
Sad part °Rose's Pov ;


pain was all i felt.

Day after day, night after night for 13 years. I know life is unfair,but come on this is ridiculous !

But I guess this is what I get for being human in this world. I could have been born anything but human and have had a better life.

I could have been a bug, I could have had my own place get my own food. Damn I am so screwed over in this life.

I hate this world. It's Cruel and Heartless. fitting considering its run by a horrific beings. creature that role in the nights taking anything and anyone that they want.

The world is run by two group of creatures . The werewolf and vampires. The werewolf are the top dogs literally.

The vampires have power but not as much as the werewolf. It's a balance of power that I will never fully understand. Apparently a deal was struck some hundred years ago and much like the humans the vampires got the most of the deal.

Sure, there are other creatures in this world, but most have become extinct and or have gone into hiding. But if you are a human like I so unfortunately am, you must reside on one side of the border ,underneath the control of a either the werevolves or the vampires.

I currently reside on the wall was side of the world, as a Slave '.I suppose it's better than being a Blood bag for the vampires. The vampires are so much worse you are used in every possible way on that side.

Both groups probably would have killed the humans of in the beginning but have a need a food source and the lower ranking werevolves need mates and that was usually as human.

I think that's one of the reasons with creatures decide to show themselves to as ,they got tired of hiding and wanted power instead.

So humans merely at first because they are useful.woohooo

I live in the bloodlust Pack, very fitting if I said to myself and quite terrifying. I was sold to them when I was 5 and like most other humans from the day We were able to walk We were taught various things to help us please our new Masters.


________________To be continue______________

🖇️ Author :- Sulfiya Nizam