
Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)

This is a request and it has pegging in it. If you don't know what that is, it's

where a girl fucks a guy with a strap on. You have been warned.

I'm not much for girly things. It makes sense when I'm the only girl on whitebeards crew. I wear baggy men's muscle shirts and baggy men's shorts. My hair is always up cuz I hate when it's in my face when fighting. I don't do makeup or fancy shoes. It's always boots or bear foot. I hate showing my curves, I feel like if I do the guys will go easy on me and I don't need that. I'm making my way to the mess hall when I overhear talking about me. I stop outside the door and listen in a spot they can't see me.

"-makes you wonder what she's got under them baggy clothes don't it"

"Oh please, as if anyone would want y/n, she's manish, who wants to think their fucking a man" that was definitely ace, why would he say that though. He's always so nice to me.

"Men want to know they are fucking women am I right, she probably has a flat chest with no ass and that's why the clothes are baggy"

"Damn ace your really attacking her"

"What, its true, has anyone seen her to know otherwise... thats what I thought, she

probably hasn't even-" I didn't stay to listen to the rest ace had to say about me. I'll

fucking show them, you don't get to make me cry like this and not get your words thrown back. Luckly we were docked at an island so I just walked off the ship and went shopping I hate shopping but I don't have any girly clothes and I'm going to make sure everyone shuts the fuck up.


I finally finished the makeup. I got a black skin tight dress that showed my curves

beautifully with two hols at the sides showing my skin. The front was cut low showing lots of cleavage and a little of my red bra. The dress only came to right below my ass but didn't ride up to show my red panties at all. I got some black glittery heals that wern't too high.

had my hair down with some nice curls, but not too much. I spirits some f/s perfume on and made my way to the deck. The sun was starting to set, but I didn't see papa on his chair. I decided to go to the mess hall since that's where noise was coming from. It seemed as if there was some party or something that was happening it looked like everyone was in here eating and talking

"Y/n, there you are my dear, you shouldn't have gotten all dressed up for a little dinner

like this. You look breathtaking my dear" papa was at the back of the mess hall sitting in his big chair there. His booming voice got the attention of everyone and it got extremely quiet. I'm sure you could hear a pebble drop with how quiet it was. Everyone was frozen in place as they stared at me. I made my way too papa.

"I didn't know you wanted a dinner with everyone, I was going on a date with a man I

meet on the island today and I was going to ask if we could not leave Port. I dont know when I'll get back and I didn't want yous to leave without me…... it's that ok papa, I don't have to go if you don't want me too" I said that as I was twearling my hair around my finger and doing my best to blush and seem cute,

"Heavens no, go on your date my dear" I smiled and clapped my hands and did a little bounce making my boobs and ass giggle.

"Thanks papa" then I turned to walk out seen that everyone was still staring at me. Ace was holding meat to his face with his mouth open like he was about to take a bite. His mouth was full of food and his eyes were big and glued to me, his face was red too.

"Have fun my dear, STOP OGLING YOUR SISTER" he yelled as he slammed his foot

down startling everyone out of their trance making some of them cough as they choked on what was in their mouth. Jokes on them, I'm just walking around and enjoying myself, let's see how much free shit I can get looken like this.


I was on my way back to the ship. It was dark out and well into the night. I had my heels hooked on my fingers walking bearfoot as I limped slightly. I fucking hate heals. I was a little damp from earlier and my makeup was smudged a bit. I'm sure I looked bad, but I had fun getting lots of free drinks and free food. Good thing I can hold my liquor being a pirate, or else shit might have happened. When I got up on deck ace was leaning against the railing with his arms crossed and his head down a little with his hat and hair casing a shadow over his face from the moon light.

"Did you have fun y/n, what did you do lookin like that" he asked in a cold voice.

"I don't think that's any of your business, but yes, I did have fun" I said was a cocky tone.

Who dose he think he is talking to me like that. I made my way to the hall to get to my

room. I could hear the hard clank of his boots as he followed after me in a fast pace. Next thing I new he grabbed my wrist and spun me around and slammed my back against the wall holding my wrist above my head

"I'm your comamder, you will not talk to me like that. Now how many men did you whore yoursel-" I dropped the heals that were in my other hand and slapped him across the face making his hat fall off.

"I don't give a shit if you're my comamder. I will not let anyone talk to me the way you are, let alone call me a whore to my face. I'm not your property, so quit acting like you own me and.. go… fuck.. yourself" I got closer to his face with the last few words I said. With how close we were I could feel his heat rise showing he was upset if I couldn't already tell from the look on his face. He gripped my wrist harder and was about to say something but I head butted him before he could. He staggered back and traded my wrist for his bloody nose. I picked my heals back up and made it to my room closing the door and locking it behind me. There was bangging on my door.

"Y/n, open this door, now" ace yelled at me. I just got undresses and layed down in my

bed. Soon enough he stopped and left finally allowing me to go to sleep.


I got dressed in my normal clothes the next day and made my way on deck. I got a few glances from everyone as I went over and sat on the railing facing papa

"How was your date my dear" he asked. Ace was standing next to him with his arms

crossed and a bandage over his nose making me chuckle slightly.

"Well..... he stood me up. saying something that he needs a real woman and not a pirate" I said waiving my hand.

"Lier you came back super late" ace stepped forward and yelled.

"Yes, cuz I didn't want my effort to go to waste, so I went to the bar and came back"

"Why was your body damp then, and your makeup all smudged" ok now I'm getting


"Cuz I walked by a lake and there was a kid drowning in it so I jumped in and pulled him out, gave him mouth to mouth to get the water out of his lungs" I jumped off the railing and walked towards him making him step closer to me.

"Then why were you limping when you came back"


HEALS" I threw my arms in the air and started to walk around before I turn back to him.

"You should be fucking ecstatic to know that hu ace, after all you were right. No one wants a fucking girl like me" I started to cry a little and as much as I fought it. It wouldn't stop "You were fucking right, no one will ever fucking want me. Are you happy now. You were fucking right, just like the rest of you. I fucking hear what you say about me. If I didn't care about all of you I would fucking wreck you so bad YOUD BE BEGGING ME TO KILI YOU FOR SAYING SHIT LIKE THAT ABOUT ME WHEN I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOU" I screamed as I ran back to my room and slammed my door locking it. I could hear papa yelling and some banging and smashing after.


I have been in my room all day, but I was starting to get hungry. Since it was so late in the day I decided to go to the kitchen and see what I could find in the fridge. Sure enough, papa had them set something aside for me. I was munching on some fruit at the counter when I felt hot arms wrap around my waste and a head push into the crook of my neck "I'm sorry for being that way y/n ace whispered. I started to claw at his hand and pushed him away from me.

"No, you don't get to make me feel like shit then try and be all cute and sweet, you can take your apology and shove it up you-" next thing I knew his wrapped his arms around me and pushed me up against the wall with his lips locked with mine. His eyes were closed but mine were wider then ever. I froze with my hands hovering in the air from the shock of what was happening.

"I said that stuff because I didn't want anyone else to try to go after you.... I want you to myself. I adore everything about you. Your smile. Your laugh. The way you walk. The way you talk. The way you dress. And the fact that your alot stronger then most of the men on this ship is kind of hot to be honest" I pushed my fingers into his chest to push him away from me as I talked.

"You embarrassed me infront of everyone twice, why the hell would I forgive you. Saying sorry doesn't fix everything" I started to walk away from him

"PLEASE, I'll I'll do whatever you want me to do" that made me stop in my tracks and

turn my head slightly back.

"Whatever I want you say.... does that include doing whatever I want.... to you" I turned back around to now face him with my arms crossed infront of my chest, making my boobs more defined.

"Yes.... you can do whatever you want to me" he started to get a bit of a cocky smile as he started to walk closer to me "I think ill take you up on that…. I wouldn't have that cocky smile though.

... your going to experience new things…... you won't like at first.…. but in time... you'll beg me not to stop" I said as I drug him to the door to my room.

"Now I am going to ask this once, and only once. Are you sure your going to let me do

whatever I want to you. Because beyond this door, there is no such thing as the words no, or stop. Are you sure you're up for it baby" I spoke so close to his face my lips were just hovering over his.

"Yes y/n…. please" he whispered as he licked his dry lips making me smile as I opened the door pulling him in and closed the door locking it.

"Now take off everything" he looked at me a little surprised.

"Getting ahead of ourselves are we"

"I didn't tell you to talk, now face the bed and take everything off including your necklace and hat" I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled a bag out with some stuff I got at the last island we were at that had an interesting shop in the outskirts of town. When I turned back he had everything off and folded on a chair I had in the corner.

"Hands behind your head, make sure you put them in a comfortable position, cuz your going to have them there for a while" he did as asked and cupped the back of his head in his hand and cupped the other behind his hand.

"Like this"

"Are you comfortable"

"For now, I dont think I will be when my arms get tired" I smirked pulling out a long rope.

"Well, this should help with that" as I started to wrap it around his wrists, his forearms, his upper arms, and around his upper chest. Tight enough that he couldn't move or get out of it, but loose enough that it wouldn't cut off his blood flow.

"I didn't expect this, but you know that once I get excited it won't hold" he said as I

reached into the bag again and pulled out a collar and walked infront of him seeing his cocky smirk.

"Is that so, I forgot to give you something to put on, but ill just put it on for you" I reached up and put the black coated collar around his neck and locked the back, the front had a little hoop on the front. I could see energy drain from his body a little.

"W-what did you do to me, what is this" he said as he tried to pull his arms down but

couldn't cuz of the tight ropes "Sea prism collar so you can't burn my nice ropes I have for you, you know getting nice soft red ones just for you was hard to find" I said as I pulled him to the bed and pushed him on it on his back.

"Also helps so you can't fight me" I smirked as I climbed up to him and pushed the back of his thighs up with my legs and spread them making sure that I leaned down to his neck and blew hot air on his ear everytime I spoke.

"You won't like what I do at first, but with time, you'll break and love it" I whispered and kissed his nose. He was already panting and getting a little hard. I sat back on my knees and chuckled as I look at him. I leaned over and picked up my bag again and took out some black straps and more red rope. I took my top off and my bra throwing them to the floor. I picked up the straps and put it on clipping it behind me. It was like a bra but it was just straps and wrapped around my boobs a little and pulled them up.

"Shit" ace mumbled looking at me. I took my rope and wrapped it around his ankles,

calfs, thighs, sack, and the base of his shaft as I finished it around his waste. Now his legs were spread open wide so I could now see his crinkled star.

"Why do you need me like this" he said as he took deep breaths and his hard dick tried to twitch in the ropes. I started to take off my shorts and underwear as I talked

"I'm sure you know where a woman's g spot is correct, but do you know where a man's is" he looked at me a little confused as he tried to think.

"Ummm" he closed his eyes trying to think. I reach backing in the bag and grabbed the strap-on I had and slipped it on me as his eyes were still closed.

"Ah, isn't it just the head of the dick" he opened his eyes looking at me, I could see the


"Most think that but it's not" I said with a smirk as I reached back into the bag and pulled out a long gloved and put it on.

"But your about to find out" I pulled out a bottle of lube and put it on my glove covered hand, coating it. His eyes got wide as he tried to move away from me.

"'Wait, wait, wait, i- I didn't agree to that, stop, get away" he tried so hard to move back from me, but due to being tied the way he was he couldn't get anywhere

"Actually you did" I leaned forward and put my none gloved hand down by his face to

hold me up.

"Did you forget" I rubbed his star with my gloved fingers making him stiffen.

"Stop, please" I leaned closer to his face.

"Stop and no don't exist in this room" I pushed one finger into him as he clenched his

body to stop me from going further. Some tears started to leak from his closed eyes as he grit his teeth.

"Shh, relax, relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise your time with me will feel better

then anything you could imagin. Now, look at me, come, open your eyes" he did as asked and looked into my eyes with his slightly red ones I returned his gaze with a loving smile and kissed his cheek.

"Just relax, and I'll show you the stop that will feel good" I kept kissing his face and neck to calm him as I rubbed my belly on his dick so he wouldn't think about the finger in him It seemed to be working as his grip loosened on my finger,

"Good job, I'm proud of you baby" his breathing started to go back to being deep as he started to groan. I started to wiggle my finger to see his reaction, he took a deep breath as his eyes shot open, he clenched then slowly relaxed making me smile. I slowly pushed another fingur in him as his breathing started to get harsh,

"Your doing so good, I'm proud of you baby, just relax, relax" I whispered as I pushed my fingers deeper and kept kissing him as I rubbed his dick with my belly.

"F-feels w-weird" he groaned threw gritted teeth and a clenched eye.

"I know baby, but now I can show you that good spot… which is right… here" I said as I

moved my fingers and pushed into his prostate making his eyes shoot open, his back arch as much as it could, and a loud moan rip from his throat.

"Fuck, that moan" I groaned as I started to kiss down his chest and suck here and there as I made my way to his dick. I kept rocking my fingers into that spot as I started to spread my fingers little by little. I reached his twitching dick and started to lick and suck his dick making him moan louder and try to buck into me, but he couldn't.

"See, it feels good doesn't it" I said between sucks.

"I-i-i FUCK" he yelled as I started to rub his balls with my none gloved hand and pumped into him faster and pushed another finger into him making him cry out in plesher. I could feel his body tense more showing that he was getting close

"Already about to cum hu, that's OK baby, cum in my mouth" I could see a shiver go up his spine as he pulled his hair a little as his moans got louder. I started to suck him harder and faster to match the speed of my fingers pumping in him. Soon enough a slow trickle of cum filled my mouth as he let out the loudest scream I heard come from his mouth. I sat up leaving my fingers in him as I swallowed his seed.

"I'm surprised you could push that out past the ropes" I said as I started to take the ropes off his dick and balls. He was panting really heavy and his eyes were glazed over as he tried to keep my gaze. I took my fingers out of him making him whine. Took my glove off and put it in the bag as I grabbed the lube and coated the dick attached to my stap-on.

"I think you're stretched enough now" I said as I rubbed the lube around and started to rub the tip against his crinkled hole.

"N-nos-st-op" he panted with ragged breath as I started to push it into him going to the hilt before I stopped and looked back up to his face. His face was turned and drool was pooling from his mouth making me chuckle and lean forward.

"Oh I see" he opened his eyes to look at mine.

"You actually like it, but don't want to admit it to yourself, your dick is already hard again and I didn't even start to move yet" I said as I flicked his dick with my fingur making him yelp and grind his ass on the strap-on. I cupped his face and turned it so he was looking straight at me as I pulled out of him and pushed back in slowly and kept that pace. His face contorted as whimpers left his mouth as he bit his lip.

"How about this" I reached between us and pushed a button on the base of the strap-on making it start to vibrant the dick attached to it and my clit at the same time making me groan and ace cry out with wide eyes.

"If you tell me that you like it and beg me for more I'll jurk your cock as I fuck your

asshole just like your body is begging me for" he looked at me with teary eyes as he

chewed on his lip to suppress his moans. I started to thrust into him harder making him yelp with each one.

"Fuck, I'm waiting" I said as I started to kiss and suck on his neck making him moan


"M-m-or-re" he choked out. I started to slow the thrusts in him as I felt his dick pulse

against my belly.

"Please t-touch m-my di-ick a-and f-fuck m-me" I leaned to his face as I stopped moving.

"I'm sorry you want me to touch your dick and what" I said knowing full well what he

wanted. His face got red as he looked at me.

"Fuck me harder, fuck me faster, make me cum again, it feels so good inside my ass" he kind of yelled at me, but that's fine. I crashed my lips with his as I started to thrust into him harder and faster as I started to jurk his cock as my upper body rested on his. The kiss was sloppy due to him moaning and screaming into my mouth, teeth clashed as I dominated his mouth before I leaned back on my heals. I pushed his thigh up higher making his other thigh do the same due to the ropes as I started to move faster and harder into him as I tried to keep my hand at the same rate.

"Tell me how much you like it, tell me you like being fucked in your ass"

"I-i]-love it, f-feels s-so g-good, d-dont s-stop, d-dont s-stop, gon-na cu-um" he cried out as his body started to spasm and cum shot out of his dick and all over my hand and his chest. Seeing that made me cum a little from the vibrations from the strap on. I stopped as we started to catch our breaths slowly. I pulled the strap on out of him slowly and turned the vibrations off as I took it off and put it back in the bag. I glided my fingers along his legs as I slowly undid the ropes on them and layed his legs down as I now moved to straddle him as i rub my wet pussy lips on his parshily soft dick.

"No falling asleep, I'm not done with you yet" I said as I tapped his face and he clenched his eyes shut.

"I-ic-ca-nt s-so s-sen-sit-AHH-tive" he cried out not even trying to hold his voice back.

"You can take a little more, see you're hard again" I put my feet down on eather side of him as I slipped him into me. I clenched my jaw as my virgin hole acked from the new experience, but I couldn't wait as I started to bounce on him hard and deep with loud moans coming from the both of us. I reached down and rubbed my clit as I watched him drool with tears coming down his face from the mix of pleasure and pain from cuming hard so may times.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, ace, you feel so good baby, you feel so good, ah God, so big" I cried out as I started to bounce faster and rub harder as I leaned forward a little and put my hand on his chest. I could feel myself clench as I started to get close to my end "C-cu-um-in-ng" he screamed as he body started to shake making me bounce faster and harder trying to finish but looking at his face was all I needed to cry out as I cam all over him. I slid him out as soon as I got enough air into my lungs. I took my straps off and leaned up and lifted ace up to sit up and lean on me as I took the ropes off of him as he lazily kissed and licked my neck but not being able to move much since he was tired. Once I got his arms out the ropes, they flopped down and I unlocked the collar around his neck and put everything back in the bag and tossed the bag on the floor. I moved his body so I was now laying on my back on my bed and his head was resting on my boob, using it as a pillow. I drew circles on his back as I combed my other hand threw his hair, lulling him to sleep.

"Now I forgive you" I smiled as I looked over to the video snail in the corner of the room and pressed stop on the remote on the floor to stop the recording.