
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 353: The Contest Between Bonney And Hina! 

"Well, Hina has no problem."

Hina looked at Gion's face, understood her intention, and nodded immediately.

"Very well, in that case, come with me."

"It happens that there is a place to train over there."

Bonney waved to the three of them, and then led them along the aisle of the cabin to go deeper into the cabin.

Soon, they came to a spacious training place with various weapons on the walls.

"It's really an empty and excellent training place."

As soon as Gion entered the train room, she couldn't help but sighed.

This is even more spacious than the dojo where she train her swordsmanship.

"This is the characteristic of the Black Pearl."

"If nothing else, the spaciousness is reflected in every space, every room."

"It's a pity that such a training room is not used by too many people."

Bonney shook her head, looked at Ain, and then stuffed the clothes in her hands into her arms.

"Here, Marine, these are the clothes that Rifan told me to clean earlier."

"Don't make it dirty, otherwise, I will turn you into an old woman."

Bonney threatened.

Facing Bonney's threat, Ain shrank her neck weakly.

Perhaps because of what her Regression Fruit can do, Bonney's Devil Fruit can also do.

But Bonney's Devil Fruit can do more.

Therefore, Ain has a kind of natural fear in the face of Bonney.

"Strange, there is such an excellent practice place."

"Why are the people of the Black Pearl Pirates unwilling to use it?"

"Since Rifan is guiding his companions to become stronger, doesn't he need to use it here?"

Gion watched Bonney walking towards the training room, and asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, it's not like you don't know what kind of character my captain is."

"When he can take advantage of someone, he will never be soft."

"Even when helping the crew members train."

"Under normal circumstances, if it is to help female crew members train.

"He usually takes them to the women's swimming pool to train."

"While being able to help them train, he can also enjoy a women's swimsuit show or something."

"Do you think he will come to this plain training room?"

Bonney scolded Rifan mercilessly while rubbing her arm.

"It...it turned out to be like this!"

Ain opened her mouth wide, as if she had discovered a new world, and she was extremely surprised.

"Able to take advantage of this level, Rifan is better than I imagined..."

Gion shook her head, feeling a sigh in her heart.

Only Hina was lost in thought.

'Looks like Hina has to prepare a swimsuit too. '

'However, wearing such clothes, can Hina really be able to train with peace of mind?'

Hina thought to herself.

At this moment, her heart was full of doubts about herself.

In matters of men and women, Hina has compromised.

She knew that she was not strong enough to stop it.

After all, women appreciate men just as men appreciate women.

If Rifan also appeared in a swimsuit, she felt that she might not be able to control herself.

"You woman, what are you thinking, do you want to fight or not?"

At this moment, Bonney's voice came along with a strong wind.

A light flashed in Hina's eyes, and she subconsciously raised her hands to block it.


There was a crisp sound.

Bonney's fist hit Hina's forearm.

The blow with the Bonney Armament Haki immediately sent Hina back a few meters.

Even the suit on Hina's forearm was damaged.

"Ah? Why does this feeling resemble that..."

Bonney rubbed her fists, frowning slightly.

She originally thought that her single blow could knock Hina down casually.

After all, she now has the power of an exoskeleton and Armament Haki.

Even if Hina took the G virus strengthening potion, the distance from her should be far away.

However, after one blow, Bonney found that her attack was as if she had hit an iron plate.

It felt like she punched the hard Germa 66 exoskeleton of her companions in Black Pearl pirate when she sparred with them.

'This woman is not using Armament Haki for defense. '

'She also didn't use her ability to construct a black barrier just now.'

'Did Rifan take this woman as his partner?'

'Wait...does it mean that what this woman said earlier is true?'

'So when Rifan helps his partner become stronger, he needs to consume his lifespan?!'

Thinking of this, Bonney's expression suddenly became serious, and he no longer had the same playful look as before.

For others, it may not be easy to believe that Rifan may consume lifespan to strengthen his partner.

But for Bonney, it's easy to believe that.

After all, before this, Rifan had used some method to increase Bonney's own lifespan.

'Rifan, who increased our lifespan before, did he just transfer his lifespan to us?'

'And help us master more power, and use his life in exchange?!'

Thinking of this, Bonney couldn't help clenching her fists.

Although gaining strength and longevity is a good thing.

But if Rifan paid for her lifespan and strength in exchange for his own lifespan, Bonney would rather not have it.

'No, I'm not sure yet.'

'The previous sense of touch may just be an illusion.'

'This Hina is not necessarily accepted as a crew member by Rifan.'

'As long as she doesn't have the tattoo of the Black Pearl Pirates on her body, what she said may just be Rifan deceiving these guys.'

Bonney took a deep breath, and after calming down a little, her eyes began to look up and down at Hina in front of her.

She wanted to see if Hina had the tattoo of the Black Pearl Pirates on her body.

Soon, a pair of her eyes locked on Hina's forearm.

Through the torn suit on Hina's forearm, a faint pink mark came into Bonney's line of sight.

"that is.…"

Bonney muttered to herself, her brow furrowing into a frown.

"What's the matter, why did you stop attacking Hina?"

Hina put on a fighting stance and looked seriously at Bonney in front of her.

Although she was hit by Bonney's fist with Armament Haki earlier and her body fell back several meters.

But surprisingly, Hina didn't feel much pain.

This also made her more confident in the power Rifan brought to her.

She also has a growing fondness for Rifan in her heart.

"Hmph, as you wish!"

Bonney snorted coldly and blinked quickly in that direction.

To be precise, she blink at Hina's arm.

Death blink!


A shock wave shot out from Bonney's eyes, and hit Hina directly, triggering an even bigger whirlwind.

'Let me see if the tattoo on your hand is the tattoo of the Black Pearl Pirates!'

Bonney whispered to herself, stepped on the ground with both legs, and rushed towards Hina in the smoke with a strong reaction force.

'It's the same technique!'

'It's really Ivankov's technique!'

'Did Bonney really learn this technique from Rifan?'

'That man, did he really meet Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army and learn his tricks from him?!'

Looking at the battle in front of her, Gion frowned tightly.

Once such doubts were generated in her heart, she could never get rid of them.

With Rifan's power, if he really has an affair with the revolutionary army, it is absolutely undesirable for Marines.

Remembering Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army who once appeared in Whiskey Peak to help Rifan resist Admiral Aokiji, Gion became even more worried.

Although with the passage of time, the Marine and World government did not find any information about Rifan's contact with the revolutionary army.

This basically ruled out the possibility that Rifan was a revolutionary.

Dragon would help Rifan at the beginning, most likely because of some reasons or he had a good impression of Rifan.

Judging from the current information, perhaps Dragon of the Revolutionary Army knows that Rifan has the ability to quickly make his partners stronger, so he wants to get close to Rifan and invite Rifan to join the Revolutionary… 

However, now that Rifan is basically ruled out as a revolutionary army, Gion has a little more doubts about Rifan being able to use Ivankov's technique.

This may overturn the conclusion that Rifan is not a revolutionary army.

'It's useless to think about it, it's better to find Rifan to confirm it later.'

'I hope this man is just a simple pirate.'

'And not a revolutionary army. '

Gion shook her head, thinking silently in her heart.

At the same time, she is also thinking about what kind of price to use to allow Rifan to tell her whether he has some relationship with the revolutionary army in the agreed form.

However, after much deliberation, Gion is not sure whether she can let Rifan reveal his relationship with the revolutionary army in the agreed way.

'It's impossible to really agree with my body…'

Gion smiled wryly, thinking to herself.

Such thoughts just flashed through Gion's mind.

She knows that if she wants to devote herself with doubts, Rifan will only show a disgusted expression and say something like 'it's not sincere'. 

'Forget it, let's figure it out later.'

Gion shook her head and refocused on Hina and Bonney who were fighting.

As time went by, her eyes lit up first, then doubts, and finally surprise again!

Obviously, she was very surprised by the confrontation between the two sides.

Equally astonished, there was Ain who was watching the battle from the sidelines.

"S-So powerful, is this the power of Colonel Hina?"

"This kind of power has far exceeded the level of Colonel Naval Headquarters!"

"It seems that...she can match the strength of Captain Shuzo."

Ain opened her eyes wide and said in surprise.

"Indeed! Hina's strength and speed have almost gone up a notch."

"Moreover, the defense of her body is even more astonishing."

"Combined with the power of Cage-Cage Fruit, she was able to resist Bonney who used Armament Haki!"

Gion nodded, raised her right hand to her chin, and continued to speculate; 

"It's just that this kind of defense is somewhat similar to those group."

"Gion Vice Admiral, who are those groups you're talking about?"

Ain raised his head and asked curiously.

" North Blue, Germa. The power of the 66th Legion…"

Gion murmured.

"Germa 66 Legion?"

"But the Black Pearl Pirates should have nothing to do with Germa 66, right?"

After hearing Gion's words, Ain became even more puzzled.

"Maybe I see it wrong."

"It's just Hina's skin with amazing defenses and a system with amazing resilience."

"It is indeed somewhat similar to those guys in Germa 66."

Gion rested her chin with one hand and said.

Once, Gion infiltrated a certain country as a geisha, and witnessed the cadre battle of Germa 66 with her own eyes.

Therefore, regarding their power, Gion had a corresponding concept in mind.

It is also for this reason that Gion is familiar with and surprised by Hina's strong defense.

'Rifan really made Hina a lot stronger!'

'But Rifan shouldn't be able to master Germa 66's technique. '

'This defensive power should come from other types of power. '

'When I have time, let's do some research.'

Gion thought to herself.

Just when Gion thought so in her heart.

During the battle, Bonney suddenly shouted loudly, and her attack became much sharper in an instant.

"Damn it, you woman really possessed that power!"

"Let me take a good look to see if you have the mark Rifan carved on you!"

Bonney said, grabbing Hina's arm at every chance.

The next moment, the ability of the fruit of age was activated.

A burst of pink light shone, Hina's body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into the appearance of a child of a few years old.

The lady's suit that was originally on her body also fell off her body.


[Tl/n: Looking for new fanfic to read while waiting for update for your favourite fanfic? Don't worry, I gotchu. If you like my previous works, you will definitely also love this too! It already have less than 50 chapters so you can enjoy it.

Titled: Hunted by characters I Drew!! ]

Kurumi is the Book cover!