
Chapter 3- Onward to Conomi Islands!

We've been sailing for about three days now and a couple pirate ships have crossed our path, but we make quick work of them and we loot them. On the fourth day the crew says we are close to the Conomi Islands. The crew tells its the closest island and we are running low on supplies and the ship is damaged from the battles, so I decide we will head there. That is where the Straw-Hat navigator Nami grew up at and where the Arlong Pirates set up home and called it Arlong Park. I'd like to find a fishman to see if the rumors are true on how strong they are. The crew seem a bit more relaxed after I came along. They are telling stories and singing sea shanties, like we are a plain fisherman boat. I know that there is a secret treasure hidden here but I cannot find it anywhere. It's getting late though, I should get some rest before we get to the island.