
One Piece: The Admiral's Treacherous Path

On the day of his retirement, Admiral Xilan, was accused of a plethora of offenses by 3,000 individuals. These alleged crimes included conspiring with pirates, disposing of warships illicitly, and committing regicide against the Five Elders. Furthermore, Xilan is believed to have amassed a considerable fortune through nefarious means. Even the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock submitted a complaint against Xilan in an effort to safeguard her own reputation. In response to these accusations, Xilan, who had formerly held high rank within the Marines, illegally sold the Three Great Marines in a Human Auction on the notorious Sabaody Archipelago overnight. ———— T/N: This is a Chinese novel translation, give it a chance brothers, I'll leave the judgement to you. Keep in mind that currently One Piece is still ongoing, and this fanfiction was written before the current plots were unfolded, you can consider it AU-ish probably in some cases but don't expect more than a few differences. I won't be taking any more of your time; feel free to support me and read up to 15 advanced chapters on: Read the pinned review to get an idea about the story if you are still hesitant. # Chapter 1 is kinda rough-ish, don't worry about it though, it's the only Chapter I consider so/so. # All rights belong to their rightful creators. # If the owner/author wants me to take this piece of literature down, contact me.

ShutTheFuckUp_ · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 4

Swish! Swish!

The aerial expanse pulsed with the rhythmic flutter of wings as two dragons soared through the celestial skies. Their powerful flapping echoed through the air, filling it with a symphony of sound. Leading the way was a majestic turquoise dragon, emanating an extraordinary aura from its Haki. Its serpentine body seemed to stretch endlessly, coiling through the stratosphere, a true testament to its formidable size. Flying in close proximity was a Pteranodon, known as King, accompanying the turquoise dragon named Kaido.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As the wind roared around them, King pushed himself to accelerate, determined to catch up with Kaido's soaring form.

"Xilan's avarice knows no bounds, he has truly sullied our perceptions of greed with his actions."

In the end, King's warship was seized by Xilang.

"That old man is a formidable foe, truly frustrating," Kaido grumbled, his frustration clear in his voice. "He's getting up there in the years, but he still has an absurd amount of fighting power,"

Kaido gingerly touched his bruised cheek, still feeling the residual effects of the physical altercation. Despite his impressive physical capabilities, he had yet to fully recover from the altercation.

"I will make sure to personally eliminate that old man in due time."


G0 base.

Upon Kaido and King's departure, Xilan distributed 1 billion berries among his subordinates.

As he indulged in the luxurious feast, he expected his subordinates to do the same.

The G0 base is able to maintain its formidable strength despite its corruption, partly due to the fact that Xilan treats generously his subordinates, treating them to lavish meals.

In the office, Xilan changed his attire, he chose to put on the Admiral cloak that he hadn't worn for a long time.

Xilan, who was considering retiring, gazed at his reflection in the mirror and was momentarily lost in thought. Despite the graying of his hair, his eternal body appeared youthful and full of vitality. He decided to extend his career for another year, setting a goal of earning one trillion berries.

Although it may seem unbelievable, Xilan knew that if he let go of his moral boundaries, achieving his goal of earning one trillion berries in the coming year would not be a problem.

He could extort exorbitant sums of currency from the Four Emperors through coercion and subsequent detention, coupled with the acquisition of the Celestial Dragons' "Heavenly Gold" and the utilization of kidnappings and blackmail tactics towards both the Celestial Dragons and Doflamingo, would likely yield similarly lucrative results.

The thought of capturing all of the Four Emperors and compelling them to pay a hefty ransom, procuring the Celestial Dragons' "Heavenly Gold," and subsequently abducting and extorting the Celestial Dragons and Doflamingo is but a small fraction of the numerous methods available to Admiral Xilan to generate wealth.

For example, the sale of officials and warships are additional means to increase his financial gain.

In times of financial duress, Xilan resorted to desperate measures to acquire wealth, isuch as the sale of naval vessels and armaments of his subordinates. Even during pirate hunting expeditions, the crew would row with one hand and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the other.

In times of financial duress, Xilan resorted to desperate measures such as the sale of naval vessels and armaments to supplement his income. Even during pirate hunting expeditions, they would row with one hand and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the other.

Approximately half an hour later, Xilan made his way to the Marine headquarters.


Marine's Marshal's Office

Xilan is coming, and Sengoku has heard.

As the former Admiral of the Marines, Sengoku knew Xilan's reputation well. Sengoku knew that Xilan's visit to the Marine headquarters was not for sure a good sign, and so he prepared himself for the worst.

Sengoku had a deep sense of frustration when it came to Xilan. Despite having heard about the corruption within the G0 base, he was unable to take any action against Xilan. The possibility of his own soldiers revolting alongside Xilan made the situation even more complicated.

A civil war would be disastrous and would cause significant damage to the Marines' resources and personnel.

Sengoku has been waiting for Xilan to retire so that he can bring him to justice for his corrupt actions at the G0 base.

Unfortunately, it appears that Xilan has changed his mind about retiring and is now seeking to continue his career as an Admiral.

"Ugh... this is such a headache," Sengoku lamented with a sigh. "Things are really tough right now."

A few days ago, Blackbeard took the Whitebeard Pirate known as Firefist Ace captive and subsequently traded him to the Marines in exchange for a Shichibukai position.

After a thorough investigation, the Marines uncovered a shocking secret about Ace.

Ace was not only a member of the Whitebeard Pirates but also possessed nefarious ancestry, being the offspring of the infamous One Piece King, Gol D. Roger.

Garp also confirmed the truth of this matter.

This matter caused a commotion within the Marines, and even the World Government sent representatives to conduct their own investigation.

The following day, the Marines began to plan their attack on the Whitebeard Pirates.

The World Government is calling for the public execution of Firefist Ace.

The World Government has declared their intention to publicly execute Whitebeard's son, Firefist Ace. It is common knowledge that Whitebeard values love and righteousness, and it is unlikely that he will allow this execution to take place. As a result, a fierce battle is expected to ensue and sweep across the world.

At this critical moment, Sengoku has chosen not to take any action against Xilan. Despite their advanced ages, Xilan has retained exceptional strength and is widely considered to be unbeatable in a one-on-one duel.

Xilan, currently possessing the strength of a top combatant, is comparable to the notorious Rocks of the past who ruled the New World. It would require the combined efforts of two equally formidable powers to defeat him.

Half a day later, Xilan's vessel approached Marine Headquarters.

The sight of the approaching vessel caused confusion among the onlookers as they recognized it as belonging to the Beasts Pirates, complete with their distinctive skull flag still flying.

Xilan exuded an air of confidence as he sauntered through the crowded area, his mouth twisted into a sly smile. He was adorned with rings on every finger and a cigar between his lips, dressed impeccably in a white suit and leather shoes. He effortlessly navigated the stares of onlookers, exuding an air of suaveness and poise.

"That disgraceful individual is the epitome of corruption within the Marine organization." Akainu growled, his fists clenched tightly at the sight of Xilan through the office window. This was the Marine's greatest cancer.

Akainu had amassed a wealth of evidence detailing Xilan's numerous illegal activities, including human smuggling, arms trafficking, and the sale of warships. He even discovered evidence that Xilan had abducted Celestial Dragons and stolen their "heavenly gold".

It has even been rumored that Xilan has taken to auctioning off the Celestial Dragons on the black market, with one such sale reportedly being conducted for the exorbitant sum of five billion berries by a person known as the Gold Emperor, also known as Tesoro.

Ten minutes later, Xilan presented himself at the office of the Fleet Admiral, Sengoku.

"Greetings, Admiral Xilan." Xilan's arrival was greeted with standing from the senior executives present, including Marine Admirals like Kizaru and Aokiji.

Everyone spoke one after another, Xilan smiled and took out a wad of banknotes:

"Gentlemen, it seems that your attire is a bit lacking in style, allow me to extend my generosity by providing you with some financial assistance to acquire more fashionable attire."

The group was taken aback. They all turned to Sengoku, who had a grim expression but remained silent throughout the exchange. Sengoku was aware that the Marines needed Xilan at the moment and knew that a war with Whitebeard was imminent. He also knew that it would be risky to hastily appoint a new, untested Admiral to such a high position. If not handled carefully, the Marines could suffer significant losses.

If you want to read the next 15 chapters right away, visit my Patreon. 

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PS. Please comment and donate your Power Stones. I'm reposting it due to some problems with the previous novel so... Yeah, anyway there will be extra chaps for the first weeks on Patron, the amount all depends on how many chaps I will post here.