
The Spear and The Fan

Markus ducked under a sword swing and kicked the man who attacked him in his jaw, sending him crashing into a nearby building.

" There's no end to these guys, sir what are we going to do?" A marine asked.

" We keep fighting!" Markus exclaimed. " We never give up! There is no surrender! No retreat! That's our motto! People died here. Good people. We couldn't save them. So, we make sure their deaths weren't for nothing! By crushing each and every single one of the enemy right now!" Markus shouted. Energy erupted from his body.

This energy was sensed by many of the men and women standing in the ruined city.

Suddenly pirates started dropping left and right.

" Hey, are you serious? Conqueror's haki? Have you heard of a marine with conqueror's haki?" Sidewinder asked Goro.

" No, I haven't. It seems like half our forces were knocked out by that attack. Come on, let's join the battle." Goro told the man.

" Right." Sidewinder stated. His body slowly turned brown and his height started increasing. By the time he was done, he was a giant brown rattlesnake with two horns on the top of his head. He leaped from his perch and started slithering towards the battlefield.

Goro joined in as well. His already large stature increased. His skin turned a dark grey and grew thicker, he grew two long tusks, and a large trunk.

" Alright, you punks. Let's show ya how it's done!" Sidewinder shouted. Pit Viper SideWinder- 300,000,000

" Save the small talk for later Sidewinder, focus on crushing the enemy." Vice-captain of the Charging Rhinos- Goro- 500,000,000

Goro and Sidewinder started charging the Marine soldiers together.

With half of the enemy forces gone, the numbers were on the Marines side.

Markus and Dalmatian both left the group to deal with the two pirates coming towards them.

" I'll take the big guy, you handle the snake." Markus told Dalmatian.

" Sounds like a plan! Go!" Dalmatian shouted. He jumped into the air, leaving Markus' side and landed right in front of Sidewinder.

" Eh?! I'll swallow you whole you dumb dog!" Sidewinder exclaimed. He opened his large mouth to try and swallow Dalmatian whole, but the pirate missed when Dalmatian used Soru to get behind him.

" Don't you know, old dogs like me eat snakes for breakfast. Five Finger Pistol-spots!" Dalmatian used all five of his fingers to repeatedly stab into Sidewinders stomach.

" GAH!" Sidewinders eyes turned hazy white. The multiple stabs to his stomach, despite how large it was, did severe damage. But he wasn't done yet. " Damn you, Marine. Get lost!" Sidewinder spun around and tried to hit Dalmatian with his tail.

" Moonwalk!" Dalmatian kicked the ground beneath him and launched into the air. " Tempest Kick- Barking Dogs!" Dalmatian, with a powerful swing of his right leg, launched four dog shaped blades of air at Sidewinder, and when the dogs landed on the man, they exploded like bullets of compressed air.

" Gah-ahhhhhh." Sidewinder stumbled slightly, feeling the world around him spinning.

" Tempest kick- White thunder!" With both of his legs extended Dalmatian kicked the air so hard a large blade of compressed air started hurtling down at Sidewinder, cutting him deeply across his chest.

Sidewinder dropped to his hands, barely being able to hold himself up.

Dalmatian was dominating Sidewinder, while Markus also battled the Vice captain of the Charging Rhinos.

On the other side of the battlefield. Goro was swinging his trunk wildly trying to hit Markus.

* Crash! crash! Crash!

Goro continued knocking over ruins while trying to hit Markus, who simply dodged the man and laughed.

" Yahahaha, you know for some with a big head, you are pretty stupid. Can't see already? You can't beat me like that!" Markus exclaimed. he caught Goro's trunk and jumped into the air.

" Wha- What are you doing?!" Goro asked.

Markus jumped over Goro's head, bringing with him his trunk and shortly after the rest of his gigantic body, slamming him on his back in the middle of the street.

" Gah! How did you-" Goro was asking, he then opened his eyes and saw Markus had jumped into the air and was now coming down towards him.

" Meteor series- Falling Star!" Markus launched himself towards Goro, fully intent on ending the man with one swift move.

' Shit! I have to move. I have to dodge! I... I have to run! These guys are monsters!' Goro thought. His mind ran rampant with fear. Every thought he had always ended with him wanting to run away. But he couldn't. ' Why can't I move?' Goro asked himself. He looked down at his large body and noticed that his back was stuck in the crater in the ground, sandwiching him in-between the road.

" Damn it!!!!!!" Goro shouted.


Markus landed right square in the middle of his chest. The ground around them gave way cratering the entirety of the street they were on and knocking over the remaining buildings.

" Whoa, Lieutenant Markus is a monster." The Marines couldn't help but note the damage caused by Markus' attack. What he lacked in finesse, he more than made up for in terms of sheer power. And since his fight with Queen of the Beast pirates, Markus swore to always use his full power from the start to destroy his enemies.

When the dust finally did clear away, Goro had shrunk down to his normal size. He was struggling to breathe and was nursing a very injured torso.

" Damn... It." Goro cursed. He was no weakling. But the opponent he was fighting was just in another class. He even questioned whether or not his captain would be able beat this beast.

" Come on, you. You have a lot to answer for. You're under arrest. You will be brought to enies lobby where you will be judged for your crimes. I can't wait for you to see Impel down." Markus told the man. " I hope they throw you and the rest of your crew in the freezing hell." Markus grabbed Goro and started dragging his large body back to where the others were fighting. He figured seeing the broken body of one of their leaders would convince them to surrender.

If not, then oh well.

The sound of sword clashing against each other, and gunshots were still prominent. But when Markus showed up with Goro in his hands, the pirates found themselves at an impasse.

" I'm gonna make this real easy. Surrender and you get to walk out of this city in chains. Fight and you won't leave at all."

The Marines trained their weapons on the Pirates and seeing that they were outnumbered and starting to lose more ground by the second the Pirates conceded to the Marines, dropping their weapons as they fell to their knees.

" Smart decision." Markus told the men. " Now then." Markus muttered. He grabbed Goro and looked him in his eyes. " I want to know where your captain is? Why you attacked this kingdom, and what your plans are?"

Dalmatian drug Sidewinder's unconscious body back to the others and threw him down in front of Goro.

" I'd speak up. Unless you want to end up like your friend." Dalmatian stated.

Goro looked over at Sidewinder's body, punched full of holes and started sweating even more.

" Okay! Okay! The captain.... I don't know where the captain is right now. We were told to hold this island as a stronghold and to keep anyone else from getting in. The only other thing I know is Terris is planning to take over the North and we were supposed to be given one of the kingdoms to rule over. And after that-"

Markus was listening to Goro explain the pirate alliances plans, however before the man could finish Markus felt something coming fast, so did Dalmatian, because the man instantly raised his guard.

" Everyone get down!" Markus shouted.

Suddenly two figures jumped into the crowd of Marines cutting and slashing a few of them, before they arrived in front of Markus and Dalmatian. The strange blade first aimed for Markus's head; however, he dodged out of the way as did Dalmatian.

However, Goro and Dalmatian weren't as lucky.

Goro's head fell from his body before Markus had noticed it was gone and Sidewinder had his neck broken by what appeared to be a large object.

" What the hell was that?!" Markus exclaimed.

" Look up!" Dalmatian yelled.

Standing on top of the royal palace, were two young men around the same age as Markus, and if not for differencing garbs of clothing, one would assume they were the same person.

" Hahaaaa! Not bad eh, Manten?"

" Not bad. Not bad at all Janten."

Janten and Manten- The Gold and silver brothers

Janten wore a bright white Hakama with a gold and white Kosode, a golden chest guard, along with a golden shoulder guard and golden forearm bracers. His armor was tied around his waist with a red obi and wore a pair of golden zori sandals. He had bright short yellow hair and yellow eyes. He also wore bright yellow eyeliner over both of his eyes. Hanging over his shoulder was a large jumonji Yari, that had a gold hilt, and silver-white fur wrapped around the end of the hilt near the blade.

Janten the Golden spear- 235,000,000

Manten on the other hand, wore the exact same attire his brother did, only instead of his colors being gold, they were silver. He had short silver-gray hair, and silver eyes. Just like his brother he wore a similar pattern of eye liner that was silver instead of gold. Draped over his shoulder was a silver and gold Gunbai. Most of the Giant fan was silver but had golden trimmings around the hilt.

Manten The Silver Wind- 235,000,000

' Janten and Manten? These two don't feel like the others. They're strong.' Markus said to himself.

" We're the gold and Silver brothers. Prepare to die!" The two said at the same time. They jumped into the air and divebombed straight for Dalmatian and Markus. " Hahahahahahahaha!"


And that's the end, what a cliff hanger! Twin brothers specializing in different weapons appear to take on the team of Markus and Dalmatian. What do you guys think? Can you guess what their devil fruits would be if they have any? Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!!!!!!