
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 108: The Arrival Of Aokiji! 

The berserk Conqueror's Haki spread out in all directions centered on Mikita.

The unlucky duo flying in the sky rolled their eyes and fell from the sky.

Similarly, the members of Baroque Work living on Whiskey Peak, who were only injured but had not passed out, also fell down instantly.

And Mr.1, who was Mikita's key target, didn't pass out, but his feet couldn't take another step no matter what.

"Damn...damn it, move my body!"

Unable to control his body freely, Mr.1 roared angrily.

And in the next moment, Mikita had already appeared in front of him using 'shave'.

"Miss Valentine, you betrayer, Boss will not let you go!"

Mr.1 looked at Mikita in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Even though Mikita's danger has been known through the reward order.

But he was still surprised that Miss Valentine could burst out with such power!

"Hehe, take care of your own affairs, Mr.1."

"You can't even handle my Conqueror's Haki, isn't it inappropriate to speak harshly?"

Mikita covered her mouth and laugh lightly, and could see the strongest Baroque Work Agency agent in front of her eyes looking at her so fearfully.

This made Mikita feel comfortable from the bottom of her heart.

"Forget it, let's stop talking nonsense with you, Captain Rifan is still waiting for me."

As Mikita spoke, Armament Haki condensed on her right index finger, and then stabbed towards Mr.1's chest fiercely.

Mr.1's eyes widened, and his body instinctively felt a powerful crisis.


With his final struggle, he blocked the attack using his both hand that turn into sharp blade in front of him.

However, even a strong blade cannot stop Mikita's 'Finger Pistol'


A flesh being torn sounded, and Mr.1 felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He looked down, and was surprised to find that Mikita's fingers pierced through his defense, the arm that turned it into a sharp blade pierced a hole, and finally opened a hole in his chest.

A large amount of blood is continuously flowing out from his chest.

"my devil fruit...doesn't work?"

"What kind of power is this...?"

Mr.1 spat out a mouthful of blood, his pairs of eyes fixed on Mikita.

"Mr.1, have you heard of Armament Haki?"

Mikita withdrew her finger and question.

"Armament Haki...?"

Mr.1 muttered, but he still didn't get the answer in the end.

With his last breath, the Whiskey Peak become his final rest.

"Kyahaha~ Captain Rifan is so great. He let me kill Mr.1 easily."

"Maybe I can fight Crocodile now."

"Wait, I need to bring Mr.1's body to Captain Rifan first..."

Mikita thought of Rifan's ability to take away Devil Fruit.

Quickly carrying Mr.1's body, she ran into the room where Rifan was in the eyes of Vivi and Bonney.

"Mr.1... was killed by Miss Valentine so easily?"

"What has she experienced during this time?!"

Vivi looked at the place where Mikita and Mr.1 were fighting, her heart was already filled with surprise.

"Want to know? Just ask him and that's it."

"Didn't he just invite you to be his crew?"

"Hey, give me a hand, I also have something to ask that man."

Bonney waved to Vivi and said.

However, Vivi, worried about Igaram, didn't pay attention to what Bonney said.

After glancing at the room where Rifan and Mikita were, she quickly rushed to where Igaram was, feeling relieved to see that he was not in danger.

—•—|Reincarnated People Chat Room|—•—

['Camel' Jeyu: How dare you Rifan, you really dare kill me, I won't forgive you!! I absolutely can't forgive you bastard!!"

['Camel' Nasser: What happened? Jeyu, you were killed?]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: Huh? Rifan, have you met other reincarnator so soon?]

['Kangaroo' Helena: Wasn't this Jeyu the one who provoked Rifan earlier? Since you met him, it's normal for you to be killed.]

['Panda' Rifan: Ms. Helena is right, Jeyu, you have regarded me as an enemy, isn't it normal for me to kill you? Also, thank you for returning the chain fruit to me. The chain fruit has been put back on the shelves, and friends in need can go to the trading interface to buy it.

And since this is a second-hand product, this time you only needs 3000 points to buy it. As usual, friends from Panda only need to spend two thousand points.

In addition, I have to say that it was your captain who killed you, and I just helped a little. ]

['Camel' Jeyu: You bastard!! If it wasn't for you, that woman would be mine. Wait...you bastard actually took my fruit away?! How is that possible!?]

['Camel' Huuli: Hahaha, what an interesting situation, you spent a lot of points to buy it, and now it is taken back by Rifan. Jeyu, if I were you, I would jump into the sea and commit suicide after resurrection. Hahaha! ]

['Panda' Rifan: Jeyu, if you don't believe me, you can resurrect on the spot to see, I think there is no Devil Fruit in your body after resurrection. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: No matter what, you have gone too far this time, Rifan!]

['Eagle' Tina: Good guy, Rifan will take out the devil fruit after you buy it, so it's better not to be an enemy of Rifan. However, as for the chain fruit, this Devil Fruit is not suitable for me, which is a pity. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Hehe~ I am very interested in the ability to bind others. ]

['Camel' Jeyu: Damn it, Rifan, you bastard, how dare you! Give me back the Devil Fruit, aren't you afraid that other people won't buy it from you?!]

['Panda' Rifan: Don't be a baby idiot. Don't think just because you bought my devil fruit I will be your friend. Moreover, do you dare to say that after you bought my devil fruit, you have no plans to attack me using it?]

['Panda' Pichan: I think there is no shortage of buyers for the Devil Fruit in Rifan's hands. Rather, it would be a good thing for the reincarnated people in our side if reincarnators in other countries don't buy it. ]

Jeyu, who was staying on the resurrection place, when he saw that his personal attribute panel did not have the ability of the chain fruit suddenly became hysterical.

However, he dare not choose to resurrect now.

He understood that if he chose to resurrect at this time, he would definitely be killed by Rifan.

'Damn Rifan, you are just lucky, don't think you will always be lucky!'

'One day, I will give you ten times the humiliation you gave me, and return this shame to you!'

Gritting his teeth, Jeyu raised his hand and clicked on the option of 'Random Resurrection'.

As a ray of light covered him, Jeyu only felt a lightness in his body.

When he came back to his senses again, he found that he had come to a place full of women.

"Where is...this?"

Jeyu blinked and looked around at the environment that looked like a tea party.

Just as Jeyu was thinking, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Jeyu looked back and saw a beautiful woman with a height of more than 4 meters, with healthy skin of wheat color and a pair of long legs standing behind him.

"What a nice view!"

Jeyu swallowed, a flash of desire flashed in his eyes.

After looking at the teapot party full of women around him, Jeyu's anger towards Rifan could not help but weaken a little.

"Am I... have I come to heaven?"

Jeyu murmured.

"No, you are in hell."

"Welcome to the Big Mom pirates invaders."

The tall woman stretched out her hand and squeezed Jeyu into her hand with a smirk.

As her hands twisted, Jeyu's body was twisted like a towel.

"Ah, what's wrong with me, don't, don't kill me!"

At this moment, Jeyu realized the danger and began to scream crazily.

However, the woman holding him obviously didn't intend to let him go.

As time went on, Jeyu's body leaked a lot of liquid like a fruit.

His eyes gradually became dizzy, his mouth drooled unconsciously, and finally lost his life completely in fear, anger and cursing.

"Boring trash, he don't know how he showed up at Mom's tea party."

"Momoka, did you notice how he appeared?"

The tall woman tossed Jeyu's body aside and turned to look at Koharu Momoka, a newcomer to the Big Mom Pirates.

"Smoothie-sama, I didn't notice how he appeared."

Koharu Momoka glanced at Jeyu's body, and said respectfully to the tall woman.

Smoothie nodded slightly when she heard the words, and stepped forward:

"However, this man just seemed to mention Rifan, who was recently offered a reward of 300 million Berry by Marine, and he knew that man who gradually gained fame...interesting."

—•—|Momoka Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Damn, why did this Jeyu suddenly come in front of Momoka-chan!?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Not only resurrected here, but also directly killed by Charlotte Smoothie?!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: This guy is really unlucky, it seems that the danger of random resurrection is still very high. ]

[Hey, that Smoothie seems to be very interested in Rifan!]

[Wait, did I heard her right, that Charlotte Linlin is planning to let Rifan be her son-in-law!?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: You heard her right since that's what I also heard! It turns out that Robin is so popular that even Charlotte Linlin, who is one of the Four Emperors, pays so much attention to her.]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Haha, Charlotte Linlin has many different kind of daughters, maybe Rifan will be directly arranged by her with an ugly woman!]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

Whiskey Peak, in a room where Rifan and Mikita we're.

"Captain Rifan, I brought this guy here."

Mikita brought Mr.1's body to Rifan's side.

"Thank you, Mikita, you did a great job."

Rifan nodded slightly, took Mr.1's body over, and took out the dice-dice devil fruit from his body.

Just when Rifan put it in his inventory a reminder suddenly come, which surprised him.


[Jeyu of Camel, has completely died!]

'That guy completely dead?"

Rifan frowned, and immediately opened his communicator interface.

Because of Jeyu's death, every reincarnators receive the reminders.

Therefore, a large number of discussion messages have already emerged on the interface of the reincarnators exchange group at this moment.

['Camel' Nasser: That guy is dead? Rifan, you killed him again?]

['Camel' Huuli: He really died, but I don't hate you for this Rifan. Naturally, we must deal with the enemy thoroughly, hehehe—Hahaha! ]

['Eagle' Ethan: The crazy woman upstairs, that is the reincarnator of your country, is it appropriate for you to laugh like this?]

['Camel' Huuli: Country? Haha, ridiculous, I am a free man and I don't belong to any country!]

['Panda' Rifan: It seems that the lady upstairs is quite wild. But let me clarify my name first. I didn't kill that guy Jeyu, he probably resurrected randomly to some dangerous place, and was killed directly. ]

['Chollima' Choi: Then that means that guy is so unlucky... No, this is the characteristic of random resurrection, not everyone can be as lucky as Nasser. ]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: It seems that if you want to resurrect in the future, you have to be careful to use the function of resurrecting at a random location. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: I can attest to Mr. Rifan's statement. Because that Jeyu was revived to my pirate group, and was disposed of by the cadres. In addition, be careful, Mr. Rifan, my Captain Charlotte Linlin seems to have want you as her son-in-law.

She also said that when you come to the waters of New World, someone will be sent to meet you. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors? Really interesting, don't you think, Rifan?]

['Panda' Rifan: It's really interesting, Koharu Momoka, I want to ask who Charlotte Linlin wants to arrange to marry me? If the partner is too ugly, I will not agree.]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: Big Mom seems to want Charlotte Pudding to marry you. ]

['Panda' Rifan: Really. Thank you for the information, Momoka. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: No no no, rather, I am very happy to be able to help you, Mr. Rifan. ]

"Hey, you bastard, explain it to me."

"What do you mean when you said daughters friend earlier?"

The sound of Bonney suddenly appearing at the door brought Rifan back from the communication interface.

"I'll talk about this later when we get back to the sea. Let me heal your wounds first."

Rifan took out the healing ointment and bandages from the back pocket and came to Bonney.

Bonney wanted to know about Kuma from Rifan, so naturally she didn't resist.

Let Rifan apply the ointment to her body and wrap the wound with a bandage.

"Is it okay to say it now?"

After Rifan put away the bandages and ointment, Bonney immediately asked.

"Come back to my ship with me first, this is not a place to stay for long."

"Maybe Marine will come back here later."

Rifan helped Bonney up, and walked towards the door.

He hadn't forgotten his deal with Marine.

Thinking of this, Rifan began to spread his Observation Haki, wanting to investigate every place on the island.

"Marine? Are you kidding, how can Marine come here?"

Bonney frowned, she thought Rifan was just dodging her question.

However, at this moment, Rifan, who was helping her to the door of the room, stopped suddenly and frowned.

"What's wrong with you?"

Bonney asked strangely.

"I got careless..."

Rifan shook his head and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Bonney was even more puzzled.

Just when she was about to inquire, she suddenly discovered that the entire town started to freeze rapidly from a distance.

In a blink of an eye, most of the town has been covered by a thick layer of ice!

… …

[For more chapters = 400stones= 1 extra chapter.]

Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker.


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