
One Piece: The Beginning of the Dirty Land Reincarnated Madara

3 book

Shashwat_Dubey_8647 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs


"This... What's going on? "

"What did that guy do?"

"Isn't he going to be a big deal?"

"yes, otherwise how could these guys kneel?"


Everyone talked about it one after another, and their faces were full of shock and puzzlement.

Renly kept staring at Uchiha Madara, and was very shocked in his heart: Did he activate some demon fruit ability to control these people?

However, he thought left and right, and he really couldn't think of any Devil Fruit ability in this form.

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly smiled and said, "Let them go and hand over their master here!" "

Reilly was shocked to find that Uchiha, who had just looked very uncooperative with Lin Xuan, actually gave an order to Luo Ya and the others very cooperatively at this time: "Go, bring your master here!" "

"Yes!" Luo Ya replied respectfully, and then quickly retreated.

As for the jailers who originally belonged to this dungeon, they are not moving, still kneeling on the ground.

Renly didn't understand why Uchiha suddenly obeyed Lin Xuan's orders?

Could it be that Lin Xuan can really control Uchiha?

However, this situation is not right, Uchiha obviously used his strange eyes to control Luo Ya and the others, how could he be controlled by another person?

Before he could figure out these questions, suddenly Renly's face changed: The owner behind the auction house? That's not Draco?!

Renly directly opened his mouth and asked: "Hey, you two guys, what do you want to do?" "

Uchiha turned a deaf ear.

Lin Xuan glanced at Reilly with interest and said, "It's nothing, I just want to get out of here and do something big by the way!" "

As for what the big thing was, Lin Xuan did not explain.

Renly frowned, suddenly looked at Uchiha and asked, "His eyes... What kind of Devil Fruit ability? "

The others around also quieted down at this time, all staring at Lin Xuan and Uchiha closely, waiting for an answer.

Uchiha still looked indifferent, after all, he was now completely under Lin Xuan's control, although he could hear and see the movements of the outside world, he couldn't control his body at all!

Lin Xuan felt that these things were nothing to say, and they could also earn some prestige points by the way, so he explained very generously: "This is not some devil fruit ability, this is a pupil technique, called Sharingan!" "

These words made the surrounding slaves a little dazed.

"What is Hitomi?"

"What the hell is Sharingan?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it!"


Reilly glanced at Uchiha's eyes and asked Lin Xuan with interest, "Little brother, can you explain what the so-called pupil technique does?" Why did they suddenly kneel down to you just now and obey your orders? "

Lin Xuan grinned and said, "Because they have been hit by Madara's illusion, in the illusion, Madara is their master, that's why they are so obedient and obedient!" "


In the cage, there was a sudden exclamation, and then the emotions of many slaves began to get excited!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get 300 reputation points! "

A systematic prompt sounded directly in Lin Xuan's mind.

Lin Xuan felt a little dissatisfied: there were too few people in this dungeon, and the speed of brushing reputation points was too slow!

It turned out that these prestige values were just now when he manipulated Uchiha Spot, let Uchiha Spot perform illusions to control Luo Ya and others to kneel, and explained the ability to write chakra eyes, which shocked the people around him.

Among them, Rayleigh contributed two hundred reputation points, and the strength of other nobodies was too low, basically contributing two or three reputation points, adding up to only one hundred points.

After seeing the prestige mall, there were 100,000 million goods at every turn, and then seeing the growth rate of prestige value, Lin Xuan was naturally very dissatisfied.

And just as he was muttering in his heart, someone in the cage suddenly shouted: "Since you control them now, can you let them untie the collar and handcuffs?" "

Lin Xuan glanced in the direction where the voice came from, and found that the person who opened his mouth was the tall giant he saw.

"Of course you can!"

Lin Xuan answered, and immediately gave the order to Uchiha again, and immediately, Uchiha Ban used illusion to control the jailers, and came forward to untie his handcuffs and collar.



"It really can control people!"


Seeing this scene, the other slaves became even more excited for a while.

Then, many people shouted one after another, and couldn't wait for Lin Xuan to help them untie their collars, handcuffs, and leg cuffs.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan is not a virgin, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

Hearing them chattering and shouting one by one, Lin Xuan was really annoyed, and simply asked Uchiha to use an illusion to calm these people.

"It's finally quiet!"

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently, but his gaze fell on Reilly's body again.

Just now, that is, Renly and a few guys with a little strength, when faced with the opportunity that they might be able to get out of trouble, they did not twitter like other slaves, so Lin Xuan did not let them fall into an illusion sleep like everyone else.

At this time, Renly was still looking at Uchiha and said with a serious expression: "It's really a powerful ability!" "

Then, his gaze fell on Lin Xuan's body again, "However, I feel that you are more dangerous!" "

Lin Xuan was slightly startled, and then grinned: "Hades Renly, his eyes are still so old!" "

As soon as these words came out, the few people in the dungeon who had not been controlled by Lin Xuan's illusion just now were taken aback again in their hearts.