
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


"Yoo~ how can you gang up on my family like that ?" Arthur said in cool tone, while subtle red aura was oozing out of him, pressurizing the marines. Momentarily whole battlefield had gone quiet.

"who-who are you?" Some marine extra spoke in trembling voice because of Arthurs terrifying aura.

" I am Arthur, ROCKS D. ARTHUR. Captain of ROCKS PIRATES." Arthur spoke in proud tone.

" Master when did we name our pirate crew" Kas asked confused.

" Now.." Arthur answered nonchalantly.

"Ehhh!!" kas exclaimed.

"He is a pirate FIRE!!!." Every single marine fired at Arthur but he stood there unfazed by the incoming hail of bullets. Everyone expected to see a body filled with bullet holes but next scene made their whole world turn upside down. Arthur was cutting bullets with inhuman speed. They can only see red and black flashes of his sword.

After cutting hundreds of bullets Arthur smirked. "My turn~" and he vanished from his spot in a flash. He appeared in front of the closest marine and cut him in two, He vanished again to bisect the next marine. He was slaying marines left and right like they were cabbages.


"Sa-save me..."


Only screams of the marines can be heard from the battlefield. They were fleeing for their lives without even thinking about their dead comrades. They were even regretting coming to this island. After a few minutes whole battlefield had gone silent. There were only scattered corpses and littered body parts in the battlefield. And amidst the bloodbath stood Arthur with his hair swaying in the gentle wind and kas dripping blood drop by drop. The scene was bloody mesmerizing.

"Lets go." Robin was broken from her trance. without even giving her a chance to speak Arthur started pulling her towards North docks.

"Why are you helping me?" Robin asked in a calm tone.

Arthur looked at her for a moment. "Because you are a family." Robin looked stunned for a moment after hearing that.

"Family huh... But I don't remember agreeing to become your family. " Robin said.

"If I said you are a family then you are a family." Arthur said stubbornly.

"Okay little art." Robin chuckled.

"I am not little." Arthur said in slight anger.

"Master introduce me as well" kas said. Eager to meet her new crewmate.

"Oh sorry, I will introduce you now. Robin meet kas and kas meet robin our new family member." Arthur showed kas to robin.

"Hi robin nice to meet you." robin was bewildered suddenly hearing a voice in her head. But she collected herself quickly.

"How can you speak like that?" Robin asked in genuine curiosity.

"That's because I am a sentient sword." kas answered.

"I never heard of that type of sword." Robin said confused.

"Of course you have never heard of it. because I am special and unique." kas said while waving side by side in arrogant manner.

"Can I hold you?" Robin completely ignored her narcissism.

"Sorry.. only master can lift me." kas said.

"Wow I didn't know about that....but she can touch while I am holding you right." Robin instantly perked up and started closely observing the sword.

After a while they finally arrived at the docks.

"We are finally here." Arthur said.

"Hey old man is my ship ready..?" Arthur asked the shipwright.

"yes yes its ready, follow me" The old shipwright brought them to the magnificent red and black ship. It had black sails with red jolly roger printed on it. its Pirate flag was proudly fluttering with the wind as if daring anyone to challenge it.

"Its beautiful." After seeing the magnificent ship Robin commented.

"I know.. lets see the inside" Arthur said and jumped on the deck, ship had one captains cabin, under the captains cabin were women's bedrooms. under the mast were kitchen and men's rooms. Under it was a storage. Ship also had many empty room which can be use accordingly.

"You have done a good job old man this is your payment and little extra... and take care" Arthur threw the money towards the old shipwright.

"Take care of the ship young man and good luck in your journey." Arthur just waved at him without looking back.

"let the adventure begin set sail." Arthur ordered, while standing on the sun. his Captains coat was fluttering behind him.


"purupurupuru purupurupuru 'Kacha' marine captain TT speaking....WHAAAT! what do you mean you lost her...how can you let her flee YOU DIMWITS." Captain TT yelled in frustration.

"Bu-but Sir she had a helper. he killed more than half of marine ext...ahem soldiers in an instant. how can we fight someone like that." Marine soldier reported.

"What do you mean?" captain TT instantly became serious.

"I-I think she joined some pirate crew. what was the name again...ahh!! right, Rocks pirates and captains name was ROCKS D. ARTHUR." Marine soldier exclaimed.

"Tell me everything." Captain TT said seriously.

While marines were panicking, rocks pirates were taking a sunbath on the deck.

"Master I spotted an island...but my intuition is telling me that something is not right there. what should we do?" kas asked.

Arthur stood up from his beach chair and robin soon followed after. He looked at the island for a while, " lets go, we are going to the island, we also don't have enough supplies for our journey." Arthur finally said.

It didn't take long to arrive at the islands port. Arthur and robin jumped out from the ship.

"Its too quite..." Robin muttered.

"Hmm... stay alert." Arthur instructed after noticing the odd atmosphere of the island.

They slowly started to walk forward in the hope of finding a village to resupply their ship. After exploring the island for a while, they finally noticed the village in the distance. When Arthur finally arrived at the village entrance instead of seeing the bustling village, he only saw empty streets, broken houses and scattered corpses, further he advanced towards the center of the village more destruction and blood he saw there were bodies everywhere, and among those bodies sat a little girl with empty eyes looking at the old man's body in front. Looking at that girl he became melancholy and sad.

He slowly advanced towards the girl as to not startle her. He slowly kneeled beside her and started to pat her head gently without saying anything. that Girl slowly came to her senses and just stared at him with unreadable expression. Arthur just looked at her with gentle gaze as if saying ' I understand your loss, I understand your pain, Its alright you can cry now.' slowly her expression melted and tears started to flow down her cheek. She slowly crawled into Arthur's embrace and started weeping. he just sat there patting her head,

He just wanted to be there for her, because there was no one beside him when he needed someone the most, that time he truly felt alone... But due his grandmas last words he could pick himself up again...

Arthur noticed that the little girl had fallen asleep. he slowly stood up with the little girl still in his arms, he started walking toward sunshine.

"lets go to the ship." Arthur said to robin. robin just followed him silently.