
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 107

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 107

"Hey! Guys!!!" Luffy yelled, "I found it!! I found something great!! Look at it!!"

Luffy raised the map in his hand and shouted excitedly.

"Skypiea's map?!" Nami shouted in shock.

Then ran to Luffy and picked up the map and looked at it, "[Holy Land (SKYPIEA)]…Does Skypiea really exist?!"

After getting more information about Skypiea, everyone decided to dive to salvage the giant ship. See if you can find anything about Skypiea.

So the diving device built by Usopp was worn on the upper bodies of Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. As for Hood Hill, he has no interest in salvaging.

And Hood Hill plans to take advantage of this time to draw a prize.

The plot testimony of Alabasta, so that Hood Hill now has more than 700 testimony points.

In other words, this time will definitely be able to draw the limited golden legend!

Skypiea limited golden legend-a full set of Breath of the Sun.

A full set of Breath of the Sun! In other words, if he is drawn, he will be equivalent to eight golden legends? Is the blood earning good?

Hood Hill in the heart After calculating, the Skypiea will definitely get the remaining two hundred witness points. If you want to win, there will be no problem.

Actually, Hood Hill originally wanted to draw the limited golden legend of Alabasta—following Guoyuanyi's markings.

It's a pity that many testimonials are given to Hood Hill after the Alabasta article is over. This is exactly why this cheating system deliberately doesn't want you to smoke.

But from now until the end of the Skypiea chapter, the various small plots in the middle can also get a lot of witness points.

But Hood Hill still doesn't dare to bet too much. In case this time the cheating System sees that he is going to draw a limited golden legend, the result will not give testimony points, just wait for the Skypiea article If you give it After the story of Hood Hill is over, Hood Hill will lose out.

So here is the first two small draws to limit ten consecutive, and then when the guarantee is guaranteed, the remaining eight ten consecutive draws are fine.

If System does not give him witness points before the end of the Skypiea chapter, the remaining more than 500, plus the accumulated witness points in the Skypiea chapter, will definitely win the next chapter!

Ten in a row!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, golden ordinary-oxygen*5, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1. Oxygen*1 , Purple -buff card-five minutes of oxygen!"

"buff card-five minutes of oxygen:

"Introduction: Oxygen is an invisible basis for human survival, and it is also the breathing method. The most important raw material for users.

"Effect: Within five minutes, there will be sufficient oxygen around the host to breathe."

I lost it!

What does the system mean, even if it is oxygen, purple also comes with an oxygen buff card? What use do I want this thing for?

"Warning: Please do not doubt the system, the Skypiea limited lottery provided by this system is completely based on the special needs of the Skypiea prize pool."

What special needs , What can oxygen do! It is better for you to change to white water!

"…Fool…" System mumbled quietly.

System, what did you just say!

"Nothing. If the host insists on changing the prize pool, the System can also be replaced, but it will take a hundred witness points to refresh the prize pool."

…Forget it, I won't draw for now.

Hood Hill feels that the limited pool this time is a bit too cheating, so I won't smoke it for the time being.

And just when Hood Hill and System wrangled, Pirates of the ape had already appeared.

The orangutan only greeted at the squint moved towards Nami.

"Sanji orangutan?" Hood Hill said while looking at the orangutan.

"Hey, Hill, don't talk nonsense! Let's just smile and say hello!" Nami and Usopp angrily shouted at Hood Hill.

"Then you guys say hello. I'd better go back and exercise." Hood Hill waved his hand and returned to the room to exercise.

In the room, Robin is making coffee.

"It's noisy outside, is anyone coming?" Robin asked suspiciously.

"Yes. But the problem is not big, the other party should not be malicious." Hood Hill spread his hands and said.


"Are you true at the time? Want to know the truth about history?" Robin asked.

Hood Hill put down the dumbbells and waved his arms to replied: "Really."

"Why?" Robin asked puzzled.

"Then why do you want to know the truth of history? Because everyone in O'Hara wants to know? Or because you are a historian? Or why?" Hood Hill turned to look at Robin and asked.

Robin is lost in thought, why? She has never thought about this issue in depth, but Robin has always had an obsession in her heart, that is, she wants to know the 100-year history of the blank. It is because O' Hara's people studied it that it led to the destruction of O'Hara and her miserable life until now.

So she wanted to know what the World Government was afraid of and what it was that made the World Government launch an inhuman attack on their unarmed historians.

But is this the real answer?

Luo saw Robin not answering for a long time, Hood Hill smiled and said, "A friend once asked Luffy why he wanted to be Pirate King. Luffy replied, "There is no reason, I want to be a Pirate King." Yes, I have decided to be Pirate King! Even if I lose my life for it, I don't hesitate to do it.'. So for me, there is no special reason for wanting to know the truth of history, of course I don 't want to be like Like Luffy, he will not hesitate to lose his life in pursuit of the truth of history. After all, this is not my dream."

Robin looked at Hood Hill and felt in his heart. Before the destruction, Robin, like everyone in O'Hara, was only interested in history and wanted to study and understand history. There was no special reason. Maybe this is the real answer for her. The first dream, or life.

Robin smiled slightly and said: "Well, what is your dream Hill?"

Hood Hill was taken aback, what was his real dream, what he used to be...  

Just now, I have come to this World, what is my dream?

Hood Hill just smiled and responded falsely: "Dancer! The number one dancer in the world!"

At this moment, Nami, Usopp and Chopper appeared outside. Screaming.

"Let's go out and have a look." Hood Hill said.

Then Robin followed Hood Hill to the outside to check the situation.