
One piece: Survival

Mark was an ordinary student... till he wasn't. Mark woke up in a colosseum in dressrosa. How will he survive? Read ahead on patreòn.com/lightbringer

madtitan · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

Read ahead on my patreòn.com/stormlighter


An hour later, Mark found himself in the company of Viola.

A slender, light olive-skinned woman, her hair was pulled back and tied by a rose. She wore a long, sleeveless flamenco as she sat on her chair.

The two of them were seated in a room, opposite each other. Viola sat behind a slightly tall wooden table.

"Do you get the gist of it?" Viola spoke, reminding Mark.

Mark slumped back in his own chair and inwardly groaned. 'Why did I get her as my partner. Her ability's the worst match up for me.'

Mark took a deep and looked back at Viola, "We're paired up as a duo to complete missions? Is that it?"

"Yes, another reason for this pairing is so I can test your loyalty and value for our cause," She spoke promptly.

'Quite ironic coming from a person who's going to betray Doflamingo.'

"Yeah, I get the gist of it. It's pretty straightforward. So, when do we get started with our missions?" Mark asked Viola.

"You'll be called when there's a mission, till then do what you want to." She pointed to the door, suggesting to leave.


(Mark's POV)

I've got a job, although not my most preferable one. I mean working for some criminals doesn't sit well with me, but it'll do for now.

The only thing I need now is to learn Haki, although my system is pretty powerful, I doubt it'll help me learn Haki.

Though they really aren't a lot of people who know Haki on Dressrosa.

So who will it be?


No, he's too young as of now. I doubt he himself knows of Haki.

Then who?


I felt unsure about Chinjao especially after knowing his chaotic attitude. But other than him I doubt any one would be willing to teach me.

Guess that settles it.

I made my way back to my old home, the colosseum, also the place where I would Don Chinjao.


The man was seated in his room the size of a throne room, the walls were made of something other than stone, metal I assumed. His bed was one you would see in medieval movies, large and lush. He had a cup of booze in his hand as he drank it.

"Chinjao, I ask for a favour," I said, sounding as formal as possible.

He glared at me, firing up, he looked angry," Huh? What do you wabt brat? Don't waste my time," His voice resounded in the room.

I gulped," I need to grow stronger, and you're the only I know who's truly strong and can help me. Please help me learn Armament Haki." I once again spoke with no tone sounding of resentment or hate.

His eyes flared up as he got angry, picking up his booze barrel, he threw it on my direction. The barrel simply passed through because of my fruit.

This little incident as plain and obvious as it was, it was enough to drift the man away from his anger. He was truly like child, short attention span.

"Oh, you ate a logia fruit huh?" He mused, "Well, why should I help you, do I look like a charity to you?" He calmed down.

I thought of all the reason he should help me.. there were none, truly he didn't need to help. He didn't have a incentive."

A moment later I spoke, " I heard of your story. Treasure buried hundreds of meters underground that can only be accessed by your previous pointy head," he flared up by the sound of that," Seeing your head no longer pointy, I assume you've lost all your pride as well as the key to your treasure." Before he angered up further, I brought up my main point, "if you teach me Armament Haki, I promise you, I'll return the lost shape of your head."

The wrinkled disappeared from his face as well as his anger, "Boy, why would I trust your word? How do I know you will return my glory?"

I didn't have any guarantee, truly, I was relying on my canon knowledge and how luffy returned the shape of his head.

If Luffy could do it, so could I.

I glared at him straight into his eyes, my voice sounding as solemn as possible, "That, you'll have to take my word for it. I can't give you any guarantee, but I promise you, the shape of your head will return."

It wasn't a lie, If I didn't return the shape of his head, Luffy would, though 3 years later.

He smiled," Fine, you're a special one. I'll take your word for it. But do know this, if you don't keep your word, I'll beat you up." He said the last few words as casual as possible. He didn't lie.

I smiled, I did it, I can learn Armament Haki.

Out of my expectation, Chinjao got up," Come with me to the training grounds. Every moment is special and not to be taken for granted," The floor creaked at his every stepped, his white beard flailing around.

I followed him to the training ground where he would show me Armament Haki.

He closed his hand, making a fist and punched a pillar to the side of him," This is the power of a normal fist without any Haki attached to it," Even without haki, the pillare broke into many stone pieces and fell to the ground.

I was slightly shocked at that.

He made a fist again, "Now this is a fist that has haki attached to," he punched a 20 meters wide wall on the opposite side of the pillar, the entire concrete breaking into thousand pieces and shattering to the floor.

"The difference power is clear as day. Haki is especially useful against people like you, logia types. You can't touch them normally, but with Haki, things are entirely different. You cant punch them as much as you like," He smiled making a fist and smashing it against his other open hand.

"Now, its your turn to learn this power boy!"