
Chapter 15- Cyborg Assault! Ray goes All Out!

Ray just saved my lift from the captain, but the fights not over. "Who are you?", askes the navy captain. "You mean you don't recognize me? Gee that hurts a little, its me, Ray".

"Ah, so you are the thief, just give us the stolen tech and we won't kill you, just take you alive".

"You see I can't do that, one of our crewmates fixed me up and told him to make me a weapon, so I am the tech, it's apart of me, plus some of his stuff".

"I see then we will just have to kill all of you, shoot him". The marine officers fire all of their guns at Ray and nothing they are bouncing off all over him amd no wounds, not even scratches, and wait did he say his crewmates? I guess he just joined the crew, that was easy, but I want to see how he fights first.

"HA! My body is made of—" TING!!! some of the marines tried to stab him in the back but hes made out of metal there too! He reminds me of franky, but doesn't have a weak pointat his back. "As i was saying, my entire body is made out of metal, more specifically titanium. Try all you want, you cant hurt me!" He points his hand at the navy captain in a form of a gun and says, "FINGER PISTOL!" The Captain braced himself for what he thought was one of the six powers, but he was wrong. BANG!! A bullet comes flying from his finger and hits the captain in the shoulder. "Damn, I need to work on my aim."

"What the hell was that?" Screamed the navy captain

"Like I said, I am the weapon and tech. Now, PALM CANNON!" He puts his han up flat and his palm opens up and fires a cannon ball, puts a giant hole in the ship. "Man I really need to work on my aim.."

" I think we all need to train ourselves." I said

"You got that right!" We turn around and see the rest of the crew coming towards us. Joe has a giabt grin on his face, I'm curious at wgat he has.

"So it's time to kick some navy ass I see." Lizard says as she puts on her guantlents.

"Good! I need to test my titanium swords! They say they are as strong as blacksteal and I have six!" Joes says.

"Alright! I got the perfect move for this moment! SMOKESCREEN!!" Ray opens his mouth and shoots smoke out and covers us so the marines can't see us, and it covers their area. " how'd he do that? Whats going on?? Where are they? Keep your guard up!!" Yell the marines. Ray states he wants the captain for revenge, i try to fight but lizard gets me out of the field and tells me to watch or she will kill me herself. I believe her so I sit there watch, pissed off. I watch as they personally kick each one of the marines ass easily. I want to help but i have no idea how to, all of a sudden I hear "to the cannons! That will get them!" And i see marines heading that way and i get an idea. "Ready?! AIM! Fi—", "Heavy lighting!! CRASH!!!! I created a cloud above the ship and completely destroyed the ship. I kept it there to strick down marines in the battlefield. "RAY!!!" Screamed the captain. Ray chuckles and says, "hey Captain! Check this out, ROCKET FEET!" Ray jumps im the air and fire comes out of his feet and flys striaght up! "Shave!" The navy captain flys up to attack Ray, but he chuckles again, "you can't move in the air, you don't knowoonwalk yet." The captain winces and goes in for the attack bt then Ray says, "Ultimate attack! Lazer eyes!" All of a sudden lazers shoot from Rays eyes and goes straight through the navy captains chest and he falls straight to the ground. The rest of the marines stare in shock and they all surrender. Ray is slowly getting closer to the ground with a big grin on his face laughing, "How was that Captain!"