
One sign-in bonus at the beginning of the day

The capital chain broke and his company went bankrupt. On that painful morning, the system woke up. Wu Hao: system, I want to be a winner in life. What can you do? System: one check-in gift-package a day. On the first day, Yinglan international financial centre in Yanjing Financial Street was signed in and became an industry under the host's name. The next day, the 4S store which is the best car shop was signed in and became an asset under the host's name, refreshing a top luxury car every day. On the third day, the National Fitness Centre was signed in and he had a perfect body. On the fourth day, Yihe villa Royal fourth institute was signed in and became an asset under the host's name, worth 800 million.On the fifth day, Yanjing University signed in and had a black technology product solution on the day of check-in. Wu Hao: system, is there any other area where I didn't make money(This story and characters are purely fictional. If there are similarities, they are purely coincidental. Do not imitate.)]

Essex_got_Lens · Realistic
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


Hey guys Essex here, I know it has been a minute since I updated you guys, but I come with news regarding the novel. The novel will no longer be available on Webnovel as I have moved platforms.

The novel will now be available on Dreame. You can add my username (same as on here) for now as I will update the novel in a couple of hours on Dreame.

Thank you for the support I really appreciate it.

Looking forward to your interactions on there.

This is the link to the book on Dreame:


[inserts smiley face]