
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 82

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 82

"Zoro!" Hood Hill shouted, patting Zoro on the face.

"en! What are you doing!" Zoro opened his eyes and said angrily.

"Exercise! You guy, join me with the exercise equipment I asked for in Cocoyasi Village. In the end, I didn't watch you use it a few times. I'm going to Alabasta soon." Hood Hill said.

Zoro sat up. Indeed, the ship should be heading straight to Alabasta now. When it comes to Alabasta, there will be a fierce battle. It is indeed necessary to seize the time to exercise, at least to be able to cut the steel.

"Hill, how did you cut the steel?" Zoro asked.

"Ah, um, mine is a technique. I don't need a lot of strength. I just need to use the breathing method to cut the weak spot of steel." Hood Hill said and pulled out the Sun Wheel knife. Demonstrated it to Zoro.

Hood Hill easily divided a discussion into two.

"Breathe." Zoro nodded.

"The breathing method I said is a special breathing method that I use. With this breathing method, you can strengthen your physical fitness and see the weak spots of things. But this breathing method, You shouldn't be able to learn it, it's quite special." Hood Hill explained quickly, he was afraid that Zoro would accidentally be misled by himself and it would be no good.

Zoro smiled slightly said: "I don't need your breathing method, I will master it myself, the breathing of all things!"

Outside the house, Sanji is stealing food from the kitchen for whom The good nine people divided the dry food and looked for the prisoner.

In the end, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and running fast were all caught by Sanji, and fiercely's education was given.

"Hero? Crocodile is the hero of Alabasta?" Nami asked suspiciously.

"Oka Shichibukai is actually a legal Pirate recognized by the World Government. Shichibukai is fighting Pirate for money, and Marine is fighting Pirate for justice. It benefits the citizens the same, because the result is that they will attack the town. Pirate drove away ."

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "be that as it may, but the hero of Alabasta actually wants to usurp Alabasta. This is something you never dreamed of!"

Luffy stood up and waved his fist and shouted: "Anyway, you just need to get rid of Crocodile?"

Vivi smiled slightly and said: "Yes…First of all Putting down the riots, if you drive the Baroque Works room out of this country, Alabasta will be saved!"

Nothing raised his hands and asked in confusion, "But, what is the Baroque studio? What kind of system? Mr. for a while. Miss for a while."

"The system is actually very simple. First of all, Crocodile is the highest level…that is, Mr. 0. There are ten commanders who directly accept the order of Mr. 0. Two people and a ladyboy. Each of them has a code name of Mr plus a number, and they are paired with female commanders of their strengths. Among them, Mr. 13 and Miss. Friday have special status, and their characters are those who punish the people who failed the mission. After that, Those above Mr. 5 are called chief commanders. Almost all of them have the ability of Devil Fruit. They are only dispatched on very important tasks. Those below Mr. 5 are called executive commanders, and their job is to lead support in Grand Line's entrance mobile phone funds. This is the System of the secret criminal group Baroque Works." Vivi explained to everyone.

Hood Hill and Zoro heard Vivi talking about the Baroque Works room, and they walked out.

"Really? Then, just solve Crocodile!" Luffy said, waving his fist.

Sanji looked at Luffy speechlessly and said: "You won't understand."

"In other words, if they want to usurp Alabasta, they will definitely summon the commander in Alabasta. We come back. And we may have those commanders face-to-face!" Hood Hill concluded.

"Ah, yes." Vivi responded.

"Well, there should be no problem, as long as you beat them all up, right, Luffy!" Hood Hill said to Luffy with a smile.

"Yes, just hit the guy Crocodile in the air!" Luffy waved his fist to say with a smile.


The fifth day after leaving Drum Island. The weather is getting warmer slowly, which also proves that the ship is getting closer and closer to Alabasta Kingdom.

And everyone on the boat, as always…

Hood Hill and Zoro exercise together.

Luffy and Usopp are running fast and fishing.

"Luffy, Usopp, did you catch anything…Ah! Run fast!" Vivi just wanted to walk over and ask if Luffy and Usopp had caught anything, and then saw them both Individuals actually tied up to run fast and used as bait for fishing !

"I don't know if I can catch a shark."

"I think I can catch a Sea King."

"How can you treat running like this? Hurry up!!"

Vivi yelled angrily, and then fiercely hammered Luffy and Usopp a few times like Nami.

Luffy and Usopp were overthrown by Vivi…

"en? What sound?"

Vivi will run to the rescue and see the distance Smoke came out, and the anxious runway came to the room and shouted: "Nami, come and take a look!! Up ahead, there seems to be something!!"

Nami walked out of the room suspiciously and stood on the deck. Smiled slightly explained: "Ah, it's okay. It's just water vapor."

Chopper stood next to Nami and asked suspiciously: "Will there be water vapor in the sea?"

"Yes, it's a hot spot."

"What do you mean?"

"It refers to the place where there is magma, and there is a seabed volcano under that."

"Are there still volcanoes in seabed?"

"Yes, and there are more volcanoes in seabed than there are on land."

Luffy and Usopp who fished said unexpectedly : "What? I can't eat it."

Slowly, the Meri drove into the steam.

"Ah! Cough cough! I can't see anything."

"Ah, Usopp, I seem to have caught something!"

"I also feel when it's there, it looks like a big fish!"

Luffy and Usopp were joyful, looking forward to a big fish.

However, when the Meili sailed out of the steam zone, Luffy and Usopp took another look, and the two of them caught a person... a monster...

"Catch a ladyboy, Ahhh!!!" Luffy and Usopp yelled in panic.

"Ah, what happened to me? I hit...Ahhh!"

Xiao Feng looked at Luffy and Usopp in surprise, then let go of his hand and fell into the sea.

As an Ability User, he can't swim, Usopp had to jump down and rescue Xiao Feng.

The rescued Xiao Feng raised his palms and knelt on the deck and said: "Ah, it's… sorry!"