
Aftermath of the battle.

" Hurry! Hurry! Get aboard the ships!"

" We have no time for collecting treasure! The call is coming!"

" Someone help, Vice Admiral Garp!"

" Bwahahaha! I'm fine! I'm fine! I don't need help. Go tend to the others wounds and get everyone off the island." Garp shouted. A darks cowl adorned the injured vice admirals face. He knew in his mind something was coming, and they did not want to be there when it did.

" Vice Admiral, sir! Everyone's accounted for!"

Standing before Garp, was his trusted student, Commodore Bogard. His navy jacket drenched in blood, both his own and that of many different pirates, his sturdy placed firmly in his free hand.

" Good, Bogard. Tell everyone to set sail immediately. We're leaving!" Garp exclaimed. He jumped up from his seat and immediately walked to the back deck of the ship and watched as the marines around him did their best to quickly disembark from the burning God Island.

The sound of cannons firing filled the air, the pirate crew that had exhausted until moments ago, were scattered and trying their best to all escape.

Shiki the Golden Lion

Wang Zhi

Captain John


Charlotte Linlin


Scopper Gaban

Silvers Rayleigh

Gold Roger

Rocks D. Xebec

Monkey D. Garp.

These great and powerful names all met under circumstance on the soon to be forgotten island, God Valley.

In an attempt to stop their rampage, Garp, along with Gold Roger and his crew face down the thousands of pirates led by Rocks and together they managed to bring an end to his life as a pirate. And more importantly to his ambitions.

Even though they were sailing away, Garp knew his crew were not out of danger just yet. He stood on his deck, eyes directly staring holes through the island that was steadily getting away from him, keeping sight for any kind of surprise attack.

Garp's endorphins were running high, his adrenaline pumping hard, and his fists, both of them, ready to smash.

Thankfully, that was not necessary.

Garp's ship managed to safely navigate itself away from the island and the coming danger without losing a single more life. This satisfied Garp. He had hoped to stifle his losses to a minor amount, but even he could not have predicted how events were to turn, and nor could he speak on them further.

'To hell with the celestial dragons' Thought Garp. Never before had he any care for those that considered themselves gods, and if not for the fact that Rocks had decided to wage war against the world in such a way, he wouldn't have minded leaving them to their fate.

But such was not the case. Not today.

" Haaaa. It's over." Garp muttered. A long sigh escaped the veteran's lips as he stared out at the ocean moving in front of him, slowly but surely all that adrenaline he had pumping in him was starting to fade, and finally the pain from the wounds he suffered started coming to bear.

Unfortunately, Garp would not be given such a time to nurture his wounds, not just yet.

Just as Garp was getting ready to sit down and rest, a young officer came running up to Garp in a hurry.

" Vice Admiral Garp! Vice Admiral Garp!" The young man shouted.

" What is it, boy?" Garp asked the young marine.

" We have a problem sir."

Garp looked at the young man suspiciously, as if asking him to speak further. " Well? What is it now?" Garp asked.

" I think it's better if you come have a look for yourself sir." The young man stated.

" Hehhhh!" Garp sighed. He placed his large hands on his knees and pushed himself to his feet. " Alright, let's go. Show me." Garp told the man.

The young soldier nodded and quickly walked over to the large gathering of seamen around the troves of treasure chests they had managed to take from the pirates before disembarking.

" Alright, Alright! What's going on, here?" Garp asked. His voice was loud, yet tired.

The sea of men parted and Garp found himself walking straight through towards the chests.

" Uh, Vice admiral Garp... We seem to have an extra passenger, sir." Bogard told the man. His usual calm and collected attitude gave way to pause and confusion, something Garp had never seen from the man in all his time with him.

" Hah?! What are you talking about Bogard? What passen.... ? HAHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Garp's eyeballs and his tongue nearly exploded out of his head. Sitting inside a treasure chest waving around a bib, as naked as the day he was born, was a little baby boy. Strands of black hair and the softest bluest eyes were what fit the boy's description. But what really took to Garp's eye, was the silver necklace hanging from the babe's neck.

" What's this you got there little fella?" Garp asked as he reached for the boy's neck. He raised the necklace and flipped it over, ever so slightly. There was a name printed on the back of it in black letters. " Markus hm? Well, ain't this a problem we got ourselves in." Garp sighed. He rubbed the top of his head. He knew full well, what it meant for this child. The government weren't ones to show mercy even to children. To them all who stand even a slight risk against them must be wiped out.

" Garp. What are we going to do?" Bogard asked the man.

Garp turned around and sighed. " All right! Listen up you lousy lot! From this moment forward, this never happened! Understand?! You never saw this! I will take care of everything from here!" Garp exclaimed. " And one last thing! Don't say a word to Sengoku! I will handle him and Kong Myself! Got it?!"

" Yes, Vice Admiral Garp!" The men all sounded off together in unison, as they saluted the Vice Admiral.

" Hehhh!' Garp sighed. " Guess it's you and me now kid. What am I going to do with you?" Garp asked. He reached into the chest and lifted Markus up into his arms and looked down at him in confusion. " Hah! I guess one more couldn't hurt. Right? Afterall, the safest place for you now, is with me. You're gonna have some pretty big fish coming after you, someday. You're gonna need to protect yourself." Garp stated. " Oh man, what kind of mess have I gotten in now? Sengoku and Tsuru are gonna throw a fit." Garp sighed once more and walked into his cabin with the boy in his arms, for the trip back to Marine HQ he was gonna need to be clothed in something.