
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 85

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 85

Close to Alabasta.

The ships in the Baroque Works room appeared.

"Hey, all those ships have the Baroque Works room logo!" Luffy shouted.

"The employees have begun to gather!! They may be hundreds of millions of messengers! The subordinates of the chief command organization…" Vivi explained.

"In this way, there are two hundred enemy troops…" Nami said.

"And they are the elite troops of the Baroque Works room, and they are not at the same level as the Bounty Hunter of Whiskey Mountain!!!" Vivi reminded.

Usopp yelled in a panic: "Take advantage of… while… while now… bombard them now!!"

Luffy stood up and said: "They used to fly them. Save trouble, no! Wait a minute!!! You should go to dinner first!!!"

Zoro walked out to say with a smile: "Idiot, don't care, those little knowledge!!!"


"Yes, I can cut them all down by myself!" Hood Hill branded the Sun Wheel knife said with a smile.

"If you get the target wrong, it will be over. We have only eight people." Sanji reminded.

"So I can blow them all alone!" Hood Hill said with a Sun Wheel knife.

"Hill, wait a minute! We have to go to dinner first!" Luffy said to Hood Hill.

the past few days Luffy He only ate fish at every meal, which made him unhappy.

"All in all, tie it tight. This time the opponent, there are too many mysteries." Zoro said as he sat on the ground and took out a bandage and tied it up on his wrist.

Others also began to wear bandages.

"Yes. As long as you have this, you won't doubt yourself." Nami and Vivi raised their arms and said.

Sanji asked suspiciously: "Is it really that like that? That…the ability to imitate fruits…"

"It's not a question of likeness at all. Simply is exactly the same. Ah, it's a pity, you should come out and take a look." Usopp said, "We were all dumbfounded."

"I'm not interested in shemales." Sanji shook the head responded.

"No, Usopp, now I can say that Sanji and I are safe. It should be that Mr. 2 has not remembered his face, so he cannot become the two of us. Of course, with Just in case, after entering Alabasta, we ran into Mr. 2 alone and used the ability. Sanji and I also used the left hand sign." Hood Hill said.

"If there is that kind of guy among the enemies…we can't just act alone!!" Zoro sighed said.

"Hey, what should I do instead?" Chopper asked, tilting his head.

"Do as much as you can, don't force yourself. If you can't defeat the enemy, run away!! Just do your best!!" Usopp raised his fist and said firmly.

"You said these things to yourself, right?" Sanji looked at Usopp and said silently.


"Do you want to do what I can…understand!!" Chopper nodded.

"Well, the ship doctor is not a combatant. I really don't need to force myself. I will leave it to Sanji and me this time!" Hood Hill walked to Sanji's side and said on the shoulder of patted Sanji.

"Well, I will definitely spare no effort." Sanji glanced at Hood Hill and said.

"No, Sanji, you have to understand that there are many things that only the two of us can do! After all, everyone else has been known by the enemy, and we have not yet been known by the enemy." Hood Hill said Raised his fist and looked at Sanji resolutely.

"It's true, but Hill, are you sure you haven't been spotted?" Sanji asked suspiciously.

"I was exercising in the house at the time and was not seen by Mr. 2!" Hood Hill nodded said very confidently.

"The inner port is getting closer and closer. Let's stop at the western entrance to the sea, we have to hide the ship." Vivi shouted.


Luffy shouted and greeted everyone to stand in the center of the ship.

Luffy, Hood Hill, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Vivi, Run Fast, Chopper.

Eight people and a duck formed a circle and raised their left arm.

"Okay! All in all, no matter what happens in the future, this one on the left hand…is the sign of a partner!"

"Then, go ashore!!!"

Luffy yelled: "moved towards the restaurant! And Alabasta."

"You got it wrong!" Nami moved towards Luffy shouted, "Luffy, this time The enemy is an assassination group. You can't be willful anymore, you know!"

"Hmm, I got it."

Vivi touched the bandage on his arm and smiled.


Alabasta Kingdom port city-rape blossoms.

There are many people outside a restaurant called Spicebean.

Smoker smoking a cigarette and wearing motorcycle glasses said: "That shop is very noisy…what happened?"

At this time, a Seaman ran over and panicked. Yelled: "It seems that the customer in the store has suddenly died. There is an incredible person in the city…something has happened, Captain Smokey!!"

In this restaurant.

At the table, Ace is holding a fork in his hand, and a piece of meat is inserted into the fork. Ace's entire face is lying on the plate, motionless.

The people in the store looked at Ace discuss spiritedly.

"It is said that he died suddenly while talking to the Boss."

"Everyone said that he was a traveler...it was probably during the trip...something went wrong. Desert strawberry."

"Desert strawberry?"

"It is a poisonous spider that looks like a strawberry! If you accidentally eat it, you will suddenly die in a few days. The body is here After a few hours, there will be touching viruses all over."

"So, everyone dare not approach him. In the desert, ignorance will kill you."

"Let's see. , His hand kept the posture of picking up the meat. It was so stiff…"

"The chief officer explains how terrifying the desert strawberry… is!!"

Just here, Ace suddenly sat up. "pu!! cough cough!!!"

People in the store were shocked and shouted: "Oh! I'm alive!!"

"en? Are you okay?" A resident walked over and looked at Ace and asked worriedly.

"en!" Ace picked up the man's clothes and wiped his face.


"Huh! What a mess! No way! I actually fell asleep…" Ace stared wide-eyed exclaimed in surprise.

"Fell asleep?!" Everyone shouted in shock, "This is impossible, how could he fall asleep while talking and eating? And he started to eat again!!!"


Ace looked at other people puzzled after eating and asked: "What are you arguing? Did you hire a burlesque troupe in your shop?"

"We are worried about you. !!!"

Boss looked at Ace and sighed in relief and said: "No…no…Forget it, you are fine."

pa! zzzzz

Ace fell asleep on the plate again.

"Hey, wake up!!" Boss and the people in the shop shouted frantically.