
One piece: Snake Empress

Description: One piece belongs to Oda Eiichiro In one universe the dark king Rayleigh, managed to save the snake princess Boa Hancock from the clutches of Black beard. But in another, she wasn't that lucky. No it is better to say that she was not that strong. She died in the hands of Blackbeard. Darkness clouded her vision. But instead of afterlife, she found herself in the body of her eleven years old self. Now what she would do with her knowledge of what the future holds ? R-18 Blood and Gore The real Darkness of one piece Hancock x Luffy Available for the members of fanfiction phase1 in my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd

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The failure of the marines

The failure of the marines

"He is close, we might not be able to make it." Hancock said in a serious tone.

"What should we do ?" Silver was panicking inside. She has been informed about the vice admiral's devil fruit but she has never imagined that it would be this powerful.

The only reason they were safe was because of their hostage. If Akainu open fired at them, then they would be screwed.

But Akainu won't do that. That would put the world nobel's life at risk.

There initial plan was to escape The human auction House and change their costume with two thugs, leave a tied up world noble with them and then flee.

But because of the damn vice admiral, they couldn't even get a few minutes to finish their plan.

Hancock knew it well, that she was no match for the current Akainu.

"Let's run for now. We must reach groove 13 first, after that I will hold him for a couple of minutes while you complete our plan. After that you should head to Shakuyaku with them."

Silver locked at Hancock worriedly. But she didn't question her decision as she was the captain.

Hancock knew that the moment she stopped to intercept Akainu, he would stop holding back. But she has trained for this moment for a long time. So despite the odds, she chose to stay.

But not everything goes as planned. Akainu caught up with them in grove 11.

"Go ! We can't outrun him now !"


Akainu was chasing the clowns. They have already informed all the marines present in the archipelago. But still it was fraustrating for him that he was unable to catch them.

His chase continued from groove one to groove 11. On his way he had to deal with many pirates and outlaws. That delayed him even more.

And he decided to take out all those pending frustrations on the Clown when he finally caught them.

But again he was blocked by that clown.

It was really fraustrating for him that someone could block his magma punches without hurting himself. Even Zypher suffered some minor burn marks while facing his attacks.

But then he noticed it. None of his attacks were reaching the culprit. All of them were being blocked a few centimetres away from the clown's body.

Not to mention he also found the fighting style of his opponent very annoying. He was very directing or deflecting most of his powerful attacks while blocking a few of them. His opponent never counter attacked even when showed many openings.

But overall he was not unsatisfied with the result. They were surrounded by many marines. So there is a little chance of him escaping.

If not for his promotion in line, Akainu wouldn't have bothered to save the celestial dragon. But with that in mind, he needed to act fast.


Hancock frowned at the future she saw. She was inferior to Akainu in raw physical strength. But her own haki was far superior to his. Even with his Magu magu no mi, Akainu was unable to wound her because of her superior haki.

But with all the marines around them, Hancock knew that she won't be able to hold for long.

So she put all her will power to her conqueror's haki.

In an instant every single marine around them were knocked out foaming from their mouth. Akainu himself staggered back a few steps. But this time with the help of shear rage he was feeling, he was able to stay on his feet. Hancock took that moment to attack Akainu. This time using both emission and internal destruction she sent Akainu flying.


Dragon saw the fighting from distance. It was really spectacular. It give him the insight of how someone with the mastery of haki could best devil fruit users with ease. And then there was the conqueror's haki. It was far more superior than his own.

But this time, Dragon controlled his wind. And it threw Akainu's non elementalized body even farther away. This will be the only assistance he will give it to him. With an admiral already at groove 1, they might not be able to talk. But knowing her identity would be enough.

Dragon was one of the very few people who could hide themselves from observation haki. It was one of his own techniques.

So he decided to secretly follow the Clown. His goal was to know his identity. So he could contact him later.

As soon as the vice admiral was thrown away, The clown immediately rushed towards groove 13. On his way , he entered a narrow alley with a knocked out thug. Then she changed her costume and threw it away on him.

Dragon was not expecting to see a 13 years old girl.

But when he saw the dark king greeting her halfway in her journey, he understood that how a teenaged girl dared to attack the celestial dragons. Understanding that it was not in his league to interfere, Dragon silently left the place.


"Damn it all ! What do you mean by you are unable to find the true culprit !"

Sengoku frowned. An admiral and an would be admiral was unable to find a single person.

"What can I say, they are planning was really genius. Not mention they were strong enough to deal with Akainu. Although saint rosewood was rescued without an injury, but we found two ordinary thugs in the clown costumes. Not stomach and there were not any visual denden mushi where they changed their costumes.

If you are worried about answering the five elders then you can just throw these two thugs under the ship. Although, they didn't commit the crime, they were not innocent. So you can do as you please." Zypher said munching some cookies.

"*sigh* What other choice do I have ?

Kill those two thugs. Let Akainu do it with his Magma powers. I will told the five elders that the culprits were been dealt with. Due to prioritising the safty of the world nobels, Akainu had to kill them on the spot." Sengoku told from the other side.

"Regardless it was a failure. Someone of that calibre is definitely a problem. Which this we would miss the chance of announcing about the on their head. But to save the face of the marines, it is a small price to pay." Zypher said solemnly.



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Uzumaki Naruko

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Reborn as a useless girl

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You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.

Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
