
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 50

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 50

"Ahhhh!!! It hurts, it hurts!!!"

Under Luffy's drag, Usopp and Sanji passed out.

When I arrived on the boat, Luffy looked at Usop and Sanji strangely and said, "Huh? These two are asleep again."

"We don't have time to find it!!" Nami was right. Shouted at Vivi.

"But I can't just leave it here…"

"You mean your duck, it ran away before Zoro and I got on the boat We are on the boat! Look!" Hood Hill stretched out his finger and pointed to the boat running fast while drinking the juice hanging from his neck.

"It turned out to be there!" Nami and Vivi both yelled silently.

Nami and Vivi boarded the boat, and Vivi suggested: "Drive the boat upstream!! There will be a tributary going up a little bit. From there, you can take more routes to reach!!!"

Set sail, set sail.

Luffy was standing on the second floor of the Meri, moved towards Vivi and asked: "Hey! How many people will come to chase soldiers?"

Vivi shook the head replied: "I don't know, There are a total of about 2,000 people in the Baroque Works room. I heard that in towns like Whiskey Hill… in the vicinity there are several more… about a hundred people will come ."

Hood Hill said with a smile: "If it's a strong chaser like Whiskey Mountain, don't worry, I can deal with it all alone."

"Hey, won't Crocodile come directly?" Luffy said unpleasantly.

"How could he take the shot himself! Even if you easily defeated Mr. 5 and Miss. Valentine, the two of them are the weakest among the chief commanders." Vivi panicked. Shouted.

"Well, it's useless to think that many, even if Crocodile unexpectedly chased him in person, all we can do is beat him, right!" Hood Hill looked the head, said with a faint smile.

"Yes, no matter how many people or what kind of people come now, I will beat them all!" Luffy laughed and said with a smile.

Vivi still wants to talk, wants to tell Luffy and Hood Hill, those people are not so easy to deal with.

No matter what Nami shook the head patted Vivi said on the shoulder: "Okay, don't worry, they promised to send you home, they will definitely do it."

At this time Sanji and Usopp woke up.

"Hey, why? Why are you in such a hurry to sail? Wait a minute, let's stay one more night! The man is a happy town, and the girl is also very cute!!"

"That's right! I don't know when to wait until we can have such a good memory again! Let's relax, aren't we Pirate? And it's not bright yet! Hey, are you listening? Let's go back. Come on! !!"

Zoro heard Usopp and Sanji a little annoyed, and said to Nami: "Hey, you can explain to them…"

"Um, good."

Then Nami knocked Usopp and Sanji out with two punches in the past.

"This explanation is really perfect!" Hood Hill laughed and said with a smile.

The Merrie is slowly about to sail out of Whiskey Hill.

At this moment,

"Please be careful when sailing, don't hit the rocks.

"Ah-can escape from the chaser It's great to come out!

"This boat is good."

Nico Robin did not know when he ran to the Meili and sat on the fence on the second floor, with Erlang's legs tilted, one Holding one cheek in his hand, said with a faint smile.


"Who are you?!"

Zoro immediately grabbed the hilt of the knife and became alert.

"I ran into Mr. 8 over there just now… Mr. Wednesday…" Robin looked at Vivi and said with a smile.

Vivi said in a cold sweat on his forehead in horror, "Could it be…you took Icarim…"

"I don't care about that, but why are you sitting on the boat outside?" Luffy shouted angrily moved towards Robin.

"Why are you here?! Miss·All Sunday!!" Vivi asked loudly.

Nami moved towards Vivi puzzled and asked: "Huh! What is this time? What number is she partner?"

"She is Mr.0's partner! Actually! Only she knows the real identity of Boss, so we followed her…and then we knew the identity of Boss!"

"Accurately...I asked you to follow me on purpose..."


"What? She's a good person." Luffy pouted.

"We have known for a long time!! We know the true identity of Boss, you told him?"

"What, it turned out to be a bad guy." Luffy pouted Said with his mouth open.

"What is your purpose?" Vivi moved towards Robin roared angrily.

"This...I think you are serious...I will help you involuntarily...

"Princess, do you think you can really fight Baroque Works as an enemy and save the kingdom? You are too stupid! laugh!"

Listening to Robin's smile, Vivi recalled Icarim who had just died for them. Angrily rushed to the top of his head, gritted his teeth and yelled: "Don't underestimate it." I! !

Zoro pulled out the knife, Nami took out the stick, and even Sanji and Usopp, who had just collapsed on the ground, stood up and raised their gun and slingshot to Robin on the second floor.

"Hey...you know it..."

"No…I feel…cute Miss·Wednesday…may be dangerous!"

Robin sighed said: "Don't take such dangerous things…How about facing me?""

After all, Usop and Sanji fell from the second floor unfathomable mystery.


"Oh oh oh!"

"Is Devil Fruit? ! What kind of ability…" Everyone panicked.

Because if you don't know the Devil Fruit ability of the other party, you don't know how to deal with her from the current performance.

At this time, Sanji stood up and took a look, and found that Robin turned out to be a big beauty! Direct eyes became a symbol of love.

"You are the son of a demon who was wanted by the World Government twenty years ago -Nico Robin! "Hood Hill yelled at Robin, pretending to be just thinking about it.

"hmph, well, even if you know who I am...what can you do?

"Don't worry, I haven't received any orders, so there's no reason to fight with you."

Speaking of Robin using his own ability, the Straw Hat on Luffy's head I took it in my hand and put it on my head.

"You are Captain Straw Hat, right? Monkey D. Luffy."

"Return the hat to me!! You want to fight, right!! I can take you When the enemy is up, come down and singles!!" Luffy snarled furiously.

"It's really unfortunate that you guys picked up a Princess who was chased by Baroque Works. Princess was also unfortunately protected by so many Pirates!! And the most unfortunate thing is that your record pointer points to The route…the place you want to reach in front is called...Little Garden. You don't need me to do terrifying, and you won't be able to return to Alabasta!!!"

"Impossible, idiot!!! Give me my hat, Soul pale!! Soul pale! You are... an idiot!"

"Are you a kid." Zoro said silently to Luffy.

Robin put Straw Hat back on Luffy's head with the ability, and at the same time handed a permanent record pointer to Vivi's hands.

"The pointer pointed to is the closest to Alabasta [Island of Nothing]. Our staff don't know this route, so there will be no chasing soldiers. What should I do…"

Vivi looked at the permanent record pointer and fell into deep thought. Now she has no idea what the woman is doing or what she wants to do.

Just when Vivi was hesitant, Luffy extended the hand snatched the permanent record pointer from Vivi's hand, and then crushed it and shouted: "This thing, it doesn't matter if it is there or not! This ship moves forward." You don 't need to decide on the direction of the future!!!"