
Chapter 166 Is This Dark Power?

There was a ferocious smile on his face, and his deep eyes were filled with a cold look.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

His body pierced Ayr's head, and countless jet-black brilliance shined out.

These brilliance turned into countless tiny tentacles and began to wrap around Ayr.

These tentacles were like strips of Lion Majesty, quickly wrapping around Ayr's head.


"How is this going?"

Adya made a shocked sound. He couldn't imagine that he failed?

It's not just him.

The entire pirate group members were stunned.

"Is this a dark force?"

"Is this the power of the Dark Fruit?"

Many pirates looked at Adea with wide eyes, disbelief on their faces.

"How can this be?"

"This is simply impossible!"

"He's just a little Marine!"

A young pirate began to shake his head in disbelief.

"It's impossible, but it does happen!"

"Yes, Ayr did do such a thing before!"

"He once beheaded an Admiral!"

"He also killed Four Emperors!"

When Adya heard these words, the expression on her face became even more ugly.

"This is impossible!"

Adiya looked at Ayr who was shrouded in darkness, and he roared: "I don't believe what you say!"

"I don't believe your nonsense!"

"Break it for me!"

Adiya's body rushed forward, and the endless black mist washed away towards the tentacles.

He clenched his fist and punched the black mist hard.


Adiya's fist smashed into the darkness, and violent explosions erupted in the darkness.

The dark tentacles let out a cry and collapsed one after another.

"Ayr, you haven't lost yet!"

A faint mocking smile appeared on the corner of Adya's mouth.


"go to hell!"

"Go to hell and repent!"

"Let those evil demons come!"

Adya's eyes turned scarlet.

He waved his right hand violently, and a black beam of light emerged from behind him.


A huge beam of energy blasted hard at Ayr.

Those dark energy beams turned into countless tentacles and wrapped around Ayr's head.


The dark energy beam slammed down hard, directly smashing the tentacles and blasting a hole in Ayr's head.

His body fell straight backward.


There was a loud noise.

The walls of the entire cabin collapsed.

Adiya's figure slowly emerged, and a bloody wound appeared on his chest.

His body fell slowly and fell into the sea water.


The sea water splashed up, and Adya's body climbed up from the sea water.

His clothes were full of holes, and his hair was messy and looked extremely embarrassed.

He exuded a cold aura.

"Ayr, I'm not willing to give in!"

A loud shout came from the bottom of the sea, followed by extremely thick tentacles emerging from the sea and grabbing Adiya.

"Damn it!"

"Another sneak attack!"

A look of irritation appeared on Adya's face.


Endless power of darkness suddenly erupted from his body. He stepped forward with his left foot and jumped forward, avoiding the tentacles extending from the seabed.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless tentacles protruded from the seabed and entangled themselves towards Ayr.

These dark tentacles are like pythons, winding towards Ayr crazily.

"Go to hell!"

Adiya's eyes were filled with anger, and he clenched his hands.


A dark disc flew out of his hand.

Circles and circles of black runes flowed out of the disc. These runes were like black stars, whizzing toward the front.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless black runes collided with those black tentacles.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Dark energy continues to erode those runes.

Those runes were corroded and had countless gaps, but their power was still unparalleled.


"What move is he doing? Why is he so powerful?"

When some pirates saw this scene, a look of disbelief appeared on their faces.

"This shouldn't be Adiya's move, this should be a special ability!"

"This ability is very weird. It can control the darkness and make those tentacles attack you!"

"It's really evil!"


When a group of pirates saw the moves Adiya performed, they all had extremely shocked looks on their faces.

"Die to me!"

"Dark energy swallows everything up for me!"

Aditya's eyes were extremely cold and she spoke word by word.

His face was covered with blood and looked extremely ferocious.


Dark energy surged out again, and those tentacles kept struggling to break away from the energy.

"Go to hell!"


Endless dark energy swept towards Ayr, like black dragons.

"not good!"

"We have to stop him!"

"Otherwise Ayr's head will be completely destroyed!"

A group of pirates rushed forward.


"Boom boom boom!"

The endless energy completely submerged Ayr's figure.


The waves rolled and black smoke billowed.

The pirates around them were stunned for a moment, not expecting that such a situation would happen.

They stared blankly at the black hole, with incredible looks in their eyes.

Ayr actually fell like this!


"How can this be?"

"How could that guy Ayr fall?"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The pirates roared in disbelief.

Such a life and death actually perished like this!

A group of pirates felt a chill in their hearts, as if they saw Shinigami walking towards them.

Their eyes were full of disbelief.

No matter what, they don't want to believe that their faith has just fallen away.

Of course Ayr will not die like this, because he is not dead.

His body floated, and traces of black energy continued to pour into his body.

He opened and repaired his injuries.

Soon his body returned to normal, as if he had just climbed out of the bottom of the sea.

The black energy was constantly integrated into his body.

His injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few minutes, Ayr's injuries disappeared.

"Damn bastard, you actually used this method to escape from my pursuit?"

"I will never forgive you, just wait for me!"

Ayr said through gritted teeth.

He rose from the depths of the ocean. .