
Broken Feelings

"(How, why- why did I choose to love him so much. If all he does is push me away farther away. He closes my only entrance to his heart, when I just want to teach him that it is alright to let your guard down. It is alright... to feel love. If only I could have told myself to stop loving him so much, if only I could change my feelings. But I decided on a path that would only hurt my heart, I chose pain hoping that I would at least be able to help him find the love of his life... even if it wasn't me. Well, I guess that's to bad because I'm not going to give up. I won't! I will keep fighting until he experiences happiness, I will stay by his side even if he doesn't want me to!)"

12 years ago

"Elora! Wake up! Sweetie!" I wake up as I hear my mom yelling my name. I was merely five and I had already been in elementary school for around two months by now. I go and put on my clothes, ate breakfast, and my mom drops me off at the bus stop. The day went on and when the bus was dropping us off at the bus stop I see my mom talking with a woman that looks to be around the same age as my mom. I walked up to my mom and meanwhile I was standing next to her I see a boy that looked to be my age. Once my mom finished talking to the lady we walked home. I asked my mom, "Mama, who was that lady?" She simply looked at me as if she was expecting me to asked her that question and smiled saying, "Oh just a new friend. She told me she needed a babysitter for her son and well one thing led to another and now I am going to be babysitting him." "Really! Does that mean that he is going to be my friend?" "I hope so!" My mom and I continue talking meanwhile we head to the house. Once my dad came home, my mother explained to him that she was going to be babysitting and she also explained the schedule.

The next day

We would wake up, get ready for school, eat breakfast, the lady would drop off her son, and my mom would drop us off at either the school or bus stop. During the break I looked for him so I can introduced myself to him. I see him just walking around alone the campus I tap him on the shoulder, "umm- Hi, I'm Elora. My mom is going to be babysitting you and so I thought I could introduce myself." The whole time he stares at me with an innocent yet confused way. As I look into his eyes I start to blush and my heart starts beating so much. I think to myself, "(what is wrong with me! Why is my heart beating so much?! Why am I blushing so much?? I just met this guy.)" I look up and he is still staring at me but this time he looks sort of worried. My eyes face the ground once again. And once again I think to myself the same questions as before and I somehow tell myself that this reaction is my normal reaction when I talk to random people. "I'm Abner, nice to meet you". I look up in a nervous way and I smile once I had pulled myself together. I ask him, "Do you get nervous talking random people?" "yeah, when you introduced yourself to me I was a bit nervous to reply". He tells me this in such a calm and relieved tone which helped me calm down.

1 year later

"Elora! Wake up!" I look up confused and see the whole classroom and Abner looking at me. I now realize that we are still in class and that I dazed off. Embarrassed I blush like a red tomato and put my hands on my face. I look at Abner and I see him smile, I immediately turn around, "(What was I thinking?! Sleeping in class! I could get in huge trouble by my mom?!? Did he seriously just smile at my embarrassment? But he looks cute smiling... wAiT!?! Why am I thinking about that? Do I like him?)".

To be continued...