
Finding Eri

After the day the Big Three was introduced and I talked to my mother about Eri, we had a visit from a reporter who wanted to interview class A to see what they do on a daily basis.

I personally don't like reporters and Aizawa agrees with my opinion, he and I were on alert about the reporter if he won't do anything suspicious.

The most this reporter did was take photos of the students and he kept his distance from the students.

But that's not all the gossip reporters are doing, apparently there are people saying that I'm All Might's successor, I decide my victory against All for One and that I'm going to be the number 1 hero.

Firstly this is not what I want. Second, I literally don't belong in this world. Third is last, who should be the number hero is Endeavor not me! But that will be decided in the future for now my rank is still unknown.

A few days later the reporter finished what he wanted to do and left, however I heard the conversation he had with Izuku saying that he is All Might's true successor and I remembered who this reporter was and he had great respect by All Might. Knowing this I didn't worry about him revealing this secret since I knew that wouldn't happen.


After this reporter's incident, I decided to pay a visit to some villains and these villains are: All for One, Twice and Himeko Toga. The reason I do this is that I want to talk to the three of them, I won't be able to "talk" to All for One because he is in a vegetative state. I still want to know how All Might spoke to All for One when he can't speak anymore.

Anyway I'm flying to the prison when I get a call and it's Mirko calling me.

💭It's been a long time since we last spoke.

- Hello? - I answer the call.

- WHY ARE YOU IGNORING MY CALLS DAMN IT!!!! - Mirko shouted into the cell phone.


- Listen here, Mr. Broccoli! I'm the person who made you fight decent, so the least you should do is respect me since I'm your superior. - She said.

- Higher? Only if it's in rank because if it's in strength you won't hold a candle near me! - I answer.

- What did you say, you green brat?! - said Mirko.

- You heard me right, chocolate bunny, you're going to find something to do rather than shouting in other people's faces! - I answer.


- NO SHIT SHERLOCK! - I answer.

There was silence on the call, it seems like our way of greeting is shouting and insulting each other. Not wanting this silence, I open my mouth.

- Anyway. What do you want Mirko? I'm sorry I didn't call you back like I said, I'm busy with this new job. - I respond in a calm tone.

- Now you apologize? After screaming in my face. - Said Mirko.

- I'm not the one who started the conversation by shouting. - I respond and Mirko was quiet for a few seconds until she continued.

- Whatever. I wanted to congratulate you on defeating All for One, I almost thought you were going to lose at that time. - Said Mirko.

- Were you worried about me? - I ask.

- Of course not! I just didn't want my rival to lose like that. - she said.

💭 Tsundere Alert!

- As you may already know, I am now so famous that I seem to be All Might 2.0. As soon as I step on the ground, a crowd comes running towards me. - I answer.

- This is not good? I would be happy with the attention. - Said Mirko.

- I'm happy with the attention, but it can get annoying after a while. - I answer.

- If you think that way, you better not even want Ereaserhead, who is the introverted lord of heroes. - said Mirko laughing.

- It's good to hear your voice again Mirko. - I respond and I could swear that Mirko let out a moan of surprise.

- Hey, don't act weird now! - she said.

- Why? I can't praise you, right? - I ask.

- You can, but it's very strange coming from you. - Said Mirko.

- Aren't you going to tell me that you missed me in the garage? - I ask.

- I admit that the garage was empty without you, but I didn't feel like seeing you back! - she said.

💭So why did you keep calling me more than 10 times?

- Saito, where are you? - said Mirko.

- I'm going to prison. - I answer. -

Prison? What will you do there? - She said.

- I'm going to talk to some villains. - I answer.

- Why are you going to do that? - she asks.

- Sorry, it's personal. - I say that.

- It's going to be awesome Saito! Can't you even share this with me? - she said.

- No. Because that's my problem and you have no involvement in it. - I answer.

- Tch! Okay, you killjoy. Go talk to whoever the villain is inside, that's not my problem. - said Mirko, acting more and more like a Tsundere.

- Well Mirko, I have to hang up, I'm coming. - I say that.

- Okay, okay, I'm going...- Mirko said, hanging up.

💭She hung up without saying goodbye....

I don't care about that and when I enter the prison I am greeted by the guards. I tell them the reason I'm here.

They were surprised to hear it, but they soon gave me permission to visit the villains, but I can't talk to All for One because he's in a vegetative state, meaning there's no point in me visiting him.

💭Wow, I really messed him up.

Seeing that talking to All for One is not possible I decide to talk to Twice first. He and Toga are on the lowest level of the prison, this is because they surrendered of their own free will, which is why their sentence was reduced a little.

I enter the visiting room and see Twice arriving on the other side in prison clothes and handcuffs. The visiting room is a chair with a table and a glass in the middle with the telephone next to it to talk to the prisoner. I pick up the phone and Twice does the same, from then on we start talking.

- How are you Twice? Are you hearing your clones' voices? - I ask. - I am fine. And no, I'm not hearing voices anymore thanks to you Saito. You don't know how grateful I am that you freed me from this. - Twice responds.

- I'm glad to hear this. How is your life in prison? - I say that.

- So far everything is going well, it's not the first time I've been arrested, so you can say I have some experience. By the way, how is Toga? I haven't heard from her since that night we were in the police car. - said Twice.

- Well I came to visit you to see how you are, I chose to see you first before talking to Toga. - I answer.

- Ahhh that makes sense. Toga didn't stop talking about you in the hideout and in the car, it seemed like she only had you on her mind. - Twice said laughing.

💭This is kind of my fault.

- Well this part is a "surprise" for me too. - I answer.

- Saito. When you go to talk to Toga, tell her that I'm fine and that she doesn't need to worry. - said Twice.

- Don't worry, I'll send this message.

After that I was talking normally with Twice until the guard said that time was up and that Twice was going to have to go back to his cell.

- Twice, before you go. After you get out of this prison. What are you going to do afterwards? - I ask Twice who was thoughtful.

- I'm going to become a hero and make sure people don't feel out of place in this world. - Twice said, leaving me surprised.

I didn't have time to respond as the guards already took Twice to his saddle.

💭Being a hero...I hope this helps in the future to come.

After Twice's visit, the next one was Toga who smiled when she saw me. I pick up the phone and Toga does the same.

- How are you Toga? - I ask.

- Very well now that I'm talking to you, I'm even better! - said Toga.

I feel her joy due to the connection and it's obvious that she wants to hug me with joy, but that doesn't happen due to the handcuffs and the glass.

How is prison treating you? - I ask.

- For now everything is normal, as long as I don't do anything wrong the days go by without problems. - Toga said.

- One thing before I forget. Twice told me to tell you that he's fine and that you don't need to worry. - I say this, leaving Toga a little surprised.

- So he knew...that guy.....he read me like an open book. - Toga said, letting out a light laugh.

- Changing the subject Toga. How are you....mentally. - I say that.

- I'm fine, I no longer feel that rush of blood like I used to, I feel very good now. All of this is thanks to our Saito-Senpai connection. - said Toga calling me "Senpai" which honestly made me cringe and Toga noticed that.

- Hehehehe....did I give you goosebumps? - said Toga even though she knew the answer.

- I didn't expect you to call me "Senpai". - I answer.

- Even though you're not the "Saito" that I loved in the past, the feeling I feel around you is something that leaves me out of control... - Toga said with a smile that is quite similar to Yuno's smile by Miraí Nikki.

💭Oh-oh... That's not good.

- Anyway. Toga I have a proposal for you and I think you will like it. - I say that.

-What is Saito-Senpai? - Toga said this leaving me with goosebumps again.

- After I solve a certain case, shall we go on a date? - I say this leaving Toga shocked, but soon she was happy. - Yes! - said Toga with a smile of pure joy.

I did this because I want to know how Toga will act in the city around people, I want to confirm if this connection I made is strong enough to stop Toga.

After that we talked about other things until the visit time ended and Toga was taken to her cell.

💭I hope I made the right choice...


Days later

After my prison visit I decided to go to where Nighteye is so I can talk about the Overhaul case.

So you understand, I managed to chat with Nighteye so he could give me some information about Overhaul's situation and in return I helped him with the problems he didn't have time to solve.

To my surprise, Nighteye accepted the offer and I started to help him in some cases with the help of his secretary, the bubble girl.

I arrive at his building and meet Mirio and Izuku who are surprised to see me.

- Brother, what are you doing here? - Izuku said.

- I'm helping Nighteye with certain things and I came here to acquire information. - I answer.

- Wow, I forgot that Saito-sensei is helping Sir, I'm sorry for not warning Izuku. - Mirio said, letting out a laugh of embarrassment.

Me, Mirio and Izuku went to Nighteye's room and saw the bubble girl laughing in a torture machine but instead of being deadly the machine is making her laugh.

💭I had forgotten how weird Nighteye is.

I'm going to be honest with you right now. During the conversation between Izuku and Nighteye nothing changed.

Nighteye listened to Izuku's reasons for wanting to work at his agency and Nighteye refused the offer, practically asking Izuku to give reasons for being accepted.

To do this, Izuku will need to do a test to get Nighteye's stamp in 3 minutes, after which he loses the opportunity.

Izuku accepted the challenge and Nighteye ordered Bubble Girl, Mirio and I to leave the room.

- Saito-sensei, Mirio, did you have a practical interview like this? - Said the bubble girl.

- Sir asked for me specifically...so no. - Mirio said.

- I said I'll help him with his problems so I'm out of it too. - I answer.

- He really likes you, wow! I'm so jealous of you! - said bubble girl, pouting and Mirio letting out a laugh of embarrassment. Izuku's test was like the original story, so I don't have much to say about it.


Following day

The day has come for Izuku's first mission at Nighteye's agency, which is to patrol the city together with Mirio, I'm also on this mission since Nighteye will keep an eye on Overhaul together with Bubble Girl, but I know that not everything will go as planned. planned.

My surprise is that I'm going to patrol alone while Izuku and Mirio go along, I don't see anything wrong with that, but I find it strange.


In the city I'm walking around with a lot of people taking photos of me or just standing there admiring me and it's difficult to patrol like that, but I'm managing it.

💭 Eri probably already found Izuku by now.

But I was about to get a reality check. A girl appears coming out of an alley and she bumps into me. The moment I look at a girl I recognize her instantly.

💭Eri?! Shouldn't she be with Izuku?! Are they on different streets?

Without thinking I put my hands on her shoulder, taking Eri by surprise and I feel her shaking.

-Er- Girl, what are you doing like that? - I say this almost saying her name and holding back my surprise.

- I-I....I...- Eri was about to respond, but Overhaul interrupts her.

- You can not do that. Going out causing trouble for the superheroes. Even more so for the legendary One Punch Man. - Overhaul said, leaving the alley, looking at me and Eri who is paralyzed with fear and I look at Overhaul with a neutral expression, however I am holding back my desire to punch him in the face.

- Don't worry sir, she's not causing any problems. - I respond, looking into Overhaul's eyes.

To be continued....