
Chapter 8- Escape the Navy! The True Power of the Storm-Storm Fruit!

As we are escaping the island on the cloud, the navy is shootin everything they got at us. The cloud absorbs most of it, but some cannonballs hit the ship, and some stray bullets hit some of the crew members. I haven't seen the Navy Vice Admiral, or the Dragon, so I'm thinking they said that to scare off people. Once we got over the ships and above open sea, I drop us down into the water and we start to make our sea escape. I untie Joe so he could lend a hand with the ship. "YOU DUMBASS!!! Now you'll get everyone killed here! There's a Vice Admiral on those ships with a Dragon!!!", screams Joe. I roll my eyes and about to say something smartass, but then all of a sudden there is a major air-slash slices right beside the ship. We all look back and see the Vice Admiral..... and the Dragon. Another one comes flying by just barely missing us, and leaving a gap in the sea and slipting a giant rock into gint pieces. The crew is freaking out and shooting at them, which isn't working one bit. I'm trying to figure out how we can get out of this situation, then it comes to me. I jump to the rock cut into pieces, the crew freaks out even more and Joe looks at me and is thinking what the hell is he doing, he's going to get himself killed! I focus my devil fruit powers and spawn a giant cloud right above all the navy ships..... "CYCLONE!!"", I yell. And out from the clouds, a massive cyclone is formed and devours all three of the navys ships, and everyone on them. After a minute or two I stop the cyclone and clear the sky up and there were no ships left, there was no sign of anything at all.