
One Piece: The Uncrowned Emperor

Killed by truck-kun before his time was up, a young and painfully average okatu named Michael ends up reborn into the world of One Piece. In the Afterlife, he was granted his wish to control time and space, but the problem was that the angel granting his wish had forgotten to mention a thing or two... "Wait a minute... Why am I silvery blue and can't wear clothes?! I am not Dr. Manhattan!" Watch as Michael D. Saint unintentionally influences the Events of One Piece, travels this familiar jet unfamiliar world, grows his own Mercenary Company, builds a space station/ satelite cannon and conquers the hearts of three incredible women. ... For he will be Uncrowned Emperor... _______________________________________________ P.S. +Length: Average Chapter 1200~1500 Words; +Harem: Yes, but only three heroines introduced in the first three Volumes and no NTR. +Explicit Sexual Content: M/F; M/F/F; M/F/F/F; F/F; Bdsm; Shotacon; Large Dick; Big Breasts; Blow jobs; Creampie and the other good stuff for men and women of culture. +Regarding grammatical errors and spelling mistakes: Please keep in mind, that I am not as good as I would like to be with the english language but am working on it. Also I don't employ an editor since I am writing for free and fun. Disclaimers: -I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and understand, that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. - I am not taking money for my work so please don't expect regular updates.

Zibarn · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Plan Utopia

Shocked to see Mr. 6 and Miss Mother's Day so easily dispatched, Vivi stumbled to stand up righ, her robe torn. Still confused by the sudden turn of events, she ran over to the corpse of Pell.

Meanwhile, Kuma found a roten molding water melon shrinking in size, as it transformed itself into a Devil Frute, Pell's Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon to be more specific. Taking a dropped but clean handkerchief from a corpse near by, he wrapped the Fruit in in before storming it in his backpack.

"No, no, no! Pell you can't be dead! Please wake up!" Vivi screamed, tears running down her face like a water fountain as she tries to wake up a corpse.

Soon, as sadness replaced anger, she stood up her fists clenched,  as she swore. "You just wait Sir Crocodile... You will pay for this...!"

Then upon her fully noticing her saviour as he was storing the Devil Fruit, she asked him. "Thanks for saving me, but who the hell are you?"

Nodding in acknowledgement, Kuma replied. "Name's Tibbers. I am working for Michael."

"Thank goodness..." Vivi replied, before resembling the Strawhats. "... We have to safe my friends the Strawhats!"

That was when a huge explosion suddenly shook the city, coming from Crocodile's Casino.


Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom

Arriving at our destination I was taken by surprise as the capital city was so much bigger than was ever depicted in the manga or anime. Built on a plateau near an oasis Alubarna, just like Nanohana and Erumalu followed the conventions of Islamic architecture, such as domed buildings and towers but on a far larger and much more opulent scale.

Stopping right infront of an extremely tall clock tower building, with an uncanny resemblance to London's Big Ben, Robin had her people unload the cargo, as I was ignoring their disgusted looks.

"That's it?" I asked Nico, who was concerned looking at her pocket watch.

Closing her watch, she looked up at me before replying. "It's nothing. I was expecting some associates to be already here. I guess they are just running late..."

Remembering the cannon timeline, I was guessing that Luffy was either already fighting Crocodile for the first time or was currently being saved. -I can only hope that Robin being here with me and Kuma supporting Vivi doesn't change too much. Ah, fuck it. Luffy still has his plot armor.-

That thought, I pushed away concerns and asked Robin. " Why don't we continue our talk from last time? I am still very much interested in history."

Seeing her blush, I continued my personal mission of conquering Nico Robin.


Rainbase; Alabasta Kingdom

Meanwhile far away from ne and Robin, Luffy was, just as I had suspected, having his first confrontation with Crocodile.

"Why don't we end the game, now... Strawhat Luffy?" Asked Crocodile amused by Luffy's attempts to even hit him.

"I have been fighting seriou!!..." Complained Luffy. "... Dammed... I can't hit him, he keeps on dissolving."

"You and I are two Pirates in completely different leagues..." Said Crocodile, before shouting. "... DESERT SPADA!!!"

That said, an edge of sand instantly appeared aimed at Luffy's position.

Jumping out of the way at the last possible moment, Luffy said. "OOF!!!"

Laughing, Crocodile simply commented. "Well spotted, you wouldn't have just said oof, if it hit you."

"What the fuck?! The desert us cut in half!" Shouted Luffy, inspecting the deep cavern created by Crocodiles attack.

"Depending on how you use and train Devil Fruit Powers can be very strong in battle... But I am not like those idols content just to possess such powers, I am honing mine..." Explained Crocodile casually. "... You'll wish you never stood up to oppose me... DESERT GIRASOLE!!!"

That said a huge pit of quick sand was instantly formed and Luffy stammered. "What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!"

"All right, that brought!..." A deep calm voice said, just before a gigantic palm strike hit the pit.

"Who?!" Asked Crocodile just as only for a moment, he lost control over sand and it washed over him, before he recognized the newly arrived giant. "... Kuma?! What the hell are you doing here? Did the World Government send you?"

"I am not Bartholomew Kuma, but I've heared he is very handsome." Replied Kuma, totally unaffected by his own boasting.

"Tibbers, just wait a second..." Said Vivi out of breath, as she joins the three pirates, just before she had heared Crocodile's shocked question. "... What?! Why would one of the Seven Warlords of the sea work for Michael?"

"Kuma or not. Plan Utopia is already set in motion. Not even a Warlord of the Sea can stop Alabasta from destroying itself now..." Told Crocodile Kuma, just as fingerstips made out of sand rose from the ground surrounding Luffy, before they closed around him, pulling him deep underground. "... That's it princess. You can either save your friend or your country. Chose wisely..."

That said, Crocodile vanished into a cloud of sand.


Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom

Meanwhile I was getting incredibly frustrated with Nico Robin, as we sat in a cafe near the Central City Square right outside the Palace.

"I am impressed by your versatile use of words to say 'I don't know'." I told her upon hearing her latest reply to my latest question, that had been 'Are the D.'s descends of the ancient kingdom destroyed by the World Government?'.

"And I am surprised to hear that you, an apparent man of culture expected clear cut answers." Replied Nico calmly, a faint blush now permanently on her face, as she elegantly sipped her tea.

-Man of Culture?! I show you how cultured I truly am.- I thought to myself, my cock twitching as I took in the incredible vixen that was Nico Robin. Only now in close proximity and in real life, I realized how much Robin looked like Kate Backinsale in the second Underworld movie.

As such, smirking, I asked her. "Since you don't know that much about the Void Century, let's talk about you or Crocodile's plan to get his hands on Pluto."

"I will not talk about my Employer's plans for this country, so what do you want to know about me..." Decided Nico, her tea employ. "... I am curious."

"First, let me order you a new one..." That said, I ordered her another tea, before finally asking her. "... Where will you be going after your gig with Croc is over?"

"I guess I will hopefully still with Crocodile's protection continue searching for the Poneglyths left behind from the Void Century..." She answered, before coughing upon seeing my annoyed expression. "... I guess my next destination would be the island of Jaya, more specifically the city of gold guarded by the natives. I have read in the Diaries of Mont Blanc Noland that there is supposedly another Poneglyph in that city. Why do you ask?"

"I ask because I like you Robin..." I honestly told her, before adding. "... and would like to recruit you into my Mercenary Crew."

First attracted than intrigued, Robin eventually shook her head as she stood up from the table we were sitting at. "You might be as strong or even stronger than Crocodile, but what I need is political protection from somebody who can guarantee me shelter from the World Government."

-Why did you than join the Strawhats in the cannon?- I only thought to myself and instead asked her hopeful. "So, if I became one of the Seven Warlord of the Sea, recognized by the World Government, you would join me?"

"HAHAHA... And how will you do that?..." Robin asked amused by my question, as she paid the bill. "... Becoming one isn't as easy as simply defeating Crocodile. You also have to be recommended by a member of the World Government like one of the founding kingdoms."

-And here goes my pronised favour from King Kobra...- I mentally groaned but kept a mysterious smile on my face as I followed her out of the cafe and into a side alley. "Is that so, than wait and see me become one..."

Apparently already having a faint idea on how I might be able to achieve that, Nico smiled innocently while placing her right hand on my bare ripped chest. Our eyes meeting, I could feel her surprisingly cold and quick peppermint breath hit repeatedly my face as her fingers wandered my chest upwards to my collarbone.

"If you can save this Kingdom in the next few hours, defeat Crocodile today and become a Warlord, I will not just be your crew mate..." She purred into my left ear, her free left hand straddling my already hardening cock, before she abruptly the let go of me and took a step back with a flirty, teasing wmile. "... if you get what I mean."

That said, before I could even reply to her she had already blown me a hand kiss and vanished into the crowd.

-Guess, I will have to get involved in this...- I thought to myself as I left the ally via teleportion