
A Contest of Skill

The old monk addressed the crowd, which consisted of both martial artists and curious common people. "Welcome to the triennial Hero Assembly. As many of you know, Wankong Temple has always remained a neutral party in the martial arts sector, which is why we have presided over the previous Hero Assemblies. This year, we are honored to preside over the assembly again."

"That must be the Buddhist abbot of Wankong Temple," Mo Xian whispered to Wang Jingyuan. "I've heard that Wankong Temple has managed to stay out of martial arts conflicts for at least a century."

"I am sure that everyone knows the rules, but for the sake of customs, I shall go over them once more," the old monk continued. "The Hero Assembly is a contest of skill where every person may compete, regardless of age, gender, or which sect they belong to. Battles will commence in pairs, with the victor being the last person standing on the stage when the last incense stick burns out." He gestured at the large incense sticks in the giant incense burner beside him. From the size of the incense sticks, Mo Xian estimated that the entire competition would last five hours.

"Drums will sound to signal the beginning and end of each battle. Participants, remember to adhere to basic decency and follow the morals of the martial arts sector. When battling, stop when it's clear who the victor is. Once you step on the stage, you and you alone will be responsible for your own injuries, and even death. Participate at your own risk, and may the best martial artist win." The old monk clasped both hands together in front of his chest, palms facing each other, and bowed to the crowd. Then he signaled to one monk to sound the drum and another to light the first incense stick.

Boom, boom, boom went the drum. Murmurs rippled out in the crowd as everyone waited for the first participants to go on stage. Wang Jingyuan looked at the five major sects, but none of them seemed eager to compete yet.

"Coming through!" Someone flew over the top of the crowd and landed with a small thump on the stage. A young man wearing dark green, a sword in hand, stood and faced the crowd. "I am Guan Xiong, from Jinying Sect. Does anyone dare to challenge me?"

Jinying Sect? Wang Jingyuan had never heard of it before. It must be one of the smaller sects.

"I do!" Another young man somersaulted through the air and landed on the stage. He also had a sword, but he wore dark red. A black headband wrapped around his forehead.

Guan Xiong clasped his right fist in front of him, per the common greeting of the martial arts sector. "May I know the name of this hero?"

"I am Zhao Qinghong, from Chifeng Sect." The newcomer returned the greeting. "I am eager to learn from you. Please, make the first move."

With the pleasantries over, both readied their swords and stood in their beginning stances. Guan Xiong attacked first. His sword went straight for Zhao Qinghong's abdomen. But Zhao Qinghong was fast. He dodged the blow and appeared behind Guan Xiong with his sword raised, ready to stab into Guan Xiong's back. At the last moment, Guan Xiong twisted around and spun horizontally in the air, kicking at Zhao Qinghong's wrists. Zhao Qinghong switched tactics and attacked again. And so it went, each showing off their own skills. The metallic sound of their swords clashing rang out through the air.

Five minutes in, Zhao Qinghong's sword went flying out of his hand. The next moment, Guan Xiong's sword pointed straight under Zhao Qinghong's chin. Up on the platform, the drum sounded again. Guan Xiong had won this round.

The crowd clapped and cheered as the two fighters relaxed their tense stances and stepped back. With one more bow towards each other, Zhao Qinghong graciously accepted defeat and descended the stage.

"Who's next?" Guan Xiong shouted, giddy with triumph.

"Me! Sun He, from Mangshan Sect!" Another young man leapt onto the stage. He had a large gleaming knife in his hand.

With the beating of the drum, the second round begun. This time, Guan Xiong's slender sword was quickly overpowered by the strong, crisp cuts of the knife. Wang Jingyuan and Mo Xian watched as Sun He brought his knife down on Guan Xiong from above. Guan Xiong hurriedly raised his sword horizontally in the hair in an effort to block the attack. The two weapons collided, and a ripple of power was emitted. Guan Xiong was blasted back and fell on his back several meters away. He coughed, and Wang Jingyuan saw a smear of blood. The drum sounded once more.

And so this was how it went, as pupils and disciples from the smaller sects went up and challenged each other. There were even a few martial artists who were not part of any sect. One managed to defeat three opponents in a row with his long metal whip before a woman wielding double swords defeated him. Wang Jingyuan watched every battle with wide eyes. She sat on the edge of her seat when it got exciting, and she cheered alongside everyone else for the victors.

As another round concluded, a monk announced, "Two sticks of incense have finished burning!"

The five major sects began to grow restless. Mo Xian nudged Wang Jingyuan. "I think the major sects are finally going to make their move."

"It's about time. None of these contestants have been my senior brother. Hopefully when the major sects start to send people out, my senior brother will show up." Wang Jingyuan glanced out over the crowd again. She reached into the folds of her hanfu and felt the token of Xuanyan Sect chief in her secret pocket, close to her heart. She had carried it with her safely all the way from Xuanyan Mountain. Today, she will find her senior brother Liu Xiaochen and give this to him to fulfill the promise she made to Luo Qingye.