
Chapter fourteen- patches and upgrades

It was over three hours later that Gabriel finally managed to stop running as he leaned on his knees breathing heavily, 'damn that bastard just wouldn't give up' he thought to himself how he had given Smoker the run around for hours and had only managed to give him the slip after phasing through several walls and taking two quick turns before he was back in Smokers line of sight.

Looking around Gabriel whistled after a moment, "damn I ran far" he thought to himself seeing how far he was from the ocean and shook his head, he wasn't worried he could make it back still.

Just as he thought that he heard a familiar bell sound just before a screen appeared up in front of him, only it was different, instead of the usual blue this one was red.

Warning: exploit detected System will restart to install upgrades and patches.

Gabriel only managed to read what it said before the screen blinked out of existence, "um what?" He said before immediately wincing as he felt a huge pain in his mind and stumbled back to grab a wall to keep on his feet.

"What the hell" Gabriel gritted our through clenched teeth as a blue screen appeared up in front of him that read.

Updating….. 5%... 10%.....

The numbers kept going up and the pain in his head got worse and worse, Gabriel was worried he was going to black out for a second or two before finally.

….100%... update complete, patches installed, system store updated, inventory menu modified.

And just like that the pain vanished and Gabriel took in a deep breath as he stood upright again, what the hell had happened.

As the screen vanished another one appeared and Gabriel read it to figure out what it was all about.

System notification

Inventory patch installed: user must now be touching any item before it can be stored in the inventory- patch approved by system logic engine

System store update: categories updates, system upgrades now purchasable

Inventory update: inventory menu added, crafting and deconstruction options locked until necessary skill is purchased

Reading over everything Gabriel frowned, it seemed that the system didn't like the little exploit that he had used to pilfer Smoker's jitte from him so had set restrictions on him for storing things. He wasn't happy about it but it made sense in a way if anything could be stored in the system like that then all he would have to do would be to touch the inventory screen to the ocean and poof all the water would be gone.

'Guess with me exposing such a flaw openly the system couldn't ignore it and had to patch it' Gabriel thought to himself before shrugging, 'well at least it took the chance to update some things while it was at it, let's see what's changed'

With another thought Gabriel opened the system store and blinked, it looked completely different from before.

When he had first browsed it, the system was just one long list of items now though on the screen in front of him there were set categories.







Deciding to be curious he began to browse each category to see what each had and he wasn't disappointed when he first went into weapons and saw the sub categories




---Video game---


He was excited now, did this mean he had access to weapons that weren't from the one piece universe?

Immediately he went to explore the anime option and his jaw dropped as a huge list of anime and a search bar came up, 'this is one hell of an upgrade'

Curious he tapped the search bar and thought, 'Naruto' and the list immediately changed to display a list of weapons that Gabriel recognised from the Naruto anime, but upon seeing them his eyes immediately flickered to the prices of some of them and his jaw dropped. They were extremely expensive.

Kubikiribōchō- $50,000,000

Kiba- $60,000,000

Samehada- $100,000,000

Hiramekarei- $45,000,000

The list went on and on. 'Damn don't think I'll be able to afford any of these any time soon, unless I rob a bank or something. Would some of them even work in this world, I mean there's no chakra, maybe the system changed that too'

After a few more minutes browsing the store he closed it down, things were way too pricey for him at the moment though he'd look into them in the future, but one of the other menus caught his eye, skills.

Opening the section he was immediately greeted with another sub menu.



---Devil fruits---

---Unique skills---

Upon seeing devil fruits on the list Gabriel's eyes bulged, he could purchase devil fruits. He didn't hesitate and went right in only to be greeted by a search bar.

'Guess there's too many to list… I wonder if it creates copies of devil fruits in this world' he thought and decided to test his theory and entered Luffy's fruit into the search bar, only for another screen to pop up.

Devil fruit is currently already in use in world

Gabriel sighed, just like he thought the system had some limits to it and couldn't just pull devil fruits from people, he figured it would be like that, if that was the case it would be pretty broken.

Not letting it get him down he entered Logia into the search bar next and was greeted with a long list of devil fruits of that nature, and just as he expected their prices were through the roof as well starting at the low end of seventy million and going up from there. Curious he began to browse the list and realised that some of the devil fruits didn't have prices next to them and noted they were all the ones that he knew characters had, and so weren't for sale.

'Interesting so if I kill a character with a devil fruit then will I be able to purchase it after they are dead…. I'll have to see about that' Gabriel thought to himself before deciding to see what else there was.

Going back to the skill menu he decided to take a look at the combat skills next and wasn't disappointed. The list that came up had nearly everything he could think of, from various weapon skills to anime combat styles and the prices seemed more reasonable starting from fifty thousand and going up.

'Not bad, some of these might prove useful, I'll take a look again later when I have more cash to spend' Gabriel thought to himself before closing up the store menu and opened the inventory menu to see what was different.

At first glance the inventory screen looked the same as before but looking at the top right of the screen he could see an icon all on its own with the kanji for "menu" on it.

Tapping it he was greeted with a second menu screen with new options for him.





The first two options were greyed out and Gabriel guessed he needed to have the craft skill unlocked before he could use them. Curious over the Auto-loot feature he tapped it and another screen came up.

System will automatically loot opponents upon defeat, weapons, money, and other items will be deposited into inventory when opponents are unconscious, system will not loot clothing

Do you wish to enable feature Y/N

Almost instantly Gabriel hit yes, that would be brilliant. It meant that he wouldn't have to waste time like before and loot his enemies, the system would do it for him.

With that Gabriel paused to think for a minute before shrugging his shoulders and jumped to the talent menu and unlocked the craft skill curious about the new features. As he did so another screen popped up.

Crafting skill unlocked.

Craft and Deconstruct options now available in inventory menu

Blueprints now available to buy from the system store, blueprints must be purchased before items can be crafted.

Crafting and deconstruction times will vary depending on crafting affinity.

Reading over the screen Gabriel already had some suspicions about what it all meant and jumped back to the inventory screen and selected the swords he had looted from the buggy pirates and selected the deconstruct option in the menu, when he did another screen popped up listing the swords one by one with a countdown timer showing how long each would take, right now it was four hours for each sword.

Thinking it over for a few seconds Gabriel removed all but three of the swords from the list and left them to be deconstructed as a test to see what exactly he got from deconstructing them.

With nothing else to do for now Gabriel thought about browsing the store some more but decided against it, he would have plenty of time to do so later and decided it was about time he went to find the others and began to make his way back towards the centre of town.

Feeling generous today so enjoy the second of a double update

PsyChotiX556creators' thoughts