This story is about a simple otaku who has above-normal physical powers and psychic powers who doesn't use these abilities for anything, except for basic things. This is our protagonist who lives in a time of peace. Being the son of two heroes, he doesn't have much to do other than read manga or watch anime since his parents are already stronger themselves, not letting their son have the opportunity to be a hero. But what would happen if this boy traveled to the worlds he reads about and sees every day? And that's what we're going to find out.
A lot happened during those days. I defeated All for One, All Might retired, my true origin was revealed, my parents appeared and I now stopped being a student to become Aizawa's assistant teacher.
And now I have to live in the dorm that Nezo made for each class.
My parents became pro heroes in this world, so they can be heroes without any problems, but I don't know what kind of change they will make in this world.
- You arrived on time Saito. - Aizawa said. - It seems that the students haven't arrived yet. - I said this looking at Aizawa. - Well they can't fly and they don't have high speed like you, so it was to be expected. - Aizawa said in a tired tone.
💭How long will Aizawa look like a person who can't get enough sleep? Because those dark circles are worrying!
After a few minutes, the students from class A arrived at the entrance to the dormitory and I saw everyone's expressions when they saw me in the hero uniform.
-Saito, why are you wearing your hero costume? - Kaminari asked. - How come you're not arrested? - asked Kirishima.
- Well, that's a little complicated to say... - I was going to continue, but Aizawa spoke for me. - Saito is now a pro hero and he is a teacher who will help you in any way he can. - Aizawa said.
Everyone in class A was in pure shock when they heard this news, but Aizawa made them stay quiet using his quirk.
- Well, I'll briefly explain the issue of dormitories, but first... For now, let's focus on getting provisional permits, which we planned on during the camping trip. - Aizawa said.
I kept quiet since I know the weather is going to get a little bad from now on.
💭Here we go.
- Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Todoroki, Midoriya. Those 5 who tried to save Bakugou that night. - Aizawa said, leaving the students with an expression of shock and a little fear. - Their reactions tell me that they were at least aware of that. I'm going to leave several issues aside and say the following: if it weren't for All Might and Saito's retirement having prevented more problems, I would expel everyone except Bakugou, Jirou and Hakagure. The 5 who went are obvious, but the 12 who knew didn't stop them and betrayed our trust no matter the reason. I would be very grateful if you could follow the protocol and act correctly to regain that trust. That's all I had to say. Now come in. Cheer up. - Aizawa said, entering the dormitory.
- What Aizawa is trying to say and that you need to trust your teachers more. If it weren't for me something worse could have happened. In any case, be aware of this. - He said this also entering the dormitory.
Hours later
Aizawa and I explained to class A what our dorm is like, where each room, bathroom, dining room, etc. is located. Everyone had their individual reaction.
Uraraka fainted, Mina was excited like the others, Iida was admiring U.A, Izuku was nervous, Mineta thought they would have a shared bath, but I soon ended his party and Bakugou isn't cursing everyone.
Aizawa told everyone to get their bags and tidy their rooms, I didn't need to because my mother already did that for me, so I helped the others.
-Ahhh, how tired... - Kirishima said, sitting on the sofa. - Kirishima, did you finish opening your bags? - Sero asked. - I did it - Kirishima replied. - Good job. - Said Deku. - It wasn't for a good reason, but it's nice to live together, isn't it? - said Kaminari. - Yes! - Deku replied.
- I just hope you don't make too much noise when you sleep. - I said this while reading a newspaper. - Hey Saito? - Sero called me. - Yes? - I answer.
- Since you're a hero now, will we have to call you "sensei"? - Sero said. - You don't have to if you don't want to. My job is just to keep an eye on you, you don't need to treat me differently just because I'm a teacher now. - I said it.
- Living together.... It's also training to learn discipline and cooperation! And to make things even better, they send a pro hero to help us! - Said Iida, doing his poses. -Iida controls himself....- I said that. - Don't ask for the impossible, Saito. - Said Kirishima.
The atmosphere is pleasant in the dorm room, but our moment of peace is ended by the arrival of the girls.
- Boys, have you tidied your rooms yet? - Mina said, approaching us along with the other girls. - Yes, we are relaxing. - Kaminari replied.
- Well, we were talking to each other.... - Mina said. - We had an idea! - Toru said. - How about a room presentation competition? - Mina said.
When she said that, I, Izuku, Tokoyami and Mineta stood still like statues.
💭Not that. I forgot about that moment!!!
With that, the competition for who has the best room began. The first victim was Izuku who obviously has a room full of All Might's stuff.
It's an Otaku room! - Ochako said. - That's not Otaku, it's Geek! - I respond feeling offended. - Why are you angry?! - said Mina. - I'm not mad! - I answer.
Next was Tokoyami who didn't want anyone to enter his room, but Toru and Mina forced him to open the door. Tokoyami's room barely has any light.
💭How emo does a person have to be?
The group admired the accessories that Tokoyami has, but he soon sent everyone out of his room.
After him it was Aiyoma, I don't need to say anything that his room is the complete opposite of Tokoyami's.
Next would be Mineta, but for obvious reasons no one entered his room.
The group went to the 3rd floor to continue with the contest and the first was Ojiro's room.
- Wow, how normal! - Said Uraraka, Too normal! Incredible! - Toru said. - So what does it mean to be normal? - Mina said. - Girls a simple phrase that would be appropriate is "What a nice room". Just saying that is enough. - I say that.
- Thanks for the support Saito. - Ojiro thanked him.
Next on the list is Iida. His room is full of books and glasses, countless glasses.
After that it was Kaminari's room. His room is well designed, full of accessories that let you know he likes music.
Next up was Koda. His room has a childish look and he has a pet rabbit.
As time went by, some boys didn't really like what the girls said about their rooms, so Mineta had the idea of everyone going into the girls' rooms.
I'm just watching this mini chaos happening in front of me from.
The group went to the 4th floor to see Kirishima, Mezo and Bakugou's room, but Bakugou went to sleep so he is off the list. That's why Kirishima was the first to be visited.
I only have one sentence to describe Kirishima's room. Masculine power!!!!!
- That's masculinity! - said Kirishima. - Ahem...- Mina said in a dry tone. - It seems like it's the 2 place in the room you would least like your boyfriend to have. - Toru said.
-So hot! Hot and stuffy! - Uraraka said excitedly. - Did you see? How is this not good! - said Kirishima.
The next one was Mezo with a very reserved room, then it was Sero with an Asian style room and then it was Todoroki's room with a traditional Japanese style.
Everyone was in shock at how he made his room look like a Japanese house and Shoto just said that he worked hard.
The last one was Sato's room, which is a cooking room and he even made a cake that completely won over the girls.
- Ok, I think that meant all the boys did that? - Toru said. - Are you sure you're not forgetting anyone? - Jirou said. - We still have one more! - shouted Mina. - Who? - Momo asked. - Our new "sensei" Saito! - Mina said.
Everyone except Mina:Nani?!?!?!
💭And I thought I would stay out of this.
- I had forgotten about Midoriya-kun.....- Said Uraraka. - It's actually Tatsumaki now. With my parents present my real surname is Tatsumaki. - I said that to Uraraka.
💭No matter how strange this last name I have is.
- So Sensei, could you take us to your room? - Mina said this in a provocative tone.
💭She is totally abusing this.
- Okay, but don't be shocked by what you see. After all, my mother wanted to make some "changes" in my room. -She said that taking everyone to my door.
When I opened the door to my room I heard a scream of shock coming from everyone.
- I told you not to be surprised. - He said this letting out a sigh. - How can we not be surprised?! - Uraraka shouted. - Didn't you know you're rich too?! - Said Deku. - How did you manage to have so much money to transform your room? - Mina asked, still in shock.
- My mother got that money. - I answer. - But didn't your mother arrive recently? How did she get so much money? - Momo asked. - As the old saying goes, never underestimate a mother's instinct. As incredible as it may seem, she knew she would need money in situations like this. - I answer.
- Wait a second! So your mother is that woman who is Tsuyu's height? - asked Mina. Yes, but please don't say anything about her size, she is very sensitive about it. - I answer.
- So your mother has a wonderful back and legs! - Mineta said, then lost consciousness when I punched him.
(A/N: I researched Tatsumaki's height and was surprised that she is Tsuyu's size.)
The reason everyone is in shock about my room is because the appearance of my room is very modern. The wall colors are black and the lights are green, giving it a really cool combination. Other things like computers, air conditioning, refrigerators, etc. are all expensive.
After the girls see my room, it's the boys' turn to see the girls' rooms.
Jirou's room has many instruments and other types of things that can be used as instruments.
Toru's fourth room is very pink with a childish look.
Next is Mina's room, which is also pink, but has black stripes.
- Hmmm, not bad Mina. I liked the room. - I respond by letting out a whistle. - T-Thank you for the compliment Saito. - Mina said, a little red.
The next one was Uraraka with a very basic room, nothing incredible.
The next one would be Tsuyu, but Uraraka said that Tsuyu isn't well, I already know that's not true, but I kept silent.
Finally, the last remaining room belongs to Momo, which, as she said, is very cramped. Unlike my room, which is modern, Momo's is more sophisticated and like a princess' room.
-Hmmm.... Momo, what do you think if I ask my mother to give you a slightly smaller bed so you can have more space or I ask Aizawa if he can make more space in her room. - I give these suggestions to Momo.
- I prefer the first option, but will your mother accept it? - Momo asked.
- Don't worry, my mother can be an owl sometimes, but if I ask nicely she lets me. - I say this with a laugh.
- Thank you for your help Saito, you are helping me resolve a small inconvenience I have. - Momo said.
- Don't worry, I'm just doing my job as an assistant professor. - I answer.
- Hmmmm....really? - Mina said with a slightly uncomfortable expression.
- What was it Mina? - I ask.
- Nothing. - Mina responds, turning her back to me.
💭Don't tell me she's jealous?
After that, the King of Rooms contest ends with the winner being Sato. The reason he won was because of his cake.
After that I had told everyone to go to sleep since it was the time when everyone should sleep, but Uraraka asked me to wait a little as I already know the reason I left it for a few more minutes.
Knowing that Tsuyu is talking to the others I go into my room and turn on my computer.
- Wow, it's been a while since I've touched a good computer like this. - I say this by snapping my fingers. - OK! Let's see if there are animes in this world! - I say this sounding like a child excited for Christmas.
Narrator's view
After a few minutes, when class A was going to sleep to end the day, they heard a scream from their new teacher.
The reason for this is because Saito discovered something terrible on the internet.
It's safe to assume that Saito will do very well with his new job.
End of the ep