

"How am I supposed to take a shower if I have nothing to wear?" Mako muttered as he stripped down in the bathroom. "Its like she literally wants me to just walk around in the nude."

Mako wasn't interested in the bath as he was much more interested in sleeping at the moment. He didnt really want to sleep in the bath as he had done that before and he nearly drowned, thereby learning a very good life lesson about not sleeping in bath tubs.

Still though, Mako climbed into the bath he had drawn for himself and proceeded to wash himself. Unlike other people, Mako didn't really like to take baths much. He was just fine with going swimming in the ocean or pool, but he hated taking baths or showers. He was just weird that way.

After spending around 5 minutes in the bath (it took longer as he had to wash his tail), Mako got out and wrapped a towel around his waist, though he had to lower his tail or it would've gotten in the way. He didn't have any clean clothes and would have to talk to Nalla about it otherwise he would have to walk around nude.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Mako started making his way towards the guest bedroom when he ran into Emily who had recently changed from her workout clothes into a light yellow t-shirt and sweat pants fitted with leather sandals. To say that he caught her off guard was an understatement as she literally fell onto the floor after seeing a half naked male step in front of her.

Mako's expression didnt change but he did have the urge to laugh. Holding out his hand, he decided to try helping her up instead. Though she looked a little relcutant at first, she eventually accepted his help, grabbing the outstretched hand and pulling herself up onto her feet.

"Why are you almost naked?" Emily asked, makong an obvious attempt to NOT stare at Mako's body. "Don't you have any clothes....Oh." It was clear that the thought finally crossed her mind that Mako did indeed not own any clothes.

"No, I do not own any clothes.....got any spare male clothes you can loan me?" Mako asked, his tone polite. "It'd be appreciated."

"Actually we do," Emily said as she turned around and ran off. Moments later she came running back with a white tshirt and cargo pants. "I have a few sets of clothes that I can loan to you and their all male clothing. Its from a time when I was going through a tomboy phase."

"Tomboy phase?" Mako asked, a look of curiosity taking place. "Sounds interesting. You should most definitely tell me more about this so called 'Tomboy phase' when you get the chance."

Emily made a face and handed him the clothes. "Just get dressed. Doesn't matter how good you look without a shirt, its indecent to walk around in only a towel. Especially in someone else's home."

Mako immediately caught what she said, but before he could comment on it, she brushed past him and made her way to the kitchen where a delicious smell was beginning to come from. He actually laughed at this before heading to the guest room, changed and then also walked towards the kitchen, enticed by the intoxicating aroma now filling his nose. He could smell bacon as well as eggs and pancakes and other things, but his concern was mostly about the bacon.

He arrived shortly after Nalla had called both of them and took a seat at the table where a plate of hot food was served. It was like a feast for his eyes as Mako glanced at each one in turn, his mouth watering, but he retained his manners and didn't say anything as he waited for Nalla to sit down as well.

//Just a sneek Peak to tease you a bit....this weekend I'll be writing up quite a few chapters so I can have a backlog so if I dont post then thays why