

*In a Foosha Village hospital*

It's a warm peaceful room filled with the excitement of new life - cream colored walls that provide a tranquil background for the miracle that's about to happen, light beige floors that counter the visual impact but generally speak to making a cozy feel. A rather stern delivery bed stands at the center with soft beeping medical equipment and monitors from all around, and there are comfortable couches and chairs to hold anxious family members. The area would warm up nicely with soft lighting, spotlights highlighting where deliveries would be made, and inspirational words or images of newborns on the walls. Experienced healthcare professionals walk with quiet confidence, so the delivery is safe and smooth, where nervous excitement and joyful anticipation fill the air as would-be parents grasp each other's hands ready to welcome little miracle in this sacred space where a new chapter awaits them, filled with laughter and tears and unconditional love.

A nurse comes out of the room , to meet a man in a green cloak"You have been blessed with twins, Sir Dragon" After hearing the news Dragon walked into the chamber to take a look at his babies , once he reached by their cradle he saw something that made him quite shocked , he was blessed with 2 sons , however one was perfectly healthy and chubby , whereas the other was more fragile than glass , really skinny and with a malnourished body. The nurse comes back and speaks from behind "Sir we were barely able to save the second one , he needs to be fed a lot otherwise he wont survive , we suggest that he be prioritized over the other one for the first 2 months so he also gets healthy like your other son , after 2 months both of them will be able to grow teeth so they can eat normal food afterwards so the main worry will only be for the first 2 months". After hearing this dragon was shocked and felt pity for his second son , before soon hearing his wife's words , "Aren't they both beautiful honey?" Dragon saw his wife and went towards her,"Dear how are you?Are you fine now or are you feeling pain?How was the delivery for you.I suggest you to rest because the next 2 months will be quite challenging for you...And also my dad will be coming soon to name the kids so if you want to suggest something before sleeping you should tell me".

After hearing Dragon's kind words she happily nodded and said"Just make sure they both have either one of the initials LV because that way they would have the same initial as their royal ancestors" Dragon after hearing this nodded and went to sit with his kids "Hey there kiddos , its me your dad , I'll only be there for you for the first 3 months of your life though , your dad is a very busy person and will unfortunately leave for his work after 3 months , however I hope we meet on the sea again!" As dragon was speaking both the kids smiled , not understanding anything but laughing at dragon's face for some reason which made dragon smile too"

*On a ship that just flew into the air because of someone's punch*


Suddenly the guy jumps from the ship and lands on the hospital via the window breaking the door while entering the room in which his grandchild was supposed to be

"Bwahahaha I'm here to see them son , get aside!"

That's it for the chapter guys , and well with this we hop on to the childhood arc , the next chapter will be long because it will include all the stuff below:

The naming ,the system and the first month of their lives.

[650 words](ik its not a lot but the content for this chapter was quite less , the next chapter will be longer for sure , like at least the double of this one)

A/N: *I just wanted to end a chapter with a garpish Garp entry so forgive me :)*

A/N 2:(Next chapter will be out on Saturday guys)