
One punch man: Infinite Luck

Fate, or qi, represents both destiny and the flow of current energy. The strength of beasts, in nature, each animal has its own way of surviving, as well as its own unique strength. By absorbing the fate of all living beings on earth, exchanging countless animal forces, gathering the strength of all living beings on earth into one body, forging an invincible body.

TenshiAkuma7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

House of Evolution

"So, the system says this thing is an exchange list, how do I exchange it!?" Xingtao immediately focused his mental energy on the option "Tiger."

In an instant, a piece of information entered Xingtao's mind: "Tiger's Power, exchange for 1000 Luck Points, can obtain the strength of a tiger!"

"So the so-called exchange list is like this, allowing people to have the power of animals, and it's exchanged with Luck Points, so it's called the Luck System!?" Xingtao muttered to himself, "System, let me ask you a question. A tiger weighs much more than me. If I exchange for the power of a tiger, will I directly gain the strength of a full-grown tiger, or will it be proportionally reduced?"

"You will directly gain all the strength of a full-grown tiger!" The system's cold voice sounded, "This means that after obtaining Tiger's Power, the host will directly receive the full strength of an adult tiger!"

"Oh my, then why would I want this Tiger's Power? I might as well exchange for the power of a blue whale; in the face of the absolute strength of a blue whale, even a Tyrannosaurus rex would kneel!!" Xingtao immediately flipped to the blue whale section of the exchange list. The price was very clear; exchanging for the power of a blue whale required one hundred thousand Luck Points.

"System, what are Luck Points?" Xingtao asked in confusion.

"Luck Points refer to fate, destiny. Luck Points reflect the current luck of the host," the system explained, "Ordinary people generally have 10 points. Currently, the host has 2 Luck Points."

"What, I only have two points!?" Xingtao suddenly became unsettled, "Doesn't that mean my luck is very bad!?"

Thinking about this, Xingtao suddenly froze: "Right, after I crossed over, on my first day of work, I was bullied by my boss. Out of so many people, he chose me; that was really unlucky. After resigning, I immediately encountered this crab monster, and despite so many people around, it chose to come after me. That's too unlucky!"

"This Luck Point really reflects my luck!!" Xingtao felt conflicted, "System, how can I improve this elusive luck?"

"All things in the world have their luck. Killing someone with luck can gain half of their current luck; saving someone with luck may receive a continuous blessing of luck from them; plotting against someone with higher luck may cause damage to one's own luck." The system's voice remained cold, "Good or evil, it's all up to the host's intention."

"Then what will happen with my current two Luck Points, will I continue to have bad luck?" Xingtao continued to ask, "Why is my luck so low?"

"Compared to the vast majority of people, it's quite unlucky; you'll encounter all sorts of unfortunate events! The host originally had this body die, so the luck was reset to zero. Later, because the host crossed over into this body, it inherited the luck of the original body."

"So please improve your Luck Points as soon as possible. Having too low luck will result in many inexplicable and wonderful things happening." The system concluded.

"Wonderful things..." Xingtao felt overwhelmed, "Could these so-called wonderful things be like the various miraculous deaths in the movie 'Final Destination'!! Damn it! Too damn lucky!"

"By the way, system, shouldn't you give me some kind of discount or a big gift for my first use?" Xingtao shamelessly asked, "Also, my luck in my previous life shouldn't have been zero, right? Why is it all gone now!?"

"This system follows the principle of equivalent exchange. Each item in the exchange list is clearly marked with its price, no deception." The system said, "As for the host's luck in the previous life, it was a total of one thousand points. Plus, the first time using the system and receiving the big gift, all the power was used to break through the dimensional channel."

"What! You actually took it upon yourself to spend my big gift!? Also, my luck in my previous life was one thousand points?" Xingtao was stunned by the system's words, "How is that possible? Ordinary people only have 10 points, and I was an ordinary person in my previous life. How could I have such luck? If I had that kind of luck, how could my previous life have been so miserable!?"

"The host once bought a lottery ticket in the previous life, and as far as the system knows, that lottery ticket won thirty million." 

"What!?" Xingtao was shocked, "System, you damn bastard, if you hadn't chosen me, wouldn't I have been able to live a life as a rich and handsome man, marry a beautiful woman, and reach the peak of life!?"

After a moment of frustration, Xingtao suddenly thought of something and asked in his mind, "System, can you open dimensional channels? If there's a dimension for 'One Punch Man,' are there dimensions for manga like 'Naruto,' 'One Piece,' and others?"


"What about dimensions of martial arts novels like 'Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils,' 'Twin Dragons,' and others?"


"What about those novel worlds, like 'Zhu Xian,' 'Xian Jian,' 'Panlong,' 'Zhe Tian,' and others?"

"Some of them are available!"

"What's the point of that!?" Xingtao scorned, "Your damn Beast King System, all of them are just Earth's animals inside. Not to mention this 'One Punch Man' dimension, even the people in the martial arts world could easily overpower me. If I could have the power of a Golden-winged Great Peng bird or the power of a Phoenix, or the power of a Dragon, that would be more reliable."

"The host's physique does not meet the standard, so higher-level beasts cannot be unlocked!!"

"Hmm!?" Xingtao suddenly became interested, "So there are higher-level beasts!? System, give me some information, what other beasts are there?"

"Ding! The complete exchange information has been transmitted to the host's mind!"

"It looks like this is the complete exchange list!" Xingtao suddenly saw several additional exchange items in the exchange list: Monster, Divine Beast, Aberration, Demon Beast.

But all these exchange items were grayed out, and it was impossible to know what they were.

"System, what standards are required to unlock these items?"

Just as Xingtao asked this question, suddenly an attribute interface appeared in Xingtao's mind.

Name: Xingtao

Height: 170cm

Weight: 55kg

Upper Limb Strength: 0.9 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing the strength of both arms)

Lower Limb Strength: 1.1 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing the strength of both legs)

Waist and Abdomen Strength: 1 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing the strength of the waist and abdomen)

Speed: 1.1 (The average for ordinary people is


Jumping: 1.1 (The average for ordinary people is 1)

Neural Reaction: 1.2 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing reaction ability and sensory ability)

Stamina: 0.8 (The average for ordinary people is 1)

Endurance: 0.9 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing the ability to endure external environments)

Spirit: 1.2 (The average for ordinary people is 1)

Explosive Power: 1.2 (The average for ordinary people is 1)

Immunity: 0.9 (The average for ordinary people is 1)

Physical Vitality: 0.9 (The average for ordinary people is 1, representing recovery ability)

"This data is quite detailed. In addition to the usual height and weight data, there are actually twelve attribute categories!" Xingtao exclaimed, "But didn't I break through the limits of the human body once? Why are the data similar to those of ordinary people?"

"The host originally had physical qualities far below average!" The system mercilessly struck, "Even though you broke through once, you only reached the average level of ordinary people. And the minimum unlocking standard for this system is the average level of ordinary people."

"Hmm..." Xingtao was speechless, "It turns out that the original owner of this body was a loser!!"

"But your average level is based on Earth in your previous life, not the world of 'One Punch Man.' I remember that there are many strange people and superhumans in this world!!"

"The average level of ordinary people in 'One Punch Man' is similar to the average level of ordinary people on Earth in your previous life!"

"Really!? Fine, let's see what I can get with my current two Luck Points!" Xingtao immediately immersed his mind again in the "Vertebrates" option.

"The cheapest ones all require 10 Luck Points, and they're completely useless!" Xingtao helplessly withdrew his mental focus from the system, "It looks like I'll need to spend more time in this world to get some special animal abilities!!"

However, just as Xingtao withdrew, suddenly a huge force struck him in the back of his head, and he immediately passed out.

At the same time, four men dressed in black, wearing black sunglasses, surrounded Xingtao and Yayi.

"Hehe, this kid is quite something! Actually managed to escape from that crab monster's hands with a girl in tow!" a short man chuckled.

"Alright, take a picture, go find that idiot and get the money. Tell him to take care of the aftermath himself!" the leader said indifferently, "The rest of you, take them away. Our House of Evolution is currently lacking such specimens!!"

"Yes!" The other three quickly began to clean up the scene.

These people were the "mafia" contacted by the manager of the company where Xingtao originally worked. Originally, the manager just wanted these people to beat up Xingtao to let off some steam. However, obviously, he didn't realize that these people had other backgrounds and were actually personnel sent out by the House of Evolution to find specimens.

These people actually quite liked rich people. They needed specimens for their experiments, and the rich needed them to vent their frustrations, so the two formed this kind of cycle.


It felt like a half-dream and half-awake sensation, as if in an instant, yet also as if many years had passed. When Xingtao opened his eyes again, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him because his entire body was immersed in what seemed to be a nutrient solution in an unknown liquid pool, and what horrified him was that he could breathe in this water!

Xingtao struggled to widen his eyes and look around. From the current situation, he was not only immersed in the nutrient solution, but there was also a circle of glass surrounding him. Further away were other people immersed in similar glass containers, and there were obvious signs of a laboratory around.

"Is that Yayi in the glass container next to me?" Xingtao's eyes suddenly looked towards a glass container next to him, where there was a very familiar face.

"What's going on? Why would Yayi be captured too!?" Xingtao wondered.

"Being with people with bad luck will make your luck worse; being with people with good luck will improve your luck!" the system silently explained.

"Alright!" Xingtao silently accepted the setting of being a god of bad luck.

"By the way, the reason why you had two Luck Points before is because you shared Yayi's luck," the system added, "Now your Luck Points are your true level."

At that moment, suddenly a noisy footsteps sounded. Xingtao looked outward and saw a young man wearing glasses and a suit walking over, followed by a group of people who looked exactly like him, wearing white clothes, with different numbers on their white clothes.

"Oh! He's awake!!" Dr. Kinos clapped his hands and walked over to Xingtao's cultivation tank, examining Xingtao up and down, "Average height, average weight, average physical fitness. No wonder you were looked down upon by your boss, you poor thing!!"

"Bang!" Xingtao suddenly punched the glass, staring angrily at Dr. Kinos. He was immersed in the nutrient solution and couldn't speak.

"Haha, can't figure it out, can you?" Dr. Kinos laughed, "This is a specially made thing. Even a anti-material sniper rifle can't penetrate it. Do you think you can break out!?"

"This guy's technical skills are really amazing... Damn it, don't give me a chance, or I'll definitely turn you into a specimen too!" Hearing his words, Xingtao stopped his actions. He knew he couldn't break free, and exerting force would only hurt himself.

"It seems you've resigned yourself!" Dr. Kinos laughed, "But rest assured, every study on you is human progress; you will be the indispensable cornerstone of our 'New Human' project. Be proud of it! Be proud!"

"Damn it!! Use your many clone bodies for experiments!!" Xingtao cursed silently, "Don't let me live, or I will definitely kill you!!"

"Number nine, add the improved cheetah genes to his nutrient solution!" Dr. Kinos quickly gave an order to one of his clones.

"Oh!" The clone wearing number nine immediately walked from a nearby dark golden transparent test tube to the side of Xingtao's cultivation tank, directly pouring the dark green liquid into the nutrient solution.

In an instant, Xingtao saw that the transparent nutrient solution next to him was instantly dyed with a faint gold color. This touch of gold spread so fast that in an instant, the entire nutrient solution was completely dyed a light gold color.