
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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427 Chs

165. Headquarters Transfer Order


If you wonder about the strength gap between attacks powered by Conqueror's Haki and those without it, Rayleigh and Atlas on the battlefield can clearly explain this difference.

Even before their blades clashed, the intense Armament Haki clash had already started. The mighty wind pressure uprooted nearby trees and weeds, and gravel and sand scattered in the sky!

Conqueror's distinct interweaving black and red lightning continuously flickered around, charging at Atlas like a fierce beast with teeth and claws. Simultaneously, two Armament Haki imbued with internal destructive force penetrated into their bodies through the long knives.


Both of them groaned simultaneously, a hint of blood trickling from the corner of Rayleigh's mouth, while Atlas's figure shook slightly.

'My mind went completely empty for a moment!'


Rayleigh's gaze was keen, and in a swift motion, he delivered a powerful kick to Atlas. A large footprint emerged on Atlas's tattered suit.

"Old Bastard!"

Atlas narrowed his eyes, guarded his thoughts, and prepared to raise his sword to retaliate.


Observing the success of his maneuver, Rayleigh gripped his toes on his slippers and vanished in front of Atlas.


Year 1509, Sea Circle Calendar, Sabaody Archipelago.

A small Marine squad systematically patrolled different sections of Sabaody. The captain led the team, and they all appeared serious and proud.

"Hey, by the way, why is there no activity in Area 13 today?"

A Marine with a slightly chubby face asked the team leader in front of him, sporting a curious expression. Over the past two months, frightening sounds had been echoing daily in Area 13 of Sabaody, reaching other sections. Rumor has it that their commander is locked in combat with Rayleigh, the Pirate King's right-hand man.

"I don't have all the details, but I've heard rumors that a Vice Admiral is set to be transferred out of Sabaody soon."

The squad leader, a man with a square face and a sturdy build, though standing at only about 1.6 meters tall, spoke in a low voice to the Marine with a slightly chubby face.

"Ah? Sir, the Vice Admiral, is being moved from Sabaody?"

Baby Fat face felt a bit disappointed upon hearing this news. When the young Admiral candidate was in charge of safeguarding Sabaody, both they and the Marines flourished. They maintained order in Sabaody as securely as an iron bucket. In the past, even the illegal zones were out of reach for the Marines. Getting entangled in them was common, and island residents dared not venture out at night.

Honestly, most of the Marines originally stationed in Sabaody Land are unwilling to depart from the current tranquil and harmonious Sabaody Land.

"There's no choice. The New World requires the combat prowess of Vice Admiral, Sir. As for Sabaody..."

The stout Marine shook his head and sighed. Sabaody is the gateway to the New World, and the Marines cannot overlook it. However, Vice Admiral-level combat power from headquarters is relatively scarce. Moreover, he heard that several Marine Bases have been established in the New World. Utilizing Atlas's combat strength to safeguard Sabaody for a few months is already pushing the limits.

However, once Vice Admiral departs from Sabaody, it won't take long for evil to resurface in this place...


Within the base office.

Atlas narrowed his eyes slightly and sat quietly behind his desk. It was unusual for him not to visit Shakky's Rip-off Bar to test out Rayleigh's antics today. Instead, he took his time to contemplate and organize his thoughts.

Over the past few months, Atlas has often consulted with Rayleigh, mastering the internal destructive properties of Armament Haki. Despite the old man's desire to leave Sabaody, Atlas consistently employs Observation Haki, focusing on monitoring Area 13 almost constantly.

Once he senses that Rayleigh's presence has vanished within the range of his Haki perception, he swiftly broadens his awareness, promptly pinpointing Rayleigh's location, and moves to intercept.

After several back-and-forths, Rayleigh obediently accepted his fate. Each time he neared exhaustion, he'd swiftly move to different areas. The old man's confidence stemmed from Atlas being a Marine, valuing civilian lives and avoiding unnecessary chaos.

However, Atlas was well aware that eliminating a formidable figure like Rayleigh, with no discernible weaknesses, would be an arduous task. As long as Rayleigh prioritized escape, there was little Atlas could do unless he caught him off guard. It would require a desperate struggle at any cost.


Suddenly, the den den mushi on the desk rang.


Atlas casually picked up the receiver, and the appearance of the phone bug instantly transformed. A braided beard and frog glasses manifested out of thin air, and its eyes gradually assumed a majestic demeanor.

"Atlas, headquarters has decided to appoint you as the commander of the G-5 base. Make sure you're ready. The official document will be issued in three days."

In the Grand Line, the arrangement of Marine bases is quite intriguing. There are a total of ten Marine Bases, all labeled with G, indicating their direct affiliation with Naval Headquarters.

The bases with even numbers are considered the Park Marine Bases. The G-8 base, which Atlas previously commanded, is an example. The Park Bases are the earliest established, and the Marine exercises significant authority over them. They symbolize Naval Headquarters' dominance in the Grand Line, maintaining absolute control over the first half.(T/N: This is something that the author assumed. There is a G-3 base in Grand Line and G-14 base in New World.)

The bases with odd numbers represent the Marine Bases in the New World. The G-5 base, the earliest established among them, is the closest Marine Base to Naval Headquarters and is situated near Fish-Man Island. Others, like G-3 and G-7, have been established to cover various regions. G-9, a recent addition, reflects the Marine's strategic arrangement for the New World.

Regarding the G-1 base, it serves as the location of Marineford's headquarters, although it wasn't originally named G-1 base. It received this designation after Akainu relocated the headquarters to the New World upon assuming the position of Fleet Admiral.

As far as Atlas is aware, Akainu is stationed at the G-7 base, while Aokiji is stationed at the G-9 base.

Atlas was puzzled, "G-5 base, wasn't it old man Garp who used to guard it?"

During the New World War some time ago, the Marines utilized the G-5 base as a bridgehead, amassing a considerable number of troops to initiate a restructuring of the New World. At that time, Garp served as the base commander.

Upon hearing this, Sengoku calmly explained, "Garp is presently overseeing the G-3 base, situated deeper into the New World, and its geographical location holds greater significance."

Atlas comprehends that the G-5 base near Fish-Man Island can be considered the last line of defense in the New World. It doesn't bear as much pressure as other bases, and indeed, placing Garp's combat prowess there might be underutilizing his capabilities.

"Alright, I'll get ready over the next few days, and I'll head to the New World once the official documents are issued."

Atlas grasps that the role of the G-5 Base in the New World is akin to the status of Sabaody Land in Paradise. Typically, the pirates who arrive there aren't exceptionally powerful, making it a location where it's relatively easy to achieve meritorious service.

Currently, Atlas and Akainu find themselves in a competitive relationship. With only three Admiral positions available, Atlas's qualifications and level of trust are evidently lower compared to Akainu and others.


Bonus chapter for reaching 50 powerstones.

Greetings, my loyal subjects. You have impressed me with your generosity and devotion, always surpassing the powerstone quota I set for you. But I am not a benevolent ruler, I am a cruel and greedy tyrant. So I have decided to raise the stakes and make you work harder for your rewards. From now on, you will only get 2 chapters for every 100 power stones, and the countdown begins when the power stones hit zero. Muahahaha! 😈

Read 35 chapters in advance in Patr*on: patr*on.com/Cosmic_Kaminari

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