

This story starts in an apartment located in Tokyo. This apartment was quite big and was furnished with all sorts of expensive things that looked like they hadn't been used in years. And it was true, they hadn't been used for a long time, because they were located in places that the owner of this apartment never went to. You didn't need to go to the living room, the kitchen or even the dining room when you had everything you wanted and needed in your own room.

That was the case for a certain black-haired young man that was currently cursing at his computer, his eyes closing and opening a few times, showing his fatigue as he ate some potato chips.

"Goddamn it! Goku stop talking and fucking kill him already !!!"Cursed the young man as he watched an episode of Dragon Ball Z, one of his favourite anime. He continued to curse loudly for a few minutes until the episode ended. The young man then left his chair and walked towards his window. Opening it he saw that it was already dawn, which caused him to sigh.

"*Sigh* I should get some sleep. I don't even need to see my face to know that i have some dark circles under my eyes. Damn with that pale skin of mine i look more and more like a vampire." Said the young man. He then closed the window and went back to his desk when suddenly his phone began to ring. He picked it up and answered, seeing who it was that called him.

"Sup mom, what do you want ? What ? Work ? I've been unemployed for years, i ain't gonna get a job now, seriously.......Nope i think i'm gonna stay right in my bedroom all days until the end of my life. It's not like you're gonna stop sending me money huh ?" Asked the young man. When he heard no reply he chuckled and hang up. He then turned off his computer and crashed on his bed.

"Damn life sure is good when you don't have any responsability." Said the man, and with that he closed his eyes and slept peacefully.



The young man suddenly opened his eyes as he heard a massive explosion. He looked around and saw that he wasn't in his bed anymore. He was standing right in the middle of a massive crater, and could see destroyed buildings all around him. He turned around and saw three cloaked figures that respectively wore pink, black and golden skull masks.

"W-Who the fuck are you guys ?!" Asked the young man, not even aware that his voice wasn't the same, or that his whole body was different, or that he was drenched in blood. The figures turned to each other and chuckled before they disappeared from his sight, leaving only sparks of yellow and black electricity.

"Wha-" the young man was stopped when a fist suddenly collided with his fist, sending him flying to a nearby building, destroying it further. It surprisingly didn't even hurt him. Though he did feel the strengh behind that punch.

"What is it, ain't gonna retaliate Saitama ?!" Asked the figure that sent him flying. It was the one with the pink skull mask, and it was definitely a she.

'Saitama ?' Thought the young man, before looking at a broken mirror that laid on the floor in front of him. And he indeed saw the face of his favourite manga character.

"EHHH?!!" Yelled the young man, his brain wasn't able to register what he was seeing.

"Stop with the childish behaviour dumbass, we need to kill him not play with him." Said another figure that landed beside the one with the pink mask. It was the one with black skull mask, and it also was a she, though she sounded a lot older.

They both looked at Saitama, then at each other and nodded. In a movement so quick that no one should've been able to see it-even though Saitama did-they both lunged at him. Kicking him across his face, they expected him to atleast flinch, but this time he didn't even bulge. For some reasons, he was so lost in thought that his body seemed to react on it's own. The body was still strong even though the person that now owned it was weak.

Talking about Saitama he was still lost in thought when he came to a conclusion.

'I must be having one of those counscious dreams. But damn i never thought i would dreaming about me becoming saitama, and who are those two ? They are not from the manga or the webcomic, that's for sure. But since it's a dream, i can act however i want!!' After thinking that, he smirked, unnerving his opponents before he closed his fist and brought it in front of him.

"You picked a fight with me......You're so fucking dead!!!" As he yelled that, he moved at blinding speed and punched the girl with pink mask so hard she was sent flying out of the crater.

"Seems like i have the same strengh as him. Well it's not like boundless strengh is difficult to imagine." Said the young man, before he turned to the woman with the black mask who was praying for the third member of their group to come back.

The young man laughed and appeared in front of her. Reacting on instinct she tried to kick him away, but he disappeared and reappeared behind her. She barely had the time to turn around when she saw him bringing his fist to her face. The whole aura around him screamed death and she even saw his fist becoming gigantic, though she was surely hallucinating.

The woman gulped, readying herself for the blow that would atleast break all her teeth. But it never came. Her leader had somehow appeared between Saitama and her at the last time.

"You're not ready to beat us this easily......One Punch Man!" Said the man with the golden skull mask, and with that he headbutted Saitama with all his strengh.

The young man not used to this type of blow and pain, suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness. It was quite a shocking experience for him.



"AHHH! Fuck this alarm clock!!" Yelled the young man as he woke up. He stretched for a few minutes before getting up and walking to his window, not even noticing that his whole apartment was different, even though the window was still where he remembered it was. After opening it, he saw that the sun had already left and the night had came, which caused him to sigh.

"I fucking slept during the whole day. I really shouldn't sleep that late. Though it was funny how i dreamt i was Saitama. I really wouldn't want to live his life." Said the young man. He closed the window and went to his bathroom to clean his face. As he entered he arrived in front of the sink and saw his face in the mirror. He was still the same, with his boring, normal face and his bald head.................WAIT WHAT?!!

The young man grabbed the sink and brought his face to the mirror so face he nearly broke it.


Hope you liked it!!

Comment to let me know what you think of this prologue!!!

Glasgow2creators' thoughts