
One Piece: The Demon of Fire

Our MC dies and is transmigrate in the world of One Piece, in the body of an old man with the appearance of Yamamoto from Bleach, and receives his template, the bad thing is that he appears at the time of the Ohara Incident surrounded by 10 marine ships about to destroy the island. How can he survive in the face of this catastrophe?

GodaSensei · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


Several days had passed since the battle in West Blue that caused the death of Admiral Sengoku. Such news shocked the world especially Marineford.

No one could believe that the Sengoku Buddha had fallen in battle when they had sent 2 admirals and 2 vice admirals to Warship Island.

To the bad luck of the Marine and the World Government, hiding this news was impossible. They had moved many ships and alerted many people to these moves.

In addition, there was no way to explain Sengoku's absence, and on the other hand, he had to be given a proper burial at Marineford for his entire career as a Marine.

The news that Yamamoto the Fire Demon had killed Sengoku was all over the front pages of the local papers and in the Morgans, making Yamamoto's reputation grow by leaps and bounds.

However, it was not a good reputation, he was slowly becoming the worst criminal in the world in a very short time.

His victory was due to 3 factors, firstly thanks to the help of Dragon who was able to take care of an admiral. Second, due to the fact that the battle was in the air, Sengoku with his Geppo was very inferior to Yamamoto. And third the Kidō that Yamamoto was able to employ.

The Kidō played a key role, thanks to this he was able to immobilize Magnus. This allowed him to take on Sengoku in a 2v1. Then he used another Kidō spell to assassinate Sengoku, however, most people didn't see this. And everyone thought that Yamamoto took care of Sengoku only.

Marineford, Paradise.

Marineford, also known as the Fortress of Justice, is the island where the Marine Headquarters is located. The city and its surroundings are inhabited by Marines of all ranks and their families.

There is usually a calm and cheerful atmosphere in the city of Marineford as it is the safest city in the world next to Mary Geoise, however, today it was not like that.

The day was cloudy and most of the citizens had sad expressions and depressing weather could be seen. Civilians familiar with the Marines were leaving their homes and all headed in the same direction.

They were all dressed in dark and sober-colored clothing. On one side, the men's wore a black suit with a black tie, black pants, and formal shoes. The women's were also dressed in dark tones.

Today was the day of Sengoku's funeral.

All were on their way to pay tribute to the legendary marine admiral. The funeral takes place in a vast open field near the iconic Oris Square, where a majestic funeral altar was installed.

Oris Square is one of the best-known places in the City of Marineford, gradually the open field where the funeral was held was filling up. There were hundreds of people and more and more were arriving.

High-ranking Marine officers also began to arrive. Among them Magnus, Zephyr, Tsuru, Tokikake, Gion, and so on.

"I can't believe that Admiral Sengoku fell in battle" said a pink-haired teenage girl in a depressing tone. This girl was Hina.

She was standing next to a group of teenagers, all dressed in black and with sad and disbelieving faces.

This group of teenagers belonged to the Marine Training Academy, they were the most promising students of all.

"How did you miss an attack of those dimensions?" asked a muscular boy with long hair. His black shirt unlike the others had no tie and was with several buttons open to show off his pecs.

"They say someone helped the Fire Demon" said a short girl with glasses.

Hearing the nickname Fire Demon they all made ugly faces and expressions, as if they didn't want to hear that name or were somewhat afraid of it.

"Don't say that name, Hana-chan" said Hina covering the little girl's mouth.

"Why, are you afraid of him Hina?" asked a white-haired boy with an unfriendly expression. This was Smoker.

"No..." said Hina unconvincingly, "It's not about that you idiot. None of the higher-ups want to name him right now" she added.

"Hmph they're just cowards" said Smoker with disdain to which Hina frowned, "I'll take care of defeating the Fire Demon" added Smoker with heavy emphasis on Yamamoto's nickname.

"Don't talk nonsense Smoker, with just one move of a finger he would wipe you off the face of the earth" said a black-haired boy annoyed at Smoker calling him a coward.

"I'm sure I'd be more of a warrior than you" replied Smoker, facing the black-haired boy.

"Oh, why are you so sure about that? Last time we fought we drew, bastard" said the black-haired boy, their heads collided and they both had furious looks on their faces.

Hina sighed and put her hand on her forehead tired of the idiocies of these two, if it wasn't for her Smoker would have been expelled a long time ago. However, if he starts fighting at Sengoku's funeral, it will be impossible for her to help him.

"You two stop fighting" said a hoarse, authoritative voice.

Smoker and the boy turned their heads to see who dared to stop their fight, but upon seeing the man who spoke to them they quickly broke apart and had panicked expressions on their faces.

"Sorry Zephyr-sensei!" they both exclaimed as they stood up straight.

It was one of the marine admirals, Zephyr who had previously also fought against Yamamoto. Zephyr was currently acting as a teacher at the Marine Academy.

*It's amazing how his attitude changes when the teacher arrives* Hina thought with rolling eyes looking at Smoker.

"Sensei, how was your fight against the Fire Demon? You never told us about it" asked Hana steeling herself, even though Zephyr was very strict and serious, he always held his students in high esteem and more so teenagers like Hana, Smoker, Hina, etc.

"This is not the time to talk about it here, Hana" said Zephyr as he answered he noticed out of the corner of his eye a man with a stocky build, noticing who it was he approached.

"You finally came, Garp" said Zephyr looking at the middle-aged man in front of him.

A tall man with a broad chest. He had a beard and a scar over his left eye. His hair was half black and half white. This person was Monkey D. Garp also known as the Marine Hero.

"Of course I came, it's the funeral of one of my best friends" Garp said in a serious tone very different from his usual self.

Smoker, Hina, and the other teenage Marines looked at Garp with great respect, some made weird expressions as it was rare to see Garp so serious, *He looks sad...* thought Hina as she looked at Garp.

Finally, after several minutes, the funeral place was full of marines, their relatives, and other important personalities who had the invited to be there. Sengoku's coffin is adorned with the Marine flag and stands at the center of the stage.

Fleet Admiral Kong, dressed all in black, began to walk to a podium in front of the coffin. When he reached the podium, everyone fell silent and looked at him.

"Today we gather here to honor the memory of a man who has been a cornerstone of the Marine Corps for decades, Admiral Sengoku" Kong said in a firm and respectful voice.

All the people listened in silence, some Marines nodding in agreement, others looking sadly and respectfully at Sengoku's casket.

Garp who was at the front of everything clenched his fist tightly and had a very serious look on his face.

"Sengoku was more than a brave and powerful Marine. He was an exceptional leader, a mentor, and a great friend. His legacy will live on in the history of the Marine as a beacon of justice and commitment to peace on the seas" Kong continued with the speech.

As Kong gave the speech a large number of torches were lit in memory of Sengoku, illuminating the funeral altar and creating an impressive atmosphere. Kong continued speaking for a while longer until he finally finished his speech.

"On behalf of the Marine Corps and all who shared in the fortune of knowing Sengoku, we pledge that his legacy will live on in each of us. Rest in peace, Admiral Sengoku" concluded Kong.

After the speech ended, a cannon salute was fired in Sengoku's honor, filling the sky with a deafening roar and a flash of fire. The sound slowly faded away, leaving a sense of respect and reverence in the air.

Finally, Sengoku's body is placed in a coffin adorned with the Marine flag and carried in procession to a specially prepared grave in the Marine Cemetery, where he will be buried with full military honors.

The procession is accompanied by a solemn military march, while the march was taking place it started to rain. Everyone in the place had expressions of sorrow and sadness.

Sengoku's funeral was not the only funeral that was commemorated, there was also a funeral dedicated to Vice Admiral Komei and the other Marines who died in combat at the hands of Yamamoto.

Yamamoto's name or alias was never mentioned at these funerals.