
One queen for two dangerous Mafias

"Noa, my love, my heart still belongs to you," V said, his eyes burning with intensity. "Mikhail may have your body, but I have your soul." My eyes narrowed, my voice cold and strained with rage. "My soul? You sold it to the devil when you betrayed me, V. I'm just a trophy to you, a prize to be won. But I'm not a possession, I'm a person. And I choose Mikhail. " V's face twisted in anger. "You choose him? He's a monster, Noa. He'll crush you, suffocate you. I'll love you, cherish you, make you queen of my empire." I laughed bitterly, I couldn't believe that after all the pain and heart break he caused me, Vicenco still had the guts to say those three words to my face. "Your empire? You mean your criminal underworld? No, thank you. I'd rather be Mikhail's wife than your mistress." V's eyes flashed with fury, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper. "You'll regret this, Noelle, I swear it." In a world of crime and passion, two powerful mafias clash over one woman's heart. Noa was once V's loyal companion, but his betrayal left her shattered and seeking refuge in the arms of Mikhail, the ruthless leader of a rival mafia. Now, V wants her back, and he'll stop at nothing to claim her. But Mikhail won't let go of his most prized possession without a fight. As the two mafias engage in a brutal battle for Noa's love and loyalty, allegiances are tested, secrets are revealed, and the very fabric of their criminal underworld is threatened. Will Noa remain loyal to her new husband, or will V's seductive charm and promise of redemption lure her back into his dangerous embrace?

cheyennewrenely · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ho ho ho, daddy is here!" I exclaimed, my voice taking on a jolly, Santa Claus like tone as I entered the room.

 My boys, who were playing with the pinata took the blindfolds off their faces at the sound of my voice. Their cute little faces lit up with excitement as they both yelled in unison, "Daddy!" their eyes sparkling with joy as they dropped their baseball bats and came running towards me.

Moments like these are what remind me what am doing all this for. Nolan and Noah enveloped me in a tight hug, their laughter filling the room. I do all I do for my boys, for my picture perfect family.

Looking up I caught sight of my gorgeous wife Noelle Nikolai, I hated that she keeps her family name till today. Any woman would be proud to be labeled as mine even if at position of my whore but the she devil on whose face was a fake smile displayed when she saw me, wasn't happy at all about it. Infact she hated me. 

Am aware that how I got her to become mine wasn't the best of ways, no courtship, no date, there was none of that teenage romance for us. I just put a gun on her head and gave her two options, to marry me or not live to see tomorrow. Am glad she used her head for once and chose me because I swear if she made a mistake that day I wouldn't resist to shoot her brains out. It would have been better to lose her forever than see her with my rival. That pathetic baffon, she called a boyfriend!

"Hey there, my little Champs!" I chuckled, ruffling my boys hair as they clung to me. "Have you two been good boys while I was away?"

"We missed you, Daddy!" Nolan exclaimed, his eyes shining with happiness.

"I made some paintings for you Papa!" Noah added eagerly, waving a couple of colorful papers in the air.

Noa stood beside the table where the huge spider Man cake was with a fake warm smile plastered across her beautiful features watching our joyful reunion. I just didn't get how so good she was at her acting. She could have won dozens of Oscars with a talent like hers.

"Looks like someone's not so happy to see me," I remarked trying to bring it out as a joke but I bet she took the hint that I found out about her plans.

The slow fading of her smile, provided the proof I needed. She was indeed the one that sent that bastard to kill me.

I grinned at her and then turned back to our sons. "I missed you both so much," I said sincerely. "And I can't wait to see those drawings. But first, let's get to the cake, am starving!"

Noelle Nikolai Dallas

Just what the fuck happened! I was fuckin flipping in the inside of my head. Just how the hell did he survive. I spent a fortune to hire the Hitman and this is what he did, nothing. Professional people can be so annoyingly un professional sometimes.

"What's wrong sunshine, are you okay?" Came in my husband's annoying sexy deep baritone voice. 

I lifted my eyes from the screen of my phone that I was desperately waiting to light up with Gio's call. I only hope he wasn't caught because that would make me dead meat, the entire Dallas family will turn against me for making am attempt on their leader's life. 

"Am fine," I muttered looking away from his cold emerald orbs. It hurt staring at a man as beautiful as he was but with a heart as dark as Lucifer's.

The Dallas which happens to be the family I married into is the most respected and powerful mafia family in the whole of New York, no one would be foolish enough to play games with them, yet I had just done that. I was so dead most especially if my mother in law found out, Natasha Dallas is such a bitch. She hates me infact she could have had me killed years ago but her son Mikhail won't let her plus I mothered her grand kids. Nolan and Noah are the only reason am still alive today, they are the precious heirs to the Dallas throne.

And as their mom am expected to groom them in that line, too bad I wasn't because for all I wanted was for my kids to be Faraway from all their dad's life of crime and ruthlessness. I didn't want my kids to turn into killers.

My eyes went back to my phone, I was glad everyone was too busy enjoying the party to notice my discomfort.

"We need to talk," Khail abruptly grabbed my arm and forced me away from the crowd, he was taking me to the house yet no one was there, everyone including the entire staff was out here enjoying the party. Too bad I didn't know what he was at, I only hoped he wasn't about to do what the people I sent failed to do to him.

"Let me go you imbecile," I tried to struggle against him but my husband was so well damn built and skilled so there was no use fighting him, he continued to drag me to the destination he had in mind.

 So I gave up and just followed him like an obedient puppy, after all he loved seeing me in this stupid position of having to be an obedient wife.

He pulled us up the stairs to the floor on which our master bedroom was. Throwing the door open, he stepped inside dragging me along.

He slammed the door shut, shoved me against it and caged me with his body before I made my escape. 

With no warning he nuzzled his head into my neck and inhaled deeply.

"What do you think you're doing?" I looked away from him in disgust.

Khail groaned roughly into my neck before dragging his tongue up to it. "I just want a taste of my wife whom I missed so much, is anything wrong with that?"

He bit into my skin and I flinched from the force he used, " We have guests outside, we can't..."

My words got caught in my throat when his soft and silky lips crushed onto mine, rough with dominance just like the whole of his character. The worst thing is that my body reacted to him. My stupid hand worn around his neck my body rubbing on his for more friction. 

Pulling back so the both of us could catch some air, he stared at me with an arrogant smirk or how I wish I could wiped that stupid look off his face "Looks like your body is not as damn as your brain." His gorgeous eyes sparkled in pride, "Your sexy body wifey," his rough, warm hand softly carressed my neck and cheek.

"Knows who it belongs to." His hand lightly wound in my hair as he pulled me closer, my breasts flash on his chest. His lips crashed back on mine quicker and harder and in need.

Okay, the manhandling was getting too much even though my stupid body seemed to like it, I ground my teeth and rose my knee and drew it in his balls.

"Fuck!" He swore grunting in pain as his hands reached for his precious jewels through his suit pants. "You bitch! Are you trying to deprive me of my manhood."

It was my time to chuckle now, he sure did deserve it. "You already ain't man enough for anything." I smiled brightly knowing I had damaged his ego and one thing I know about men, their ego is so fuckin important to them than anything.

The corner of his lips curler cruelly as a dark glint entered his eyes, nothing unusual that I hadn't seen before. 

I gasped as he pulled my hair and pushed me back against the door. His grip on my hair was too harsh, I felt as if my hair was about to fall out.

"If am not man enough, then how do you explain our kids." A sharp stinging palm landed on my ass. He sure did love spanking me whenever I defied him that was my form of punishment.

I swallowed my moan as I looked at our matrimonial bed, trying to avoid his captivating eyes as much as I could. "What did you do to him?" I asked knowing pretty well he knew what I was talking about.

He leaned in so close his warm breath fanning my neck making my insides melt. "You mean Gio. I also captured his daughter, she is a teenager named Sandy, she's a cutie if you ask me."

My eyes widened, he really did find out. Where did this leave me. Was he going to tell his family and have me beheaded on some kind of ceremony, that is what he did whenever someone betrayed him. He would throw a banquet invite all the powerful mafia's around the world and murder the traitor in cold blood in the eyes of everyone. This is the reason I wanted divorce from him, I had seen way too much blood being shed by him, enough was enough but the bastard was so stubborn to let me go.

My eyes shut close as I listened to him rub everything in my face. I felt something heavy in my chest, guilt for causing someone innocent's death.

"What did you do to her?" I asked even though I already knew the answer but I couldn't resist.

Khail burst into laughter beside me, I bet he was enjoying every bit of this, after all he liked watching me in my weak state, something I never wished for anyone let alone my psycho husband witness.

He smirked like he won, he reached out and curled a loose strand of my hair around his finger before he dipped his head in it. "Why the fuck do you smell so good wifey?" He growled in my hair.

Kissed his way down my ear and bit it lightly before he whispered, "I haven't killed them yet but am soon doing it unless you give me something I want."

My eyes opened abruptly as they met his emerald orbs with a new found hope in them. I was willing to do anything to save them even though it meant selling my soul to the devil who was in the form of my husband.

"What?" I asked.

He dropped his forehead to mine. "You owe me sex, tonight. Passionate not rough because that is what I need."

I swallowed hard, clasped my legs together wanting to suppress the burning pain his dirty talk was causing between my legs.

" The moment the cake cutting ceremony is done, I need you here, on that bed with nothing on, naked as you were born. Hope you can do that for me sunshine?" He lightly pinched my cheek.

As much as I hated the idea of making love to him, I had no choice since I needed to save Gio and his daughter, I wouldn't wish for innocent blood on my hands.

"Yes!" I nodded barely able to say out the word because of the too much euphoria his closeness was causing me.

An arrogant smirk crept onto his lips. "Fix yourself, we wouldn't wish for our guests to wonder what we have been doing in here," he placed a small kiss on my lips before he left, leaving me breathing heavily with need.

Fuck! I hate the way he controls my body.