
One Reincarnated Firebender Journey

A guy gets reincarnated in ATLA as a fire nation soldier a week before Zhao attacks the Northen Water Tribe. My knowledge of the world is a bit scattered, been a fucking while, so i will have to go rewatch the episodes of book two for better context, updates will not be fast. Power progression will be linear, he won't be able to fight azula after three chapters, it takes years to master bending and the Gaang is already hella fast doing it in one and they still admittedly have a way to go except maybe Aang himself. First time writing, plz go easy on me.

DrAuthor · TV
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4 Chs

Ch.1 - Firebending

"Private Shen?" a voice interrupted me from my thoughts, closing the water from the sink in the communal bathroom I gave my full attention to the entering figure.

"Yes, Captain?" I asked recognizing the man

"Change of plans, Private Aosak is required on engineering duty so you and private Lee will be required on guard duty, specifically General Iroh's, lucky sods you two."

"Understood Captain" I gave a salute and left the bathroom behind the Captain

"Godspeed Private, I want you ready in 5 minutes... and remember to fasten the helmet this time, we don't want a situation like last time" the Captain left without giving me the time to answer.

He is a cool guy

Now, when was "last time" exactly? To put it simply, my helmet was not fastened enough so during training when a fireball hit me I fell and hit a metal "cannonball" or something similar to it on the back of my head, to which I died.

Or should have died to be correct, as soon as the old Shen died, I took his place and today marks my first day here. It didn't take me that long to figure out where I was, it was however a bit of a shock. For two hours straight I couldn't answer the doctor asking me questions, the gravity of the situation hit me like a Bus, it did not matter how much I wanted for it to change or how much I wanted to go back to my world, with no explanation as to why I am here or any indication on how to go back I needed to adapt quickly, and that's what I did.

Based on the memories of this guy I learned that bending is not at all easy; it doesn't come off as simple of a notion as one might be believed think especially one that has seen how easily the Gaang learn scrolls and new abilities. No bending IS very hard, soldiers are not pushovers, they just hit a wall and are not interested in breaking it, with no motivation to do it they won't be able to put in the effort to improve, the army agreed that their level is enough and they become content with it.

Scrolls by themselves don't really do much, no, to actually be good apart from talent you first need to learn a "Forma Mentis" (way of thinking) and a solid technical base necessary to learn and improve from your mistakes, they are dynamic by nature: they like change, are susceptible to it and most importantly they take time and need to be adapted from person to person. Time and space that the military doesn't have, they need soldiers capable of effective teamwork and they need them FAST.

Like modern schools, they don't develop thinkers they develop standards. The military in this world is the death of the craft.

With my experience in the world of Football I already have the adept way of thinking to improve, the technical base was already there, what I need is someone to take the time to teach me how to adapt this technical base to myself and how to use it to absorb new techniques.

My best bet was general Iroh, I like the man quite a bit and he can help me improve while being a bit further from the fire nation and closer to the Gaang at all times. I had a plan, I had the will, and now I needed to act.

Considering how this guy was lackluster at best with his firebending I decided to practice the basics till automation, and since firebending mostly relies on breathing I decided to spend my day by consciously practicing the breathing technique taught to us in the Soldier academy. Yes, it was literally called like that; it seems that in this world there are two academies: one for the nobles and one for the soldiers, not poor people, not commoners, the term used is a soldier. Pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

"Hi Shen, how is the injury?" a voice interrupted me, it was private Lee speaking

"Eh, I guess it is alright now Lee," I told him shrugging my shoulders "today will be an easy job at least

He chuckles "don't be so sure of that, General Iroh seems to be practicing the hobby of challenging guards to Pai Sho and asking weird ass questions lately, I have already been " interrogated" it will probably be your turn today" he taps my shoulder noticing my confused demeanor, not expression obviously since we were wearing helmets "that's rough buddy, I know, but good luck" he chuckles some more hastening his pace.

That was a surprise, not the "that's rough buddy" meme mind you, but because it could be a good opportunity for me. We will see.


It didn't take long for me to be called in while I was standing guard outside the tent Iroh and Prince Zuko were in.

"Ah, Private Shen, I heard you got a scary experience yesterday, I suppose you are well today?" asks the man nicely.

He was sitting on a small chair, a table right in front of him with a board placed carefully on top ready to play the game of Pai Sho. In his hands there was a cup of tea while another empty cup was placed on the side, probably for me I suppose. Zuko was surprisingly inside sitting on a sofa uncaring.

"Private greets the Prince and the General" I bow in the standard fire nation greeting only used when meeting the upper class. Zuko merely nodded while the general smiled and waved me off "Off with that stuff private, would you like to play a game of Pai Sho"

"With pleasure General, though I have to admit I am not the aptest at the game."

"No worries, no worries. There is always time to learn. Care for a cup of tea?" he asks good-naturedly.

"I humbly accept general, nothing better than a cup of tea to calm the nerves" at that he smiles and nods

"Of course, you soldiers have the bad habit of always declining the offer. In life there is a need to take your time sometimes, to find a bit of inner peace"

That was clearly teaching for his Niece, and I decided to expand on the concept a bit more.

"That's what we are fighting for, aren't we? To finally give peace to the people, but how can we accomplish this goal it if we don't know what peace is or how to feel it in the first place" that visibly saddened the General but in those eyes, there was also curiosity, I successfully gained his attention, and if the shift in the prince's position wasn't a dead giveaway he too seemed interested.

The general placed a piece forward and gave me the move, "Do you think this war can accomplish that? Peace I mean?"

I moved one of my own pieces and answered "War is but a means to an end... it may or may not be the most optimal, that I don't have the knowledge to assess but it is the one we choose, and one I'm neck deep in" the game continued for a bit before he asked another question

"Sometimes... I can't help but think about all the soldiers who keep dying all over the world as we are speaking-" the General couldn't even finish because Zuko decided to cut right in, but decided to stare at

savages." short, straight to the point, very Zuko-like

The tension started to raise, you were almost able to cut it with a knife so I decided to gamble it all, fuck it anyways.

"May I be so bold to answer my Prince?" I asked

He looked surprised I would call him "my prince" after all nobody really did since he was thought to have lost his honor against his father. I was also here to rectify that. After a few seconds, he nodded and after the general made his move, that almost spelled my complete and utter defeat, I answered trying to pick my words carefully, sure it was a gamble but I didn't want to die because of it.

"Why does it come to us?" Zuko listened with now narrowed eyes, I continued "They are just thought-provoking words, but words probably every soldier has thought at least once and I want to share them with you: Why does it come to us to help these people who never asked for it? Now, to that question every soldier will find his own particular answer, in the end, we do and will do what is ordered us to, nothing less, nothing more." the Prince held his tongue from answering after a look from his Uncle I barely managed to notice.

The game resumed in silence except for a few more questions, it did not take long for Iroh to pierce my defense decidedly winning the game.

"Do you know why I challenge people to Pai Sho, private?" asks the General

I shake my head

"How a person plays the game tells me a lot about their personality, for example, you have a playstyle seemingly focused on defense but the moment someone makes a move you are ready to counterattack at a moment's notice. It is a very balanced style, appropriate for a newbie that's for sure." he then just looks at me waiting for me to add something, this is the moment of truth

"I do try to practice moderation myself in life so I guess your evaluation checks out General" I give a small bow and he smiles visibly pleased with something. I admit that I never thought that far, I never planned on how I should play the game, I just played it, and I guess it was the right decision. If I tried to play in a way that was not mine, to begin with, the General would have probably found out. He is hella scary not gonna lie.

"Is it also why you have been practicing your breathing technique all the while?" ah, of course, he would notice that

"That is just the result of the realization that I hit a wall in firebending, I noticed that apart from military training I never tried to improve my craft. So I decided I had to start over from the basics, maybe a better foundation will help me in the long run."

The general sips his tea and nods "A good decision indeed. You can return to your post private Shen, may I invite you to another game?"

"With pleasure general" I simply answered

After getting ready to leave I decided to just say it all, I had come this far and I did not have much time, It was all or nothing "Book of Agni Kai, chapter 3 subsection 5.3" that immediately got the attention of the pair "If the winner of the Agni Kai practices any type of firebending meant to harm or offend physically or mentally the loser and vice versa the duel is considered void. The offender loses any right to the match and is effectively considered the loser. This decision can however be appealed formally in case of special happenings. This rule has to be nullified in case the contract of the sacred duel states otherwise." I let the words sink in before speaking again "Good night my Prince, good night general" without waiting for an answer I left. Will it pay off? I sure hope so.