
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 67

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 67

Nami stretched out a small hand and smiled and said softly: "Then please."

When Nami agreed, Luffy ran to Nami's side and clapped his hands. Said: "No problem! Wrap it on me!!"

"Ah, it's terrible! The captain is not like the captain, and the crew is crazy." Vivi said silently, covering his forehead, "Nami, you Do you know your current physical condition? Does it really matter? It takes several hours on the road."

Nami did not respond to Vivi.

"Uncle, give me the meat!" Luffy said. Meat can be regarded as Luffy's healing medicine.

"Do you want meat?"

"Okay!! I'll go too!!" Sanji said.

"I will follow you too." Hood Hill also raised his hand and said.

Usopp walked to Luffy and reminded: "You remembered it to me, as long as you fall down once, Nami will die!"

Luffy responded in amazement: "Hey! You will die once?"

After finishing things, Hood Hill, Luffy and Sanji are ready to go.

"Wait a minute, don't move!" Vivi walked to Luffy's back and reinforced the rope with Nami, "must be tied tighter."

"I'm here Waiting for you here! Otherwise it will hold you back!" Vivi said.

"Me too." Usopp followed to live.

"Hey—I know! Nami, you have to hold on!" Sanji said to Nami.


"If you really want to go, I won't stop you. However, I think it is better for you to climb up from the other side of the mountain. "Dalton stretched out his thumb and pointed to the other side of the mountain and said, "From here, you may encounter Labang. They are a group of very cruel carnivorous rabbits. If you meet a large group, you will be dead!"

"Rabbit? But we are in a hurry! What about him! Right?"

"It's okay, if you dare to come, after reading a knife and a little bunny! Sanji looks back and hunts rabbit dishes !" Hood Hill said.

"Rabbit cooking? No problem!" Sanji responded.

"Then let's go! Must before Nami's death…" Luffy said and ran.

"Less crow's mouth!! You are so innocent!!" Sanji yelled angrily at Luffy.


Dalton looked at the three people leaving behind and asked worriedly: "They really do not matter?"

"Hmm Don't worry about their three people." Usopp knows how strong their Hood Hill, Luffy and Sanji their three people are.

"I'm afraid that Nami's physical strength can't keep up. I hope they can arrive safely." Vivi prayed.

"What's the matter? You guys go in too, it's cold outside." Dalton walked to the door and opened the door, only to see Vivi and Usopp staying in place looking at Hood Hill and Luffy And Sanji their three people in the far direction .

"No, I want to stay outside!"

"Me too!"

Vivi and Usopp responded.

Dalton looked at the two of them smiling slightly, after all, he would still worry about his companions.

"Really?" Dalton walked over and sat beside Vivi and Usopp, "Then, I will accompany you too.

"Once upon a time…I Let's start from the beginning! Of course there are doctors in this country. Later, the overwhelming majority of doctors disappeared…"

Dalton told Vivi and Usopp about the country's past. A few months ago, this The country was destroyed by a group of five-person Pirates. The captain's name was Blackbeard.


"It is getting colder and windy! ! "Luffy said.

"Ah~this snow~ is it~a bit thick~ serious~! It's ~ almost knees~. "Hood Hill said shiveringly.

"Wow! Hill, are you so afraid of the cold! "Luffy looked at Hood Hill in surprise and shouted.

"I~I~I didn't know it would be so cold! It must be twenty degrees below zero! Now…" Hood Hill felt like he was freezing.

This is not a physique problem. Hood Hill is simply afraid of the cold. Even if he develops his abdominal muscles, he will He's still afraid of the cold. After all, he's only wearing a cotton jacket now. It's okay when he was in a small town, but the closer to the mountain, the lower the temperature, the more Hood Hill can't stand it.

"Yes Ah, I feel a little bit cold too, so Luffy, aren't you cold barefoot? My feet hurt just by looking at it!" Sanji pointed to Luffy's feet and said.

"Breath of the Sun One Type Round Dance! "Hood Hill pulled out the Sun Wheel knife, and flames emerged from the blade.

"Ah! It's no use! The key to this flame is that I have to dance before the flame can come out. No warmth at all."

"In fact, if you move, it might be better, so don't care about the temperature of the flame."Sanji said to Hill.

Hood Hill listened to Sanji's words and started to use the Breath of the Sun style to move. After doing exercise, his body became warmer.

"Huh! do you know? People who have studied never sleep!" Luffy said to Sanji and Hood Hill.

"Ah! why?"Sanji asked puzzledly.

"They said they would die if they fell asleep. "Luffy replied.

"It's terrible not to be able to sleep, I wish I could sleep every day!" Hood Hill replied with a Sun Wheel knife.

And while their three people were chatting slowly, Rabang appeared and attacked their three people.

But their three people don't have time to pay attention to Labang. The most important thing now is to send Nami to the doctor.

"Nonsense! How could there be such a person!"

"Really, I've heard people say it before."

"Did Usopp say it?"

"No, I heard it in a bar in the village."

"I know that the person who eats the fruit without sleeping is Ability User without sleeping fruit, so that he has twice as much time to exercise than ordinary people!"

"How could there be such a fruit!"

"Think about it carefully, if you double the time for cultivation, it will indeed be much better than us! We usually cannot cultivation because of many things to do."

"What I said is true, not Devil Fruit Ability User."

"So, why is there a bed in the house called Dalton?""

"That's the way it is for big love, because he will use it when he dies…"

"Impossible is like that! Let me give you a piece of knowledge. Not everyone who has studied has smooth skin."


"Oh, I see, it's the female Pirate named Alvida, right? I remember she ate Slip-Slip Fruit and her skin was smooth."

"It's not Devil Fruit, why Hill, you are right to associate with Devil Fruit. The skin of the women in Snow Country is smooth because it is too cold. They have to rub their skins against each other so that their skins become very smooth . "

"These guys are so annoying! , Keep attacking us! "Sanji impatiently kicked a Rabang straight away.

"Huh, leave these guys to me, Luffy, Sanji! You take Nami and go to the mountain to find a doctor for treatment!"

Hood Hill stood up, raised the Sun Wheel knife and shouted at the group of Labang.