
One Piece: Starting in Impel Down!

Traversing into the world of pirates, I became a prisoner in Impel Down. In the midst of despair, I activated a system. But seriously, what does the Naruto system have to do with the One Piece world? [Ding, Naruto character possession system interface successfully constructed. Now rewarding you with a beginner's gift package.] [Ding, beginner's gift package successfully opened. You obtained one card for Naruto character 'Might Guy,' along with 10 host possession usage times.] Upon seeing these system messages, Adrian finally revealed a slight smile! ... That night, Impel Down urgently notified the Marine Headquarters! "Please send someone over immediately for support. A prisoner confined on Level One is about to destroy the entire Impel Down!" ___________________ Read 12 Chapters Ahead on Patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy T/N- Another interesting novel I've found. I liked the beginning 30 chapters, very fun and interesting. Let's hope the story keeps it up. As for the translation, you can trust me. I do a decent job. Raw Link will be provided in the review section! Enjoy!

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Betting!

Continuing, Adrian slowly ascended the arena. As he stepped onto the platform, the surrounding guards erupted in cheers, clearly anticipating the upcoming duel.

"Ready to place your bets! Odds for 38 killing 55 within one minute are 1:1, within three minutes are 1:3, within five minutes are 1:5, and if it exceeds five minutes, it's 1:10." A guard immediately shouted to the others after Adrian took the stage.

Once he finished, the surrounding guards started placing their bets with the Beli they carried.

"I bet 1000 Beli on 38 killing 55 within one minute!"

"I bet 3000 Beli on 38 killing 55 within three minutes!"

"I bet 5000 Beli on 38 killing 55 after five minutes!"

"Excuse me, what are the odds for 55 killing 38?" A discordant voice suddenly cut through the air, leaving the audience in silence, turning their attention to Adrian.

At this moment, Adrian, wearing a smile, stood on the stage.

"Boy, are you tired of living?" The opposing prisoner, Number 38, immediately retorted, angered by Adrian's provocation.

"Why so confident? Just because you can kill me? Aren't we here to duel based on our abilities?" Adrian replied nonchalantly.

"Hmph, it seems you're quite confident. Even if I offer such odds, you probably don't have the money to bet! Haha!" The guard setting the odds sneered.

"That's a shame. I wanted to earn some money for fun after getting out of prison!" Adrian lamented.

"This guy is probably insane, saying he wants to leave here. It's so amusing! Number 55 is quite humorous!"

"Too bad, such a humorous prisoner is up against Number 38!"

The guards commented as Adrian stood with a smile.

"I can lend you money, how much do you need?" Suddenly, a deep voice echoed from the second floor.

Adrian looked up and saw Saldeath, wearing a smile, staring at him.

"It doesn't matter, I want to borrow as much as I can. Even if I lose, I'll just die!" Adrian replied with indifference.

"Good, how about 10,000 Beli on 55 killing 38?" Saldeath turned to the guards below.

"Yes, the odds for 55 killing 38 are 1:500." The guard responded.

"Alright, place 10,000 Beli for me!"

With Saldeath's bet, the crowd erupted in excitement. It was his first time placing a bet, and the manner in which he did so was mysterious.

"Hmph, kid, I'll tear you apart later!" Number 38 threatened Adrian.

Adrian didn't respond and opened the system backpack through his mind. He chose the character card for "Might Guy."

[Ding, the host successfully uses the 'Might Guy' character card, -1 time for possession.]

Suddenly, Adrian felt something entering his body. At the same time, various physical techniques possessed by Maitkay flashed through his mind.

Leaf Whirlwind, Leaf Strong Whirlwind, Body Flicker Technique, Dynamic Prelude, Eight Inner Gates... a series of physical techniques were recorded in Adrian's mind.

"Interesting!" Seeing the changes in his body, Adrian's mouth curled into a smile.

"Both of you, get ready. I now announce that today's life-and-death duel has officially begun!" A guard announced from below.


With a bell ringing, the duel on the stage officially started. Number 38 couldn't wait and rushed towards Adrian's direction.

However, Adrian remained calm, standing there, waiting.

"Go to hell!" Number 38 reached Adrian and threw a powerful punch towards his head.

At this moment, Adrian finally moved.

"Leaf Whirlwind!"

In an instant, Adrian used his leg with super-high speed, directly attacking Number 38's chin!

Just as Number 38's fist was about to touch Adrian's face, his right hand suddenly stopped in place.

Because at this moment, Adrian's right foot had fiercely kicked into Number 38's chin.


After a muffled sound, Number 38 was sent flying into the air and crashed heavily onto the arena.

At that moment, the scene fell into a deathly silence. Everyone stared in shock, as if what had just happened was unimaginable.

After falling, blood immediately flowed from Number 38's mouth, and his body showed no signs of response.

For the prison guards accustomed to life and death, they could tell that Number 38 had died from suffocation.

Even Saldeath on the second-floor viewing platform couldn't help but furrow his brows. Clearly, Adrian's move had exceeded his expectations.

This guy was considered the killer king of this level, but when facing Adrian, he couldn't even fight back.

In this case, Adrian might need to be reclassified. If his strength level were to be reassessed, he might be sent to the lower levels of the prison.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the enemy. You have gained 500 reputation points as a reward.]

Seeing that he had gained 500 reputation points for easily defeating a Level 1 prisoner, Adrian felt a surge of joy.

After all, he was initially concerned about the ease of gaining reputation points, given that even mediocre character cards required tens of thousands of points.

However, it seemed that accumulating reputation points was not as difficult as he had feared.

However, he was currently imprisoned in Impel Down, losing his freedom. So, his top priority was to find a way to leave!

"Kid, it looks like you've got some tricks. This time, even if you're lucky, someone, take him back to the cell in handcuffs and leg irons, and assign two Blue Gorillas to guard him separately!"

"Hey, Saldeath, did you forget something? You just said you'd lend me 10,000 Beli. Now, based on the odds, I should get five million Beli, right? Where's the money?"


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