
Never regret (vampire Bartholomew)

l'Il never forget that night. Seeing him bleed like that. Hearing his pained screams as that vampire tore into him. I thought that was horid pain, but when he turned. Those are the screams that keep me up at night. I could have saved him, I could have changed him back. If only he didn't feed, if only I was strong enough. I rubbed the bite mark on my neck as I remembered that night that my best friend, the only person I ever loved almost died. Well some consider turning into a vampire dieing, but I don't. He's still here, still walking, still talking. He always had sharper teeth then others so it was no surprise when his vampire teeth became too large for him to hide like the rest. I sat up in my bed after having the nightmare again, it always ended with him dieing instead, really dieing.

"Still having trouble sleeping I see" I jumped hearing that voice I only ever heard over the phone anymore. He only ever called to tell me about vampires that were hurting others. Being a hunter of the supernatural that was alway helpful, though that's all the help he could give me now.

If a vampire went roge like that, the king alfa vampire would kill him. The red neon light silhouetted his body as he stood out of the lights reach of my bedside lamp.

"Bartholomew…." a hushed whisper left me but I know he heard me. I went to get up to go to him.

"Dont... stay...." I sat on my heals on the bed feeling a little hurt.

"Why.. you're here…. can't I hug the most important person to me" I mumbled still shocked that I was talking to him in person finally. He never came to see me since that night.

"I'm dead y/n"

"No you're not" he took a step closer to me bearing his teeth at me angry as he hit his chest with his fist with each word he spoke.

"Yes, I, am.... why can't you understand that" he walked closer to the bed into the light.

"But you're right here" I reached my hand out to touch him but he took a step out of reach.

"I don't need to breath, only to blend in. My heart doesn't beat, my skin is colder then ice. I cant taste, I can't feel. How is that being alive y/n"

Tears stung my eyes from his words and I stood up before him on the floor, he seems taller then I remember.

"Because you're still walking, you're still talking, doesn't that account for anything" I yelled at him as my arm swing to my side like I was trying to hit someone next to me. I started to cry harder as I threw my arms around him.

"I can still hold you close, you're not dead" he pulled my hands from around him and walked off to the side as he spoke looking at me with sadness.

"But I'm not alive eather... he wanted me to be an alfa of a vampire clan I am an alfa of a vampire clan. you don't know what that's like…. I wish you just killed me that night"

"NO" I screamed making him turn slightly to look at me unbothered by my outburst.

"I couldn't let you die, I may have been selfish but I couldn't let you go... but I didn't know, if I new that he sent them there that night to. i-i wouldnt h-have.." I stopped myself feeling the room get cold as he turned to look at me with a scowl.

"Wouldn't have what y/n" he took a step towards me and I took one back.

"'What aren't you telling me" he got louder as he took another step forward, and I another back.

"Your heart is racing…. you're hiding something from me" a light passed over his face showing me his now crimson eyes.

"I…. I was there that night" he snorted and gestured to me with his hand.

"No shit, I was the one who gave you that scar on your neck" my hand shot up to the bite mark

covering it. He dropped his hand down as he took another step towards me and I took another back now standing against the wall.

"But that's not it, it's something else" he took another step and I slid to the right on the wall a step.

"I was there before the change" I spoke in a shaky voice.

"What are you telling me" he took another step and did as well finding that I was now in the corner of the room.

"Y-you were bleeding out, that zoro vamp was killing you, and you were losing too much blood. I… I was going to kill him and get you to a hospital.... but I saw him bite his wrist…. and go to put it to your mouth. you were loosing too much blood. but if you changed… it would close the wounds… I knew how to change a recently turned vampire back…. I had to kept you from a feed... so I let him change you... but when I came in and killed that vamp… your screams.. shivered thinking about it, I didn't dare take my eyes off him. I-i tried to get you to the car..... I tried to make the potion. but I didn't expect the hold to be that strong…. then I felt the sting in my neck and my breathing stopped.… I was your first feed..couldn't save you... when I started to cry... you ran…. you left me..." he was shaking in so much rage I felt it lick against my skin. He moved with such speed infront of me and held me under my jaw lifting me up eye level with him.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME" he bellowed making me wince.

"W-what was I s-suposed to do, y-you were dieing, I couldn't loose you, y-your my everything Bartholomew" he slammed me into the wall…. but it wasnt enough to hurt me. he didn't want to hurt me.


"YOU'RE NOT A MONSTER, A MONSTER IS THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE NOT WHAT YOU ARE.... I...I...." I held his arm with one hand as I touched his cold face with the other making him flinch slightly.

"I couldn't live without you... it doesn't matter what you are…. you'll always be Bartholomew to me.... the one man who stole my heart and didn't even realize it... the only man I have ever and will ever love…." tears streamed down his face as realization slowly took over his features. He slowly lowered me back to the growned as he stepped away from me looking at his hands but not really seeing them. Then he yelled in frustration and pulled at his hair.

"He told me that you let it happen, HE TOLD ME.. but I didn't want to believe it" he started walking to the archway that led out of the bedroom. I ran after him and outstretched my arm to grab him.

"Bartholomew please, I needed you here, I ne-" as my fingertips touched his jacket he spun around moving so fast it was like I flashed onto my back on the bed with him holding my neck. He pushed my head back and I felt his teeth glide down my jaw and my neck.

"You don't get it do you" the vibrations of his words and the feel of his teeth sent a shiver down my spin. I clutched his jacket trying to suppress a moan, but with hearing like that I don't know why I tried.

"Your blood was the sweetest I ever had, in the three years that fact still stays" his tongue brushed over my jugular making me twitch and whimper under him.

"I so badly want to drain you, drink ever last drop you have till your body is colder then mine" he closed his mouth around my neck and sucked hard making me moan loudly as my back arched, he didn't break the skin. He pulled his head away to look in my eyes. His eyes were so bright and swirling with red, there was hunger and something else in them that I couldn't place.

"Are you scared of me y/n" he took his hand off my neck and placed his forearm above my head as he pushed his body into mine pinning me in place.

"'N-no" l panted out.

"Your heart is beating faster then it was before" his eyes went sad for a moment. But in that moment I cupped his face with both my hands and leaned forward connecting my lips with his being sure not to cut myself on his teeth.

"Thats not why my heart is beating fast" I mumbled against his lips as I looked into his eyes. He growled and grabbed the back of my head real fast pushing me back to kiss him. His tongue tasted like copper and rum, I'm sure the copper is from blood. I wrapped my arms around the back of his head and pushed him down closer to me as I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down. He grabbed my shirt and started to pull it above my head as I leaned up to help. We were slowly moving back up the bed closer to the headboard as we went back and forth kissing each other with hunger and striping ourselves. Once my head reached the pillows our clothes were on the floor and the both of us completely bare. He turned my neck to the side with his face as his teeth lightly brushed my skin as he pant. His hand caressed my lower stomach making me whine and clench his sides. His fingers slid over my pussy lips as he growled making quick work to touch every part of me.

"AAAHHH" I cried as I pushed my head back exposing more of my neck to him as I tried to pull his body closer to mine, but he didn't budge.

"Lusting for a vampire is not the smartest thing to do y/n" he growled as he grazed his teeth around my neck.

"'I'-ive always lusted for you *pant pant* i-it doesn't matter what you are" he growled and kissed me shoving his tongue in my mouth as he pushed his cock deep inside me making me yelp in the kiss and scrap my nails against his back. He caressed my hip and ran his nails down my leg as he pulled it up to hug his side.

"Bartholomew~"I moaned as I layed my head back down. He groaned and started to pull out and push back into me slowly but deeply.

"Aaaahhhh" I moaned as my body kept clenching and relaxing as I grabbed at every part of his body I could, legs pitching at his sides.

"You have no idea-" he put his arm around my back holding my side.

"'How painfully good it is-" he cupped his other hand behind my head and lifted me up so l wasn't on the bed anymore but I wasn't sitting upright, he never moved his head from my neck.

"To be this close to you-" he snaked his tongue out and ran it all around my jugular.

"To be inside you like this-" I felt him flex powerfully inside me making me cry out as I clutched the back of his head and his shoulder.

"I could do anything to you right now... even kill you." he stopped his thrusts and looked me in the eye not moving his head from my neck. He slowly kissed my neck as he closed his eyes and whimpered slightly but when I clenched as hard as I could around him he growled and pushed my body tightly against his. Both our mouths hung open as we held each other so our bottom lips were touching as he brought me up and down on his cock slightly faster.

"Bar-tholo-mew" I moaned tilting my head forward to kiss him as best I could. I was climbing that high quickly and when he clutched my ass cheek that's when I broke with a cry, legs shaking, muscles clenching. When he growled pushing me to lay back on the bed to thrust even faster inside me was when the tears added themselves to the mix. He grabbed my throat, fingertips on my veins as he chased his release. When he cam inside me it was like cold liquid flowing inside me making me cry out from the new feel. His forhead was pressed to my chest as I felt his breath tickle my skin.

"'Will you give me everything..... all that you are" I panted trying desperately to catch my breath as my eyes were closed.

"'Yes" left my lips in a whisper. I felt him tilt his head to look at me.

"Forever…" his breath washed over my face smelling of copper and rum making me open my eyes to gaze at him.

"Forever" I watched as he bit his wrist and held it only a little ways from his mouth. I took hold of his hand with one of mine and his forearm with the other as I brought the bite to my lips. Once my lips were over the bite I started to drink. It's supposed to be horrible, but this is sweet. I closed my eyes and let out a whimper as I

gripped him harder making him chuckle softly. Once I pulled back from his arm was when it started. The burning pain over my skin, the feel of my insides twisting and turning. He held me through it all, my teeth growing unnaturally, my unnaturally long nails marking his skin. He held me though my agonizing screams…...till my heart stopped and my world became cold.