
Chapter 307 The Hidden Danger Left by Gold Lion

It seemed that the butterfly effect caused by his own actions had accelerated the implementation of the Fierce Beast Proliferation Plan, which originally wasn't scheduled to be put into effect until 1520. Golden Lion Shiki had confirmed it two years earlier.

His target was still East Blue, the homeland of Roger that he sought to destroy. Simultaneously, he aimed to cover the Four Seas and the Grand Line, spreading the mutated beasts enhanced by the "IQ" drug over a large area, attempting to engulf the world in a frenzy of fierce beasts!

According to Dr. Indigo, this plan had already begun to be implemented in the early part of the year, right around the time when Rowen had gone to recruit Don Sai in Kano Country, West Blue.

The number of fierce beasts gradually released into the sea numbered in the thousands, but he wasn't sure of the exact count. Half a year ago, Golden Lion Shiki had a meeting with a mysterious individual. Besides instructing him to continue developing the drug, the details of the plan were not under his jurisdiction.

At the same time, with the assistance of the mysterious individual, the "IQ" drug that induced beast mutations had also been improved. While its effectiveness had been weakened, it could now be directly ingested without the need for extended cultivation.

"So, with the help of that unknown mysterious individual, Golden Lion Shiki not only obtained Marine aircraft technology but also turned the IQ drug into crystals that take effect immediately upon ingestion?"

"This is getting a bit complicated!"

With the information in hand, Chaton, holding a cigarette, wore a more serious expression on his usually grinning face.

When Pucci called for help, he was the first to receive the information. While those mutated beasts might not pose much of a threat to them, they were absolute monsters to ordinary people!

In terms of their level, they could easily be seen as Sea Kings on land, only without the immense size.

Originally, the cultivation of a single mutated beast required a long process of testing, modification, and adjustment. However, now they had been transformed into crystals that could be ingested directly. When the experimental release of these beasts took place, these crystals were also released.

Now, the biggest threat wasn't the beasts that had already been released, but the unknown number of beasts that were about to mutate!


Tsuru nodded, continuing to speak.

"At the same time, the reason Golden Lion Shiki attacked Angel Island was because of that mysterious individual. According to Dr. Indigo, they had discovered the Sky Island a long time ago, but it didn't hold any resources valuable enough for them to make a move."

"But that mysterious person was very interested in the Sky Island's Dials. As part of their deal, he demanded that Golden Lion Shiki use the Sky Island's Dials as payment for his services, which led to Golden Lion Shiki's attack on Angel Island."

Rowen was well aware that Golden Lion Shiki attacked Angel Island for the sake of the Dials. Thanks to Tsuru's unique interrogation techniques, he had finally received an explanation for something that had puzzled him before.

But he hadn't expected that there was a mysterious figure behind Golden Lion Shiki.

"The information suggests that the mysterious person's interest in Dials may be due to their high market value in the Blue Sea. Combined with his knowledge of aircraft technology, it's highly likely that he is an insider among us." At this moment, Vice Admiral Momonga suddenly spoke with a solemn tone, causing a brief silence to fall over the office.


This didn't only refer to the Marine, but also included the World Government!

Guarding while stealing!

There was no need for Vice Admiral Momonga to explain; this thought naturally crossed everyone's minds. The Marine had its fair share of misfits, especially in the various Four Seas branches, far from the Emperor's gaze.

However, compared to the World Government, they were still small fry. That was where the real thieves' den was!

"The corrupt World Government," was not only the belief of pirates but also of many in the Marine.

"Hmph! Government officials!" Akainu snorted coldly with a hint of scorn crossing his face.

Whether it was the Sky Island's Dials or the mutated fierce beasts that could be sold as biological weapons, they could fetch a massive amount of wealth. Faced with such astonishing profits, he found it strange that no government officials had gotten involved.

However, when it came to the World Government, even he didn't dare to say too much.

Sengoku remained silent for a moment, then looked around at the Marine present in the room and spoke slowly.

"As for the identity of the mysterious person, you don't need to worry about it. I'll handle this matter."

"The current priority is to eliminate the fierce beasts causing havoc on the sea. Half an hour ago, I received a notification from Don Sai in Kano Country. The first mutated beast has already appeared there."


"Chaton, Yamakaji, Dalmatian!"

The three named Vice Admirals stood up and saluted loudly.


"You will be in charge of West Blue!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Momousagi, Maynard, Strawberry, you will handle North Blue."

"Rowen and Vice Admiral Momonga will be in charge of East Blue; Onigumo, Bastille, and Doberman will handle South Blue; the rest remain at the headquarters. Notify all Base Heads to be vigilant for any changes in the Grand Line!"


All the Vice Admirals stood up and, after saluting, spoke solemnly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Rowen realized something was amiss.

"Fleet Admiral, I am also a Base Head, right?"

Old veterans like Garp, Comil, and Jonathan, who were Base Heads of the G-series branches, could be excused from being sent to the Four Seas. So why was he, the Base Head of the G-10 branch, being dispatched to East Blue? G-10 was still a branch, wasn't it?

And... East Blue! It's so far!

"Hmph! If I say you go, then you go! Can't you handle it?" Sengoku glared at him with a dark expression, then waved his hand. "Dismissed!"


Despite Marine Headquarters no longer fixating on the whereabouts of the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi after Golden Lion Shiki's demise, the threat posed by Golden Lion Shiki's Fierce Beast Proliferation Plan was now of greater concern.

As a military force, they were always swift in making decisions, quickly formulating a plan to eliminate the fierce beasts.

However, what was currently causing a stir in the seas was still Rowen's killing of Golden Lion Shiki.

In their rare resurgence from the blow of Yonko Kaido's defeat, pirates were now searching high and low for the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi that had appeared after Golden Lion Shiki's death. This had caused ripples of unrest in the seas.

At this juncture, leaving Rowen in the Grand Line would undoubtedly lead to severe repercussions from various factions. Those who sought fame and those who sought allegiance would flock to him. It might even incite turmoil. Sending him to East Blue was a way to avoid the limelight.

But this wasn't the typical avoidance of attention. This was like throwing a wet blanket on a pot of boiling oil that was already burning fiercely!

As a well-known unstable element in the Marine, leaving him in the G-10 branch did more harm than good. Sengoku preferred to maintain stability in his actions. Naturally, he wouldn't allow Rowen to remain in the Grand Line.

So he simply dispatched him to East Blue to deal with the fierce beast problem. Out of sight, out of mind.

Officially business, effectively a vacation, but meaning a toss-away mission.

"So why have I become the person everyone avoids? It's not my fault about Golden Lion Shiki, is it?"

In the Recruit camp, General Instructor's office.

Rowen complained with a disgruntled look on his face with his hands in his pockets, while Zephyr, with his fish-like eyes, chuckled.

Rowen had fulfilled the vow he once made in front of Zephyr. The bodies of Edward Weevil and "Golden Lion Shiki" were cremated and cast into the sea before him. It was impossible not to be moved by this.

But Zephyr knew Rowen's unconventional style better than anyone. He was a guy who could get you into trouble even if you tried to keep a low profile.

With someone like him, you couldn't just go along with what he said, otherwise, who knows what he might do!

"What's wrong with going to East Blue? That's Roger's hometown, and it's likely that Golden Lion Shiki set up the most fierce beasts there. Sengoku values you for this!"

"Huh? Is that so?"

Rowen widened his eyes in surprise, looking like he was saying, 'I've seen the original series, don't try to deceive me'.

"Absolutely! Colonel Smoker, stationed in Loguetown, East Blue, sent a report before, saying that many inexplicable beasts have recently appeared in East Blue. Initially, we thought it was just an isolated incident. But now, combined with the current information, it's been confirmed that it was Golden Lion Shiki's doing!"

Zephyr nodded seriously, reminding him, "Although the plan hasn't been fully implemented yet, the most crucial part of the fierce beasts is trapped in Pucci and being dealt with by Garp. But as the place Golden Lion Shiki vowed to destroy, East Blue must be well-prepared."

"This mission is very important, Rowen! Be cautious in everything!"

"Alright, I understand..."

Rowen gave up his complaints and stroked his chin.

"East Blue, huh! It seems there's no opponent worth a fight... It just so happens that I had some regrets from reading the original work before. I might as well take care of it all at once!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

Zephyr turned around in confusion, looking bewildered.

"Nothing, Sensei, you go ahead. I'll go back and prepare to set off."

With that, Rowen, under Zephyr's stunned gaze, turned into a streak of lightning and shot into the sky.

(End of this chapter)