
KuraKura Town

One moment Alexander was talking to Bartholomew, and now he was directly outside Shakky's, and it was just accelerating.

Without a moment's delay, Alexander scanned the area for Marines or other people.

Alexander quietly walked towards the door, and he wanted to surprise them, but even before he arrived by the door, Rayleigh had already detected him.

When he opened the door, someone flew towards him. Looking at the person that seemed to be hugging him for dear life was Nojiko.

Alexander looked down and hugged her with the same emotion as her.

It took them some time before they separated, and when he looked up, he saw both Shakky and Rayleigh looking at them with a smile.

"Welcome back, Alex we almost began to miss you."

Shakky slapped his shoulder lightly and laughed. "What do you mean we almost missed him? You couldn't stop worrying about him. You were just as worried as Nojiko."

Rayleigh was shocked at his wife's betrayal and couldn't stop looking at her in disbelief.

As those two continued, Alexander and Nojiko went towards their room. He felt like he needed to explain a few things before they continued.

After telling her what had transpired before coming here, they went back to Shakky and Rayleigh.

When they had finished chatting, Alexander and Nojiko spent the rest of the night together, and it didn't take her long before she noticed his tattoo on his back.

With that, some more explaining was in order, but lucky that didn't end the night.

------------ Next Morning --------------

The security on the island seemed to have become tighter after just one day of his disappearance. Kizaru probably didn't believe that I had died, and the Marines seemed to know that Nojiko was still on the island.

So they could only stay on the island for a few days before they have to leave cause there's a chance they could increase the security even further.

"So what are you planning now, Alex? It doesn't look like the situation here will be any better, at least any time soon." Rayleigh asked with a serious expression.

"Well, the only thing we can do is continuing our journey further ahead. So the best possible option is trying to find a blind spot in their guard and escape."

They didn't have any access to their ship to get away. Then the only thing that could work is finding a hole in the Marines' guard in the coming days and quickly use Earth Eagle to make use of it.

So the coming days, they all examined and studied the Marines' positions, and they finally found it. So without wasting much time, they said their goodbyes to Rayleigh and Shakky and hoped to meet again.

Nojiko and Shakky were chatting intensely about something before they had to go.

"This seems to be it, Ray, I have had a lot of fun having you as my teacher and a frien, and I hope to meet again soon." Alexander and Nojiko wished them both the same.

It didn't take them long to slip past their defense with Earth Eagle, but Alexander didn't have any high hopes of making it unseen. To his surprise, they never got spotted, but his gut was telling him something was amiss about this.

He shook away his fears and just continued to get as fast as possible away from the island.

After a while, they could sigh in relief for getting out unscathed. Not many supplies could fit Earth Eagle, but it would be enough until they find an island to stay on.

It took them a while, but they finally seemed to have found an island about half the size of Shell Town that they called KuraKura, which is perfect for them for the time being.

The past few days on the island were peaceful, but the only thing out of place was Nojiko's recurring vomiting. Alexander was worried if she might have gotten sick, but she kept on insisting that she was fine, so he trusted her and let it be for the time being.

But it seems like their peaceful days were over as all of a sudden, the small town they were living peacefully in started getting bombarded with cannonballs.

People screamed, kids cried, and everyone panicked as they didn't know what to do. Alexander and Nojiko were just about to go to bed when everything started, so they quickly went out to look at what was going on.

To their disbelief, 20 pirate ships the size of Marine Battleships were shooting everywhere they could. They both saw people in terror, fear, and agony. Sadly that wasn't enough as in front of them they saw pirates storming houses killing people left and right with no care in the world.

Alexander was disgusted by their expressions as they didn't have the emotion of cold-hearted killer empty of emotion or anything but in pleasure and excitement. Nojiko felt the same way as he, so they both just looked at each other and knew that helping the people was the only thing that was right to do, even if it meant exposing themselves.

As no amount of people should have to suffer like this. Without a care in the world, Alexander summoned Earth Eagle, Vulcan Horuseus, and Variares. One after another stepped forward, and Alexander asked them for his help.

Even without needing to explain anything to them, they all knew what to do like they had read his mind and started wreaking havoc.

Far off in the distance in the largest ship of them sat a man the size of a mammoth and the looks of a bear in both face and body laughing as he watched everything unfold.

I hope you like it, and sorry for the delay, I have been reworking, or I don't know the word for it, but let's say updating the first few chapters. As an attempt at trying to get me more into it again. Either way, I wish you guys a good day.

StrayGodcreators' thoughts