the matter?" Xiao Yujin had stepped out of the room as well.

"No, it's nothing." Xiao Yuhan was still holding the handkerchief. Xiao Yujin spotted it and immediately guessed why Xiao Yuhan had chased after Xiao Moxian.

"Isn't that Moxian's handkerchief?" Xiao Yujin asked nonchalantly, pointing at the cloth.

"Well, I tried to return it to him, but he said it was not his. He showed me his; it was navy blue."

"Oh it's not his?" Xiao Yujin acted surprised. "But I swear I saw him drop it in the palace room that other day. Maybe he got a new handkerchief and forgot about the old one."

"I don't think Moxian is that careless. He would know if something was his." Xiao Yuhan put the handkerchief back into his pocket.

"I suppose so," Xiao Yujin said. "I mean, he has no reason to lie to you about a handkerchief, right? It's just a piece of silk. He would claim it if it was his."