
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 32 Zoan Awakening


Armament Haki rubbed violently.

Gustav is horrified, and he wants to crush Victor.

Therefore, he keeps unleashing his own Armament Haki regardless of his own consumption.

At this moment, the ground under Victor's feet continued to shatter and collapse.

However, Victor's mouth curled into a smile.

No wonder the strong like to single out the strong.

Unscrupulous release of power, arbitrary destruction!

This feeling is simply wonderful!

As the two separated, a landslide with a diameter of several kilometers appeared in the area where the two were located.

None of the landslide areas are flat.

However, the two were separated for less than a second, and each rushed towards each other fiercely.

Both are over 30 meters tall.

boom! boom! boom!

The two punches were faster and heavier than each other.

The fists slammed together, and the air explosion and sound waves produced continued to destroy the surrounding environment.

However, anyone who is not blind can see that Victor has the upper hand.

Despite his larger size, Victor's fighting skills are still superb.

Gustav was continuously hit on the head and ribs with heavy punches.

On the other hand, Victor was almost never hit by Gustav.

One ebbs and another, Gustav consumes more energy.

as predicted.

More than ten minutes later, Gustav was out of breath, and his body was continuously injured, which made him consume more energy to recover from his injuries.

"Do you need a little more time to recover?"

Victor did not continue to attack, but asked Gustav.

It seems to be polite, but in fact it is contempt!

Gustav gritted his teeth, clenched his hands into fists, and Armament Haki wrapped his fists.


"Belittle me again and again!"

"Boy, congratulations, I will eat you!"

Gustav gritted his teeth, anger, fighting intent, and murderous intent erupted at the same time, and at the same time, his eyes glowed red.

It's Conqueror's Haki!

Conqueror's Haki is released with it.

As the Conqueror's Haki spread, the black lightning-like Conqueror's Haki darkened the sky, and all the insects, snakes, birds and beasts on the island hid in their burrows, trembling and panicking.

Although Conqueror's Haki is a kind of kingship, only one person in a million has it!

But this is New World, the strong who can come to New World and dominate one side in New World, how can they be mediocre!

As Shaq Locke Dahl said, in this sea, there are countless silver medalists who are hated just because they have not defeated Whitebeard and Roger!

At this point, Gustav decided to kill Victor at any cost.

He is king of the sea.

The king's anger is not something that mortals can bear!

Under the coercion of Gustav's Conqueror's Haki, everyone on the island, whether it's a Marine or a pirate, is extremely disturbed.

"Victor." Gion looked in Victor's direction worriedly.

The Titan in the distance stood still, unaffected by Gustav at all.

"I reminded him that Gustav shouldn't be the target!" Jiaji muttered and continued to complain. But his attack didn't stop. While driving Johnson back with a knife, he blocked Bogner's attack and saved Eric.

On the other side, Eric, Kennard and others were breathing heavily.

They are also adapting to combat.

"Thanks to you, we may not survive today."

Bogner looked down at the wound on his chest, and just cut his chest open with a knife.

However, the wound was not very deep.

He is Zoan Demon fruit power, the wound will stop bleeding quickly.

"We have to retreat early." Qi Noel said worriedly.

Every pirate in the Crocodile Pirates has seen Gustav's appearance after being enraged.

After Gustav is angry, his strength will become stronger and stronger, especially after losing his mind, he will completely lose control and fight only by his own instinct.

Moreover, after losing control, kill and eat them all, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends!

"Then be a little more serious, just to try its resilience."

A gleam flashed in Victor's eyes.

Gustav senses a change in Victor.

Is this guy using me as a test subject?

Thinking of this, Gustav was furious.

In the Zoan Devil Fruit, all will reside.

After Gustav awakened, he also activated the host's will.

The emperor crocodile lodged in Gustav's body was no ordinary emperor crocodile.

It's murderous!

After awakening, Gustav will be affected by his will, cruel, bloodthirsty, and braver as he fights!

Victor took a deep breath.

"Life Returns Eight Inner Gates Open!"

Victor took a lunge and adjusted his breathing, disengaging his brain domain.

"The tyrant strikes!"

Gustav attacked directly, his sharp claws grabbed Victor fiercely.

Victor feinted and avoided Gustav's attack. When Gustav passed a position, he raised his foot and kicked with a side whip.

Victor's whip kicked Gustav's forearm, and Gustav retreated dozens of meters after being kicked.

When he retreated, his feet smashed the ground continuously, leaving huge pits on the ground.

Moreover, before Gustav could stand still, Victor had already rushed forward.

It is unbelievable that such a tall body of a titan can still have such a fast speed!

Dive belly punch!

Victor lowered his head to avoid Gustav's sharp claws, and at the same time, he punched Gustav hard, hitting Gustav in the stomach.


The huge sonic boom shook everyone's eardrums, which showed how powerful this punch was.

After Gustav's body was blown away, his body rolled continuously, plowing a gully several meters wide and tens of meters deep on the ground.

It was not until Gustav smashed more than a dozen peaks that he barely stopped.

Gustav stood up, he wrapped Conqueror's Haki's sharp claws, and angrily grabbed around.

Immediately, the rock wall of the mountain shattered into slag like tofu.

Looking at Victor again, Victor hooked his fingers towards Gustav.

Is this adding fuel to the fire?

Still think Gustave is not angry enough?

The color of Gustav's skin changed. It was originally gray like skin covered in cement, but now it turned dark red, clinging to his body like magma.

"Tyrant Domain!"


The will lodged in Gustav's body completely affected Gustav's mind at this time.

Seeing this, Victor raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a satisfied smile.

That's how it should be!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Gustav rushed to Victor.

His eyes were red and his aura was frightening, like a demon.

It was as if he was no longer human!

Seeing this, Victor actually stood where he was, neither dodging nor evading.

I saw the dazzling golden light from Tai Tan's whole body.

When Gustav rushed in front of him, Victor threw out his fist, and the golden light instantly swallowed up all the darkness around him.