
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 29: Two Great Aids

In Gion's eyes, Victor is a very gentle boy.

Because I have been exposed to rain, I always want to hold an umbrella for others.

Victor lost his parents when he was ten years old, and Gion believes that Victor's words came from the bottom of his heart.

Under the watchful eyes of the people around this scene, they all thought Victor was a very kind Marine.

The boy took the change and ran away quickly.

He hid in the corner, gasping for breath.

His name was Gilder Tezzolo, he was born into a very poor family, he was ostracized by his friends because he was poor, and he yearned for the entertainment seen from outside the venue.

However, his father was a gambler and died of illness one day.

Later, the family became poorer, and the mother hated Tezzolo's singing, so she ran away.

Since there was nothing to eat, he started stealing money.

And he made friends with money.

"Victor Rear Admiral."

Tezzolo looked at the change in his hand and remembered Victor.

For the first time since he was a child, someone helped him.



"What an attractive man."

Behind a big tree, a young woman with short black hair and a spider-patterned blouse murmured.

Women are called Shakky.

12 years ago, she was hunted down by Monkey·d·Garp, and then retired to run bars on the islands of Sabaody.

She is an informant herself, collecting a lot of information and selling some information.

Right now, Victor's intelligence is valuable.

Powers all over the world are interested in Victor.

Under Shakky's gaze, the three of Victor walked into a tavern.

Victor could feel a lot of people watching him.

However, he didn't really care.

In the tavern, Victor ordered a lot of food and drink, and Gion sat beside him, singing and drinking with Victor.

Plus, you can only drink boring wine.

The taste of wine is sour.

At this time, Victor suddenly asked Gion, "Want to come to my army?"

"Your army?" Gion was stunned for a second or two, then smiled and said, "Since it is Victor's invitation, my sister will naturally agree."

Kake was surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Hey! Gion, how can you be with Victor!"

Victor also ignored Kake, "Then let me talk to Sengoku Uncle and ask him to transfer you over."

Although the combat power of the special forces is not weak, they lack strong ones.

In New World, there are forces that are as strong as their own and their cadres are everywhere!


The one-month vacation is coming to an end soon.

Victor leads the special forces and leaves Mariejois.

This time, Victor did not go to the g1 and g5 branches, but went directly to the crusade mission.

Fight against the great pirates in New World.

Apparently, Five Elders and Sengoku have the same idea.

They all want to develop Victor into a second Garp.

Or, to put it another way.

Both the Five Elders and Sengoku want to reduce Garp's influence.

Five Elders and Sengoku gave Victor a crusade list.

Including Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Roger, Charlotte Linlin, Kaido and others are all on the crusade list.

Of course, there are other optional targets besides Whitebeard et al.

For example, Gustav the man-eating crocodile, Butler the troll, Cindy the executioner, etc.

The bounties offered by these great pirates are each more than 500 million Baileys.

"It seems that some are busy."

Victor smiled and handed the list to Gion.

Originally, the fate of these great pirates was either to be defeated by Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion, or to be sent to Impel down by Garp, Sengoku, and others.

"Oh my god, are they thinking you're a Garp?"

Jiaji said in surprise.

Although Victor only invited Gion, Kake followed him on board.

He doesn't worry about Gion being with Victor.

Lonely and widowed, what if

In short, they cannot be left alone!

So, at Kake's request, Sengoku also agreed to Kake's transfer to the special forces.

"Who do you want to fight against?" Jia Ji knew Victor, since he was young, he liked to take the number one spot!

Victor loves to express himself too much!

"Gustav," Victor said.

"Are you crazy!" Jiaji said in astonishment.

Man-eating alligator - Gustav!

A reward of 665 million Baileys is offered!

Gustav is not only powerful, but also has the habit of eating people!

Rumor has it that Gustav once ate people from a country when he was angry.

Actually going to crusade against him, and only with the special forces!


After several days of sailing, the warship arrived at a deserted island.

Wright stood on the mast, watching with a telescope.

He found several pirate ships parked in the harbor.

On the masts of these pirate ships, there are pirate flags with giant crocodiles biting skulls.

"Report, the pirate ship of the Giant Crocodile Pirates was found ahead."

Wright quickly came to Victor.

"Well, Sengoku Admiral's information is really accurate."

Victor held a small box in his hand.

Inside the box is a fragment of a life card.

In the early years, Sengoku sent people to lurk into the Giant Crocodile Pirates and became one of them.

As long as Sengoku wants to do something to the Giant Crocodile Pirates, he can finish them at any time.

Victor took out a cigarette, smoked it slowly, and said, "Let's do it."


Wright immediately communicated Victor's orders.

Subsequently, the warship began shelling.

boom! boom! boom!

With the sound of cannons, the cannonballs fell towards the pirate ship in the bay with the sound of piercing through the air.

First sink the pirate ship so that the pirates cannot escape from here.

The Giant Crocodile Pirates naturally heard the sound of the cannon.

The cadre in charge of standing guard immediately picked up the binoculars and observed the sea.

"It's Marine!"

"Only one warship!"

After the cadre saw it clearly, he immediately shouted downward.

Upon hearing this, Gustav snorted coldly, "Do you dare to arrest me with just one warship?"

"Boss, could it be Garp?"

At this time, the white-bearded cadre beside Gustav asked.

Gustav was taken aback when he heard this.

Do not rule out this possibility!

"Even if Garp came, I wouldn't be afraid of him."

Gustav snorted coldly, he opened his mouth, showing his fangs, "I will chew Garp whole and swallow it in my stomach."

Gustav is 33 years old this year. Since his debut, he has encountered and played against Garp, Sengoku, Roger, Whitebeard and others many times.

It's just that he hasn't lost yet!

Because Gustav's Devil Fruit is a very rare Zoan crocodile fruit in the form of the ancient emperor crocodile.

The emperor crocodile was once one of the largest crocodiles, with an exceptionally sensitive sense of smell and a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, even a dinosaur would become its mouth in an instant.

Since Gustav's debut, countless opponents have been crushed and devoured by his giant mouth.

"Report! All three enemy ships are on fire!"

At this time, Connor reported the results to Victor.

"Yeah." Victor nodded, and then continued to give orders: "Tell brothers, prepare to go to the island for battle!"


Eric, Kennard and others are ready to go.

As the landing craft fell into the sea, the special forces prepared to attack the island.

Victor looked at Gion and Kake: "Please take care of them."

Gion hummed.

"You don't need to tell me, I will do the same." Jia Ji said unhappily, and then muttered in a low voice: "I hope there will be no accidents."