
Equations part 2 (soft daddy dom shanks)

My relationship with shanks is going pretty well. I still stay after and help him, do my own work, and we talk about random things, its really nice. We haven't done anything again like we did the first day of our relationship besides a little kiss here and there. I was sitting in first math class and one of the female teachers came in, I dont know her name. She asked shanks outside and thev talked. He had the door open so I could see them laughing and that she kept touching his arms. It was pissing me off, its plain as day that she likes him. He isn't even pushing her away, he's just playing like he doesn't notice, it

was making me upset but I know I can't show that.

"Y/n are you like, dating the teacher or something" usopp asked me and broke me from my thoughts.

"What... why the hell would you ask me something like that, no, what the hell" he leaned back a little away from me and held his hands upfront of him

"Hey don't get mad at me, rumors are going around that you are and thats why you always stay after with him" I scoft trying to hide the fact that I was getting nervous.

"For your information I have a boyfriend, and not that its anyone's business. I stay after to do my work in his room and to help him grade tests cuz I dont want to get beat by my parents. Damnit usopp I thought you were smarter then to believe shit

like that"

"Y/n 1/n, how many times I have told you that I dont want to hear you curse" shanks came in and scolded me in his teacher voice. Oh vou love when I curse and vour name is involved.

"I'm sorry sir, ill work on it"

"Well you can work on it when your staying after for detention" I razed my hand up a little bit.

"Um, actually I can't. I have a meeting to be at" I didn't tell him about it before cuz I forgot so I wasn't surprised by his confused face.

"Yes and its being in this classroom after detention" I heard yelling from the back.

"She has to go tech, my big brother is coming home from college and she has to be there cuz she loves him more than I do" luffy yelled happily. The class oooohhed and I could see shanks face turn sower.

"What, there is no way your dating ace, he's the hottest student this school ever had. What the hell would he see in you" nami yelled angry at the thought of me dating ace since he turned her down before. That gives me an idea.

"Not all men want shanks like you" the bell rang showing it was the end of class and to go to the next. I was the last to head out when shanks called me over to his desk. He has a class after mine so kids were coming in meaning I still had to address him as my teacher.

"Yes sir, what's wrong" he spoke just loudly enough that only I could hear him.

"What was that about and, who is ace, and why didn't you tell me about this before" I could tell he was upset.

"Sir, if I didn't know any better. I would think you were jealous. You're not jealous are you sir" he cleared his throat showing that he didn't want me to fuck with him so I just said loud enough for him to hear.

"Shanks he's my friend, and he's gay so please don't be that way….. but I don't what to see that chick rubbing up on you. Only I can touch" he chuckled.

"Well y/n if I didn't know any better, id think you were jealous. You're not jealous are you" he threw my words back at me with a cocky smirk.

"Your damn right I am. Should I remind you why you want to keep it that way. After all wasn't I the first to make you fall to your knee after-" he cut me off by grabbing a piece of paper for me to give to my next teacher now that I was late.

"I think you should be heading to your next class now. I kept you behind long enough, here's a note. I'll see you tomorrow y/n" I took the note and saw he put his phone number at the bottom for me to rip off and keep.

"I'll see you tomorrow sir" I winked at him before I walked out to my net class.


Ace, luffy and I were walking around the mall talking and having a good time. Luffy was more so running around from store to store looking at stuff.

"-and my boyfriend now is so much better than the last one. What about you y/n, any new man in your life" he nudged me with his elbow and winked at me.

"Ummm... actually ace…. Ther is" he gasped and stopped walking.

"Holy fuck, you have a boyfriend? You finally have a boyfriend. I didn't think you were going to say yes. Tell me everything."

Ace was a gay guy that didn't really seem gay, unless he was really excited like now.

"Um.. ace…. I wanted to talk to you about that and… um… ask you a favor" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a secluded place in the mall.

"LUFFY WE WILL BE OVER HERE FOR A BIT, MAKE SURE YOUR RIGGER IS ON SO WE CAN CALL AND FIND YOU THEN" ace yelle dat luffy. He waved with some food in his mouth showing that he heard us and ran off to another store.

Luffy loves the mall. Ace and I sat down at a bench and I still held his hand in mine, Ace and luffy have been my best friends since before I could remember. My parents were friends with his before they got bad and when they did get bad they basically became my real family. Giving me things I needed and doing things a family should, so I trust Ace with everything.

"My boyfriend, he's a lot older then me, older then you. He is really sweet to me and caring and I feel so loved when I'm with him. I really care about him. I never felt like this about anyone. So when I tell you who it is, you have to promise me that you wont freak out or tell anyone." He looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing me say.

"Is your relationship that bad, I swear I'll-"

"Ace he treats me better than anyone I have ever known...….. he's ... promise me you wont tell anyone first" he stuck out his pinky, and I hooked mine with his smiling.

"Promise" I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

His name is Shanks….. and his mine and luffys math teacher" his eyes went big and he looked like he was going to something but would stop himself before he even said it and tried again just to stop himself again.

"Before you think it we have been together for like 3 months, I think. All we have done is kiss here and there, and I may have kind of begged him to go down on me and for me to go down on him once" his face got red and I could tell he was about to yell something at me.

"Only once for each thing, and I really had to beg to go down on him, I really wanted to and if you saw him you would understand" he closed his mouth and tried to calm himself down by regulating his breathing.

"I really do care about him ace, and… the favor that I wanted to ask you….. could you pretend to be my boyfriend for these last 2 months until I turn 18 and graduate when it won't be wrong for me and shanks to show that we are together" he looked down for a little before he looked up at me as we were still holding hands.

"You really care about him?" I could hear how serious he was.

"Yes I do, so much more than I thought I could" he shook his head and closed his eyes in thought.

"I can't do that if I dont know how he really feels about you. I need to meet him before I can condone your relationship with him or be your cover boyfriend" I shook my head. Well it is Friday, and it is later in the night like 11. I'll text him and see if he's up for it tonight, I'm sure luffys getting tired. Speaking of, I looked around to see where he was.

"LUFFY PUT THE FISH BACK IN THE POND, YOU CANT EAT IT" I yelled as ace and I ran over to him to make him stop.


We just dropped luffy at home cuz he was starting to fall asleep in aces keep. i did ménage shanks and he was still awake, and he said that he would be willing to sit down and talk with ace and gave me his address. I had a shitty track phone so I couldn't really talk to him that much about it. Surprisingly enough his house is on the other side of my block. Luckily it was dark out and no one seemed to be driving be when we pulled into his driveway with the light off.

"Ha, he has a nice house" I was getting real nervous seeing that he was an actual adult with adult thing.

"Ya he does" I already told ace that this would be the first time I'm at his house and he rubbed my back telling that I was nearvous.

We walked up to his front door and I knocked. We only waited a short time before it opened and I saw my boyfriend. Red hair a little messy as if he was laying down but looked good. He had a black t-shirt on and some black sweatpants. He looked like he was ready for bed and it made me feel bad knowing that I was keeping him up. But the way he smiled and the way his eyes lit up when he saw me made me feel a little better.

"Hi love, come in, come here" as I walked in shanks wrapped his arms around me and hugged me before pulling away and giving me a kiss on the nose making me giggle. I moved to the side and looked at ace who just walked in and closed the door.

"Shanks this is ace, he's luffys brother but he's like one for me too. Ace this is shanks" ace gave him a knowing smile seeing as how, right now he didn't like him.

"Yes y/n told me that you're hers and my brothers math teacher, as well as her boyfriend" shanks just rubbed his hand up and down my side.

"Yes, y/n said that the both of you wanted to talk to me. She didn't tell me what, but seeing as how she felt the need to tell you about us, makes me think its important. Let's talk in the living room" his house followed black, white, and gray in furniture and such. There were little spots of color here and there and some pictures of family and friends here and there. When we reached his gray couches in his living room he picked up the remote and turned the Tv off. Seems he was watching that 70s show, love that show.

"I'll just get straight to it" ace said when he sat down in a chair that was facing shanks and I sat next to shanks on the couch.

"Y/n told me about your relationship and how its going. She also told me that there are people accusing her of sleeping with you and such. She asked me if I could be her cover boyfriend to help the both of you out. Now I know how she feel about you, but I need to have a better feel for you before I say anything regarding what's happening here" he said the last pointing between the both off us. I have to pee when I'm nervous so I out my hand on shanks.

"Where's the bathroom"

"Go down that hallway, door should be open, but if its not its the last one on the left" his house wasn't really big. It was just the ground floor and what looked like a basement. Living room, dinning room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and another room that looked like he's just using it as a storage. All the doors were open a crack, except the basement, so I wasn't snooping.

My God, his bathroom was big, he had a bug jacuzzi tub, a standing shower, a double vanity sink, and of course the toilet. I peed and expressed my jealousy for his bathroom in my head and was just walking back.

"-I'm glad you feel that way, but what's your age, 26, 27, you don't look that old. I thought I was coming to some creepy old guys house when she told me it was one of the teachers from our- or rather my old high school" I stopped walking and realized, I didn't know how old shanks was when I heard ace ask that. Shanks just laughed.

"I look that young hu, well your not far off. I'm actually going to be 31 at the end of the month."

"I dont know why y/n didn't tell me how old you were, it would have settled my nerves a little"

"Now that I think about it, I dont thinkI did tell her how old I was, to be fair she told me how old she was when she yelled at me once" and shanks just laughed, God I love his laugh.

"I'm back, did you play nice ace." Ace gasped.

"I'm always nice. I see you still have to pee when your nerves" ace said when I sat back down next to shanks.

"I don't always have to pee when I'm nerves"

"I was about to get up and check on you, I thought you got lost" shanks chuckled making me pout.

"How would I get lost, I was too busy expressing my jealousy for your bathroom, ace he has a jacuzzi tub" with that aces eyes went big and he ran back the hall.

"WHAAATTT, I NEED TO SEE IT, OH MY GOD ITS LOVELY, YOU LUCKLY DEVIL Y/N. OH THE THINGS I WOULD DO IN THIS TUB-" ace seemed like a little girl and kept rambling on about how awesome it was.

"I didn't think my tub was that amazing" Shanks smiled and scratched the back of his head. I leaned over to his now exposed ear.

"You look just as sexy in your relaxing clothes as you do in your work close sir~" I whispered seductively as I nibbled his ear lob making him shiver and groan. He turned his head to look at me with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Oh really now" I returned his smile as I leaned in and gave him a kiss slipping in tongue. He cupped the back of my head as I put my hands on his thigh closest to me.

"AND IT, oh come on I'm gone for a second and you guys are already making out, fine I'll go" I broke the kiss and laughed at ace.

"Y/n do you…. Want to stay" shanks asked me sweetly.

"Can I" he smiled

"Of course" I got up to hug ace as he was walking out.

" he really likes you y/n, I can see it in his eyes. I'll cover for you, though I'm jealous. Your first boyfriend and he's fucking hot as hell. I kind of wish I got to him first." He whispered in my ear and I gasped and pushed him a little as I laughed.

"Kidding, I'm kidding, though not really, I'll see you later. Keep that smile on my darling y/ns face" ace gave me a kiss on the cheek as I did to him before he walked out and closed the door.

"Alright bathtub here I come" I said rubbing my hands as I walked back pulling my shirt off as I got to the hall.

"Really, you could cuddle me. But your going to take a bath"

"Hell ya I am" I turned back to look at him.

"I guess I could squeeze you in if you ask nicely" he laughed.

"It's my bathtub"

"Ya and its whoring itself out to me tonight….. but I would like if you would take a bath with me, there should be enough room…. And if not I can always lean against you" I said unclamping my bra. And walking into the bathroom with the door still open as I could hear his footsteps. I plugged the drain and turned the tap on.

"This would be nice with bubbles or salt" I felt an arm wrap around my waste.

"Well your in luck, I didn't think I would have you over here this soon but I did get this for you. You said you love f/s (favorite sent) right" he said that as he put his chin on my head and gave me a kiss. I could feel his bear chest on my back as he held out a bottle of f/s bubbles and dumped some in the bath. He put the bottle down on the side of the tub after he put the cap back on and moved my hair to the other side of my head and started to kiss my neck. I stretched my neck out more for him and reached behind me putting my hand in his hair.

"The jets do feel nice" he whispered against my ear.

"Hmmm, is that so, can't wait" I moaned as he glided his hands up and down my sides as he then cupped both my boobs rubbing my nipples with his fingers.

"It's really hard not touching you like this, I keep forgetting how beautiful your body really is. Matches the beautiful person inside perfectly" I chuckled in my throat as I pushed my ass into his crotch.

"Oh I can feel just how hard it is" he groaned and chuckled against my neck. I took my hands off of him and pulled his hand off of me.

"The bath is filling fast, might as well get in" I said as I undid my jeans and pulled both my pants and panties off as I kicked off my shoes. I glanced behind me and saw him bite his lip checking me out making me chuckle. I got in slowly and the water was nice and hot, just how I like it.

"Hope its not too hot for you love" I moved up a little so there was room for him to sit behind me.

"WelllIllIIl]-" I turned my head to look at him and tell him to get in but I trailed off when I saw his fucking sexy, muscular, naked body.

"Holy fuck" I whispered. His body was the right amount of tan and his muscles weren't the gross amount. He just laughed at me.

"That nice hu"

"You look like a fucking Greek God and I really want it in here pressed against me" he just chuckled as he shook his head and got in behind me and turned the tap off.

"What is with you girls and boiling water"

"It gets all the knots out" he put his hands on my back and started to massage my muscles making me moan

"Well this can do that too, but so can this" then the jets turned on and he pulled me back to his chest with his legs out on either side of me. I leaned my head back with my cheek against his chest as he rubbed the water all over my body that he could reach as I glided my fingers up and down his thighs. We layed like that for some time, not saying anything, not being sexual, just enjoying being close to each other. We could never just be like this in the classroom, but here, in his house, we could.

"Shanks" he hummed and rubbed his head against mine.

"Yes beautiful" I smiled hearing him say that, I love it so much.

"I love you" he put his hand under my chin and brought my face to look at his.

"I love you too y/n" I could see the love swim in his eyes, no lust. I leaned up and brought his head down and connected our lips in a kiss. I slowly started to turn more to him so I could kiss him better. I glided my hand down his chest, down to his parshily hard member. He groaned against my lips when I started to stroke it and rub my fingertips against the head. He licked my lip and I gladly danced my tongue with his. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him with half lidded eyes. "Shanks~ make love to me~ please~" I said breathlessly. I didn't think this was going to happen today, or this soon for that matter. He kissed my nose.

"Ok he smiled and got up out of the water and started to dry himself off, damn he looks even sexier.

"Where are you going" he lightly chuckled at my whine.

"We, are going to the bedroom for this. I'm not having your first time be in the tub, if you want to do it in the tub we can another day. I want you to be as comfortable as you can be, cuz I'm not going to lie. Your first time being with me, its going to hurt no mater how much I prep you. Stand up for me love" he said all that as he dryed himself with a towel then leaned down and turned the jets off and let the water out. I did as he asked and he got another towle and started to dry me off.

"But after a little it will feel better. Trust me" I couldn't help but stare at his naked body and trace his muscles with my fingertips before he tossed the towel in a basket and picked me up bridal style making me sqeek. He just chuckled as he walked out of the bathroom and kicked open his bedroom door and kicked it closed. He gently layed me down and kissed me as he climbed on top of me and in-between my legs. I could feel his hard dick against my thigh making me moan in his mouth.

"Now if at any point you don't want to keep going, just say stop and ill end whatever I'm doing. Alright baby girl." Hearing him call me that in such a low sexy voice made me shake a little with a whimper. He smiled softly and leaned down to my ear.

"Do you like when I call you that, baby girl" I gasped as I felt his hand on my hip as he used the other to hold himself up and breathed hot air on my ear and nibbled on it making my body twitch. I shook my head up and down as I bit my lip and grabbed his shoulder with one hand as I gripped the sheet tightly with the other. He started to kiss down my neck leaving goosebumps behind.

"Daddy needs you to use your words princess" I groaned as he said that and pushed my head back in the pillow more feeling my core drip. It sounded wrong hearing people say that, but coming from his mouth, it just sounds so right.

"Y-yes d-d-daddy" he hummed as he took my nipple in his mouth.

"Thats my good girl" I could feel his teeth graze my nipple as he talked making me moan and trade the sheet to grip his soft red hair. His hand moved from my waste to my folds as he laughed and poped my nipple out of his mouth.

"Your already this wet for me and we didn't even start the good stuff yet" he kissed my belly before leaning back and just playing with my folds, not my chit or sliding his fingers in, both I wanted so bad. I went to lean up and touch his tan chest but he put his hand on my belly and pushed me back down gently.

"Just relax baby girl, daddys gonna do all the work. You just enjoy yourself and cum as many times as you want"

"B-but I want to touch daddy" he closed his eyes and groaned taking in a deep breath at my whine before he opened his eyes "Just the sound of your voice drives me crazy, if you touch daddy too, I won't be able to hold back, I dont want to hurt you" he glided his hand up to my nipple and started to play with it making me squirm and put my hand over his.

"P-p1-pleassseee daddy, I want more" I stuttered as he started to rub my clit.

"All you have to do is ask baby" he leaned down trading his fingers for his tongue and my boob to intertwine his fingers with mine.

"Ooohh hhhoo God shanks" I cried as I pushed my head into the pillow closing my eyes.

"Look at me baby girl, I want to see those pretty e/c eyes watch me as I eat you up" the air and vibrations that I felt on my folds and clit as he talked made me shiver as I turned my head to the side to look him in the eyes.

"Yes daddy~" he closed his eyes and dove back in.

"Fuck" he mumbled as he ate me out much more harshly then the first time. He would shove his tongue into me then drag it up and flick my clit before he would suck on it as he would shake his head and push it more into me. My hand gripped his hair harder as i could feel it start to build in me. Watching his face in-between my legs making those sounds with such a pleasurable face.

"D-d-daddy I'm I'm gon-na -cum" i moaned out between pants as my body started to buck into him.

"Cum for me baby, cum for me" he mumbled as he kept eating me out.

"Fuuucckkkk god" I cried as I bit my bottom lip as I moaned, watching myself cum hard all over his mouth.

"Thats a good girl, there you go, keep coming for daddy, God you taste so sweet" then I felt him push a finger in me and due to me clenching from cuming, it took a little wiggling from him but I loved it that much more and cried out louder. He started to ease up with his tongue and gave my clit small licks.

"Come back down baby, come back down for me, I need you to not clench for me, as much as I want to shove my cock into you right now I need to stretch you first" his luid words made me shiver as I started to calm down little by little, though each stroke of his tongue made me twitch. He pushed another finger in me, instead of his rocking motion like before, he was stretching them out wide. He put another finger in and I groaned at the sting I felt, he kissed my thigh in response.

"Your doing so good baby girl" once he felt that I was stretched enough he pulled his fingers out and got on his knees leaning over me into the nightstand. He pulled out a foil packet and went to open it but I put my hand to his and stopped him. I sat up and grabbed his hand making him feel the underside of my arm.

"I um I got the rod recently and um I was told its the most effective one and um I want to um feel you without anything in-

between" I couldn't meet his eyes as I talked. He put his hand under my chin and made me look at him, instead of the frown I thought I was going to get from asking that of him. I got a soft smile.

"Are you sure thats what you want y/n"

"Yes shanks, please take me fully" he put the packet back and pulled me into an open mouth kiss as he started to lay me back down. He reached his hand between us and I felt him move his head up and down my folds making me whimper with want and nerves. He started to push in and my God was he thicker then his fingers. I tried to concentrate more on what my tongue was doing by wrapping my arms around his neck and digging my nails in his back slightly, making him growl. He pushed in a little more and moved his hand. I broke the kiss from the amount of pain I felt as I tried not to cry.

"Shsh, its OK, your doing so well, you've already taken me half way. Shsh, I know it hurts, cry and scratch me, do whatever helps you. I'm proud of you baby girl" he whispered as he kissed all over my face and neck as he pushed more in and I started to quietly cry with him kissing my tears.

"Its ok just breath baby" then I felt him push to the base, that was it, he was fully in me. Instead of screaming from the amount it stung I bit his shoulder and hard as I whimpered and cried slowly bitting harder the more the pain built making him hiss. We stayed like that for a little till my breathing started to slow and I let go of his shoulder and layed my head back down still taking deep breaths.

"I-im sorry, i-i bit you so hard" I pant out as he just chuckled and wiped the rest of the tears off my face with his hand.

"Its alright, are you ready for me to move" I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as I nodded my head and looked back at him.

Alright, ill start off slow and you tell me when you want more" he pulled out to the head and pushed all the way back in slowly making me wince with a sharp intake of air. He kissed my forhead and did it again making me let out a strangled gasp.

As he pulled out to pushed in again I drug my fingertips all over his chest loving the way his muscles flexed as he moved Over top of me. When he pushed back him I hummed in delight and rolled my head back having the pain gone and just feeling him slid in and out of me nicely. He kissed my throat as he pushed back in making me gasp and arch my back as I raked my nails up his back making him groan.

"Oh daddy you feel so good inside me harder please daddy please" I begged as I kept trying to thrust my hips into his with my legs squirming.

"Feels that good baby girl? carefully what you say, daddy might get too rough with you" he groaned as he nipped my neck thrusting into me harder making me cry out louder and my body convulse more.

"P-please d-do d-daddy" I yelped out with each thrust. He growled as he turned my head to face his flush red one.

"Just remember, you asked" slammed his lips to mine in an open mouth kiss that was mostly tongue as we pant, his started to go must faster and thrust into me much harder.

"Is that what my baby girl wants, daddys big cock pounding into her tight pussy" he growled nipping my neck.

"Oh god yes daddy yes I love daddy thick dick in me" he was going faster and faster punding harder and harder making me scream and moan in extacy. He leanned back and went even faster and harder making me scream.

"Oh god yes daddy yes I love daddys thick dick in me" he was going faster and faster punding harder and harder making me scream and moan in extacy. He leanned back and went even faster and harder making me scream.

"Thats it, that's it cum for daddy, I can feel you tightening around me, cum for me, cum for me" he started to rub my clit vigorously with one hand as the other held me. I screamed louder as I arched my back and let the best feeling I have ever felt wash over me, but he didn't stop anything he was doing, no. Its almost like he went harder.

"Thats it, now hold it, hold it, you hold that orgasam for daddy like a good fucking girl, fuck your so tight" my breath sucked in and my back seemed to want to arch more as my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I wheeze.

"Yes daddy, yes daddy, yes daddy, yes daddy" with each one its almost like he went faster though his thrusts started to get sloppyer.

"Tell me you want me to cum, tell me to cum, tell me to cum, oh fuck"

"Cum in me daddy, I want it, every drop, fill me daddy, cum daddy" with one final hard snap of his hips his pushed as far into me as was possible and held it there still rubbing my clit like crazy.

"Ohhh god, fu-uck ba-by gir]" my breath sucked in completely as my hips kept bucking into his and my legs shook as I screamed so loud my throat hurt and I felt myself pee, but he kept rubbing my clit hard making it go everywhere before he pulled out and sucked on my sore clit a little.

"I-I'm sorry da-"

"Dont you dare say your sorry for squaring all over me, don't you dare say sorry, god so sweet" he licked up my belly and up my neck then kissed me softly.

"I think thats all you'll be able to handle for today" he said as he layed down next to me and pulled me to his warm chest.

"You did so good, I'm proud of you y/n, I love you, sleep well" I was already dosing off but I tried my hardest.

"Mm love shanks hmm"