

Alma, Luffy, Sabo and Ace were faxe to face with Bluejam and Porchemy, Bluejam, the captain of the Bluejam's Pirate was a rather tall man with short hair on the top of his head, that is fashioned in a stiped manner, while the hair flowed down long and unkempt down his sides. It seemed half of his molars were missing in an alternating pattern, and he wore a traditional captain's jacket over a white short.

Porchemy, was a very large man with long whitish blue hair, narrow eyebrow-less eyes, and a broad chest with an open red, ruffle-edged vest. He had tattoos on his left bicep and wore an earring on each ear. He also wore a yellow sash with stripes around his waist and a belt over it. He wore regular pants and boots.

Alma when he saw them, ask Akana:-"How can that be? How can they be here, they're not here at that stade of the story"

Akane:-"It's a little different, because of you coming in this world, but it's minor change, i can't know what's change but it'll be like how they move, or where they are, but you need to focus, you'll need your 20% at full power"

Alma shout:-" Sh*t, They're already here, Sabo, ace, Luffy move back, i'll do it now »

Alma think:-" I'm Counting on you Akane"

Akane:-" Yes, Alma"

Alma run toward Porchemy and Bluejam, Bluejam laugh and say:-"You're not our target, so get out little kid"

Alma stop and answer:-" Who is your target"

He answers:-"The little blondie, we are payed a lot tob ring him back to his parents"

Sabo just frozed when Bluejam say that, Sabo in anger say:-" I won't return"

Bluejam say:-" You're born in a noble family, why did you ran away"

Sabo answers:-"Because i don't want to be a noble"

Bluejam laugh out loud and say:-« being born a noble is not something you can if you aspire to….It means being born under a lucky star…I'd change place with you if i could. And you, you ran away, STUPID F****ER LITTLE KID »

Sabo :-« born under a lucky star? I don't want that, i just want to be free »

Bluejam:-" Don't care about freedom, the freedom cost nothing, you have a mountain of gold, and between the two you choose, freedom, you're just pathetic"

Sabo:-" I choose the freedom because you can't buy it, its what everyone is looking for, but you can have that because you're noble"

Bluejam:-" You can have what you want when you're noble ang you got money, now choose, come with us and we won't harm your friends or you stay there and we killed your friends"

Sabo was thinking, the others saw that, but Alma shout:-" I'm the one who can say something like this, so if you ran away, i'll let the two of you live"

Porchemy and Bluejam just laugh and Porchemy say:

-« Just S*** up Kid, we are pirates not coward, don't even think we won't kill you if you stay"

Alma smile and say:-" Try not to die too fast"

Alma run and jump behind them, he then put his hand toward them and use his attack:


Alma creates many small, glowing greenish yellow fireballs that float around them. Porchemy and Bluejam said:-"You won't harm us with firefly"

Alma laugh and use the second part of that attack:


All of the light create an enorm explosion, Ace, Sabo and Luffy didn't believe it, Luffy say :-« INCREDIBLE »

Sabo :-« What power »

Ace :-« He's way stronger than what i was thinking »

When the explosion stopped and dissapear, they saw Bluejam with Porchemy in his hand like a shield, he say:

-" If i haven't have a shield i'll be dead"

He then look at Alma with rage and say:

-" Now it's my turn"

But Alma was really pissed off, he shout:-" You used him to protect you, you SON OF A B**CH"

Bluejam answer :-« He's my tool, I'm the captain »

Alma :-« Your crew is your family »

Bluejam :-« Bullcrap, they're just tool »

With anger, Alma run to Bluejam, and use his attack:

-« HIKEN »

He litteratly shoot a giant flame from his punch toward Bluejam, this time he can't protect himself, he was just howling of pain, Alma was just listening to him and say:-" You're just a dustbin"

Like this Bluejam and Porchemy died and all his crew dissapear.

I'll take a week of rest because i have to study for the university

Exionythcreators' thoughts