
Chapter 50 Meeting 2

After thinking about the possibility of a connection between Deox Island and Void Century Cross saying "if this island has a poneglyph then I want to be allowed to read the poneglyph"

"Poneglyph?" Serafall asked confused.

"It is a stone with an ancient language but I don't understand it. I only know that the World Government forbids research on poneglyphs. So you also think this island has poneglyphs?" said Ajuka with glowing eyes.

"I don't remember anyone talking about a poneglyph while still in the palace," said Sairaorg and tried to remember the past.

"That's just my guess," Cross said.

"Well, if there really is then when we win the war you are allowed to read it," said Sirzechs.

"When will you all go to war?" Cross asked.

"In 3 days," Falbium answered.

'CP may be heading to Deox Island or have arrived on this island,' thought Cross when he knew that in 3 days there would be a war.

"My crew already has guarded the sea around Deox Island. If there is help from outside the island, we will find out," said Cross.

"That's good, we will know what the enemy will do if we can catch them," said Ajuka with a smile.

"I'll tell them to catch the people who came to this island," said Cross.

"We will need your help if someone helps the two factions," Sirzechs said, massaging his forehead.

"Leave it to us," said Sairaorg proudly.

"Haaaaah, I think this meeting is over. Let's eat," said Sirzechs.

"Yes, I'm hungry too," said Sairaorg.

"I'll call my crew to tell them. You can go to the dining room first," Cross said and took out a denden mushi.

"I'll wait for him to finish and show him the way to the dining room later," said Serafall.

"Then we will go first," Sirzechs said as he walked out.

After that everyone left the meeting room. But Law did not leave and remained standing while leaning against the wall.

"Why don't you go to the dining room?" Serafall asked with her head tilted.

"What do you want to do?" asked Law.

"What do you mean?" Serafall asked confused.

"You could have told a maid to show Cross the way to the dining room but you didn't do that. Don't pretend to be stupid," Law said with a little anger.

Serafall raised his hands and said "You are really smart. I just want to ask Cross. Why don't you become a marine? If what Sairaorg says is true then you can quickly become a vice admiral."

"That's none of your business," Cross answered coldly.

"Hmph! I just want to know your reasons," said Serafall, frowning.

Cross not respond to what Serafall said.

Pere ... pere ... pere ... pere ....

Pere ... pere ... pere ... pere ....

Kacha ...

"Rei is here"

"Rei, I want you to catch all the ships that are approaching Deox Island. Get information from the people you are catching," Cross said.

"Yes, captain!"

"Call me if anything happens," Cross said and hung up.

Seeing Cross close the call made Serafall curious. Serafall then asked, "how many women are in your group?"

"Only 3 women can fight, let's go to the dining room," Cross said.

"Can I be your crew? I can fight and also very strong," said Serafall with glowing eyes.

"No, you will create too much trouble," Cross said with no interest.

"Hmph!" Serafall only frowned at Cross answer. She no longer spoke to Cross and only walked into the dining room.

When he reached the dining room Cross saw that the others had started eating. He saw that there were some people he did not meet while in the meeting room.

"Ah, Cross, have you contacted your crew?" Sirzechs asked.

"Yes, they will call me if they catch someone," Cross said and sat in an empty chair.

"That's good, they are my family," said Sirzechs.

"I am Sirzechs father and my name is Zeoticus Gremory," said the man with deep red hair and a dark red beard.

"I am Sirzechs mother and my name is Venelana Gremory," said a beautiful woman with short hair and purple eyes.

"I'm Sirzechs Gremory sister and my name is Rias Gremory," said a beautiful young woman with blue eyes and deep red hair.

"My name is Milicas Gremory. I am the son of Sirzechs Gremory," said a child with deep red hair.

"You can call me Cross," Cross said with a smile.

"This is the first time I've seen a pirate so polite and why are you frowning Serafall?" said Venelana.

"He doesn't want to accept me as his crew," said Serafall, frowning.

"You can't be a pirate!!! You are the heir of the Sitri Clan," said the young woman who wore glasses with a slim figure, black hair styled with short bob cuts and purple eyes.

"You can become next heir Sona-tan," said Serafall and hugged Sona.

"Can you not hug me in front of lots of people ?!" said Sona and tried to release the hug from Serafall.

"She is the younger sister of Serafall and her name is Sona Sitri," said Ajuka.

"Sirzech and Serafall are siscon so don't approach their younger sister," Falbium said in a whisper.

"I have no intention of approaching them," Cross said and shrugged.

"And this is my daughter Akeno Himejima," said Shuri, hugging a beautiful young woman with an attractive figure, very long black hair and purple eyes.

"Hello," Akeno said nervously.

"Hello," said Cross.

"She will be nervous when meeting people for the first time," Shuri said.

"Haha, no problem," Cross said and continued eating.

When all finished eating they went to continue their activities. Misla, Alice, Pascia, and Shizuka went with Venelana to the garden. Sirzechs, Falbium, and Ajuka went to check on their respective troops. Serafall who had just eaten was pulled out by Ajuka.

"I just ate !!!" shouted Serafall.

"You can eat later, we have to check the condition of the soldiers," said Ajuka.

"Sona-tan, please help me !!!" shouted Serafall.

Sona just shook her head because of her sister childlike nature. She looked at Cross and Law then apologized.

"Sorry for my sister childlike nature," said Sona with a shy face.

"It's okay, one of my crew is like a child," Cross said with a smile.

"What are you going to do Cross?" Sairaorg asked.

"Is there a place to practice?" Cross asked Rias.

"I'll show you the way if you want to use the training ground," Rias said.

"I want to see this city," Law said and walked out of the room.

"I'll come with Law," Liban said.

"Me too," Bepo said.

"No, Bepo and Liban cannot leave this house. I don't want you to cause trouble here," Cross said seriously.

"Fine" Bepo and Liban answered helplessly.

"You can only cause trouble wherever you go," Furcas said mockingly and walked following Law.

"Why Furcas can leave?" Bepo asked.

"He different from you two," said Cross.

"Come follow me, Akeno, are you coming?" asked dressing.

"Yes, I want to see them practice" Akeno answered in a very low voice.

"I will also come to see them practice. Maybe there is something I can learn," said Zeoticus.

"I'll follow later," said Sona.

Then Akeno walked near Rias. Rias held Akeno's hand and walked out. Shuri saw Akeno's attitude could only shake her head in sadness, she then looked at Cross and said "please take care of my daughter. She is still traumatized by what just happened."

"Why do you trust me so much? I am a pirate," Cross asked, confused.

"Sirzechs and others believe in you. And I think all Sairaorg's friends are good people," Shuri answered with a smile.

Cross said nothing and just walked out of the room. 'Good people? I don't know if I'm a good person or a bad person, 'thought Cross.

I'm not updating because my computer is a little corrupted and needs time to fix it


Akeno Himejima - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Akeno_Himejima

Zeoticus Gremory - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Zeoticus_Gremory

Venelana Gremory - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Venelana_Gremory

Rias Gremory - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Rias_Gremory

Milicas Gremory - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Millicas_Gremory

Sona Sitri - https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Sona_Sitri

Killing_Intentcreators' thoughts