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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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323 Chs


"Hurry up, you guys go faster."

On the Marine warship, Sengoku was very anxious.

Garp on one side was also a little flustered.

They did not expect that Lee Eun not only escaped, but ran to the Marine base and attacked.

You know, Lieutenant General Crane is their comrade-in-arms.

The kind that is very intimate.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Lee Eun to be so smart, he actually avoided our pursuit and broke into the Marine base."

Garp was furious, gritted his teeth.

"Report...Senshi Admiral, Lieutenant General Garp, in half an hour, we will be able to reach the Marine base."

half an hour.

In fact, it is not very long, but for Garp and Sengoku, the time is so long.


Another Marine ran over, his face was not very good.

Garp and Sengoku saw the expression of this Marine's face, and they felt a sense of anxiety in their hearts.

"Say, what happened to Marine Base?"

The two of them were afraid to hear that the Marine base was breached by Lee Eun.

All Marines were killed.

"Report Immortal Admiral, Marine base was defeated and Lieutenant General Crane was captured."


Both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was only caught, not killed.

At least there is a certain chance to recover.

"Go back quickly."

Sengoku was very angry and couldn't help shouting.

Nearby Marine was taken aback, all lowered their heads and kept silent.

This time, even Garp didn't dare to eat.

About half an hour later, Sengoku and others returned to the Marine base.

At a glance, the outermost walls and gates all collapsed.

Many Marines are packing things up.

There is also a part of Marine, standing next to the collapsed gate, silently not speaking.

Sengoku felt very uncomfortable.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"Xianshi Admiral, just tonight, the Black Dragon Pirate Group suddenly attacked. Lieutenant General Crane is not an opponent and was accidentally caught."

A Marine general said plainly.

"Damn it, Lee Eun, bastard, I must catch him and rescue Ahe."

Garp turned angrily, ready to leave.

But before he could leave, he was stopped by Sengoku.

"Save... how do you save Ahe, do you know where she is now?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Garp stopped subconsciously.

In this vast sea and dark night, it is too difficult to find a pirate.

"Damn it, why did Lee Eun catch Ahe?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth.

Next to him, a Marine suddenly thought of something.

"Senshi Admiral, I remembered that when Lee Eun caught Lieutenant General Crane, he seemed to have said that someone was going to catch her."

In fact, this is not a person.

Lee Eun is talking about systems.

It's just that these Marines all thought it was someone.

Sengoku frowned slightly.

"Someone wants to catch Ahe, then who is that person?"

Don't talk about Sengoku, Garp is confused.

Although Lee Eun hasn't reached the step of Locks, he is also a famous big thief anyway.

Who on earth can order Lee Eun.

Garp lowered his head in thought for a moment.

"Lee Eun used to be at Rocks Pirate, but the relationship with those people doesn't seem to be very good. It shouldn't be those people."

Sengoku also nodded slightly.

"Indeed, those people are not qualified to order Lee Eun, only Whitebeard. Lee Eun has a good relationship.

But the character of the Whitebeard guy doesn't seem to be such a picker, so he shouldn't do it either. "

The two felt a headache.

Who is this mastermind behind the scenes?

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Sengoku's mind.

"By the way, I remembered that when we passed by, Lee Eun had already retreated.

It shows that someone knows our information, but the Black Dragon Pirate Group, but just formed, doesn't have that strength at all. "

Although Garp usually seems to have a very low IQ, he is not really an idiot, and he understands it all at once.

"What you mean is that someone used this news to tell Lee Eun and let Lee Eun catch Lieutenant General Crane. Isn't that true?

"Yes, that's it."

The faces of the two men sank slightly.

They felt a deep malice enveloping them.

In the depths of this world, there should be a very dark power hidden.

Fortunately, Lee Eun didn't know what they thought, otherwise they would laugh out loud.

He obviously just said something casually, which caused both Sengoku and Garp to be worried.

"Okay, don't worry about this problem. We still need to figure out how to rescue Ahe. We will discuss other things later."

Garp interrupted his thoughts first.

Sengoku also reacted at this time, and it seemed to be the case.

How to save Lieutenant General Crane is important.

"We must save Lieutenant General Crane, but now, we don't know where Lee Eun is, so we must not attack rashly.

You can first contact the nearby Marine forces, and then see if the World government franchise countries can find Lee Eun. "

Sengoku deserves to be called a wise general.

That's pretty smart.

It is clear that in the vast ocean, it is impossible to go out and search casually.

Must have the most accurate information.

"I know, I will notify Brother Kong now, and contact the World government by the way. Their intelligence agencies are more extensive."

Garp didn't mess around this time either.

Even if you are a little worried, you know when you should do something.

Naval Headquarters, Marshal Sora turned black when he heard the news from Sengoku.

The expedition that was originally hoped in was unsuccessful.

That's all, anyway, Marine has failed so many times, and it's okay to fail again.

But even Lieutenant General Crane was caught.

This made him feel a headache.

"Sengoku and Garp are also true. There was such a big mistake, and Ahe was taken away.

Forget it, it's useless to say this now. I still find a way to contact the World government and ask their intelligence agencies to help. "

Marshal Kong knew very well that the intelligence agency of the World government was very accurate.

All over the world.

To find the Lee Eun Pirate Group, although their Marine intelligence agency can also do it, the World government is faster.

Soon, Marshal Kong contacted the World government.

The people in the world government were also very speechless, but didn't say much, and had to let the intelligence agencies help with the investigation.

And all of this, Lee Eun didn't know.

At this moment, he is lying on the sun lounger, enjoying the cold sea breeze.

As for Lieutenant General He, Meisou stared at him, his eyes full of anger.

This look can't wait to eat him. *