
One Step All Is Ruined

This person though living for so long, was often stayed alone, his family abandoned him, his friends are more like his subordinate, and his one and only true friend, stabbed him in the back. Though as he dies, he did not feel anything other than a slight regret of unable to finish the series of books that he was currently reading. Other than that, he did not felt anything when his one and only friend killed him. so he closes his eyes as his soul left his body. He thought that he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was alive. Other than his own name and knowing that he did die, he did not remember other details about his previous life.

Aniel_Clorwine · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

is it not true (6)


He went to the gate, and can see that the soldiers were already lined up with a lot of caravan. By their side is the swords and half of them were riding a horse, and they all were waiting as the logistics soldier make a checklist as they walk around.

Vann, who wear the outfield uniform of his academy, came over and gave them a salute before they then bring him to their captain.

Vann simply followed and stay there as he was ordered, only once awhile he would look around before he just blankly look at the front.

The soldiers who have heard of him, only gave him a glance as his reputation were still as before, so most if the time during the journey, they would ignore him and if Vann did not go to get his own food during rest time, he would probably be starving.

But Vann showed an blank face most if the time, though for the others he looked expressionless and they connected it as he felt unsatisfied with the current condition, though he never did actually complained.

Halfway through, they were passing by a forest, where on their third night there, they were attacked by a pack of wild wolves.

"It seemed that these wolves have been following us ever since we entered the forest." The captain said with a concerned face while the other soldier all surrounded the supply cart, to protect those from these wolves.

"I think so too. It was a weird feeling of being watched since then." The vice captain sweated and held his shield while gritting his teeth.

"Everyone need to hold on their defense. Surely these wolves will give up after some time passed.." The captain said to the soldier and they all answered with a "Yes sir".

Vann stayed with the last cart, the group of soldier only looked at him when he joined them with his shield and sword.

"Arooooooo" somewhere in the forest, probably the leader of the wolf, seemingly roared, and second after these wolves all jumped toward the soldier as they began their attack.

Blood dripping on the ground, wounds keep accumulating, few soldier has fallen and become the cold corpse under the wolves claw, but half of the wolf pack were defeated.

Seemingly not giving up, they increased the intensity of their attack after another roar is heard from behind. The wolves gave another last attempt, and when seeing that more of their kind were dying, they make a tactical retreat.

That whole attack took almost a whole day, the soldier were tired and sat down on the ground as they catch their breath.

Vann sat down for awhile, and after that he walk around to check the surrounding, though he asked the permission from the captain to go walk around for a bit. He did not want to be left behind, so he informed the captain.

"Rest for 30 minutes, then we'll be moving to another location first before we will take a break." The captain said tiredly, since all of them did not get to sleep that night as it is already dawn when the attack is concluded.

"Yes sir" they answered and continue to rest.

Vann went into the forest, making sure he was not too far from the group, he walk around to make sure there is no other wolves lurking around.

Vann only went up to 400 meters into the forest, and from that distance he can faintly heard the group chatting and talking as they rest, it was bustling with activity as they start to also make breakfast before getting ready to go to another place.

Looking around, there were no other traces of the wolves, only some blood that fallen on the ground from those injured wolves. He walk around more as he saw more blood on the ground, it looked as if there was one that was heavily injured and were only staying around this perimeter while the others were fighting.

Just as he walk around, out of the blue, he was pushed down from behind, it was something huge, almost the same size as human, except that it was growling toward Vann while it's four feet stepped on Vann, preventing Vann from being able to stand back up.

The weight that was on him makes Vann feel as if he was crushed, and he can feel the breath of that animal as its face come close to Vann neck while it was growling.

Sweating, Vann struggle to get up, even though he failed, he was worried that this animal would bite his neck and kill him if he did not do something fast.

As he struggle, he can feel something wet on his neck, causing Vann to involuntarily shudders as it keep touching his neck repeatedly.

It did not stop, but somehow the weight behind was reduced slightly as Vann feel the front feet seemed moved away, and the back feet was replaced with something else but we're still stepped on him.

"You taste good." A familiar voice can be heard as Vann heard it close to his ear, before that voice then chuckles.

"..." Vann tried to turn his head a bit to glance behind, wanting to see who or which animal were stepping on him, but his action paused as he feels something, and this makes him struggle more to try stand up.

"Hey, you know you can't run away. Stop struggling though." The voice spoke again as Vann then feel his neck once again touched by something wet.

"L-let me go. Get off me!" Vann struggled more as he feels the shudders. His tuck in shirts was pulled a bit from behind, and he can feel two hand sneak in from that gap as it went to his chest. "?!!"

"No way." The voice responded as it came closer. "I'm going to eat you afterall." It chuckles after it said that.

"Nhnn..?! S-stop..!!" Vann felt that his body become weird as hi was touched. His right ear seemed to be inside of its mouth, and he can feel the tongue licking it as it was also being nibbled. The hands under his shirt moved around as it caress his chest, and teased his two point there, causing him to be startled when it did.

Vann cheek become reddish as he felt it more, panting as he shudders, he looks around for something he could grab and to be used to hit this lecherous thing behind.

"Now now, I know what you were trying to do. It's useless toward me." It spoke again as it laughed. It's hands, pinched it, causing Vann to gasp, "hnaa?!"

He feels tired but the sensation he feel is making he feel aroused. Panting as he feels that, his struggle decrease as he feel his mind become sluggish. "L-let me go... Mn.." he mutter as he feel it lick his neck again, sometimes it also used it's teeth to nibble his neck.

Knowing that Vann now probably were aroused, and his mind should be pretty blank, it turned Vann body around and Vann can see that proud smirk on its face as it lean forward and kissed him deeply while it wrap its hands around Vann.

-to be continue-