
Chapter Twenty

Maxine's Point of View

Even though I didn't want to go to school, I did nothing but go anyway. Still, nothing has changed. Almost all the students here are still mad at me. Every time they see me, I can feel their bad looks at me. But even so, I just don't pay attention to them, I'm too pretty to notice the ugly ones like them.

I am now walking to the teacher's room because my teacher ordered me to deliver her equipment to her table in the faculty room. Of course, the buzz around didn't go away when my classmates heard my last name. You thought there was a curse attached to me, every time the teachers called my last name they would start whispering and look evilly at me. I want to pull out their eyes!

While walking I heard the sound of a piano. It was a pleasure to listen to the music that came from there, so instead of going straight to the faculty room, I followed where the sound was coming from.